

Learn how companies can create actionable insight from VOC feedback, Watch Today

WEBINAR: Listening Is No Longer Enough:
Customers are providing feedback to all parts of the organization.
The time is now to link that insight and take action-or risk losing customers to competitors.

On-Demand Webinar, Watch Today!

More and more, customers are sharing compliments, complaints, and ideas with multiple departments across an organization. Consequently, an increasing number of organizations are moving from annual and transactional surveys to using voice of the customer (VOC) in real time across the enterprise, from product marketing to sales to R&D. What's more, these companies are combining that data to get deep insight into customers' needs, preferences, and expectations.

Unfortunately, these savvy businesses are the exception. Most firms today collect customer feedback then do little more than create reports. Rarely do most companies take action on the VOC insight they've gathered. In the eyes of the customer, however, collecting and not using their feedback is worse than not asking for it at all.

In this webinar, we discuss how companies can create actionable insight from VOC feedback, make that information available to employees at all levels, and take action in an effective and profitable manner. Attendees will gain valuable insight into transforming VOC from a set of surveys to a strategic imperative. Find out more...

What viewers will learn:
  • Create urgency: This will happen when employees at all levels think of VOC as a strategic initiative.
  • Take action: Make VOC information actionable to employees at all levels.
  • Be strategic: Prioritize and take action based on the key drivers of satisfaction or dissatisfaction.
  • Reap the rewards: Ultimately, taking action leads to innumerable benefits, including product and process improvements, increases in customer satisfaction, and lower costs.

Presented By:
Jodi Koskella
Enterprise Product Marketing, MarketTools, Inc.

Jodi Koskella manages the Enterprise Product Marketing for MarketTools CustomerSat offering, she is responsible for strategy and communications around Enterprise Feedback Management. She brings to MarketTools 15 years of B2B software marketing and consulting expertise with a background in retail, web analytics and data warehousing.

Elena Caudle Hutchison
Research Consultant MarketTools CustomerSat

Elena Hutchison is an experienced market research practitioner with nearly 10 years of experience designing, administering, and analyzing qualitative and quantitative research. Elena's extensive background in statistical analysis informs her design of accurate and reliable sampling plans, while her years of experience as a research consultant have honed her ability to write survey questionnaires that yield authentic and actionable results. Her work has assisted clients ranging from Fortune 500 companies and trade associations to foreign governments and elected officials in better understanding the attitudes and loyalty of their target audiences.

As part of the MarketTools CustomerSat team, Elena partners with her clients to assist them with every step of the research process-lending her expertise on sampling, questionnaire design, and analytics. Elena has advised clients in Software, Retail, Finance, Consumer Products, and Transportation, among other verticals.

Before joining CustomerSat, Elena served as a Senior Research Analyst for the Consumer Electronics Association (CEA) where she designed and managed a 360-degree B-to-B customer satisfaction research program surrounding the 2007 International CES, the world's largest consumer technology tradeshow.

In addition to her significant experience in the B-to-B field, Elena spent the first several years of her career conducting primarily B-to-C studies, first at The Polling Company, a Washington, DC public opinion research firm, and later for Qorvis Communications, the largest privately-owned public affairs group in DC.

Elena holds a B.A. in Psychology and Government from Claremont McKenna College and has completed graduate-level coursework in Survey Methodology at the University of Maryland.



Stefania Viscus
Assignment Desk Editor, TMCnet

Stefania Viscusi is an assignment editor for TMCnet, covering voice and Voice over IP technologies. She also oversees production of TMCnet's e-Newsletters in the areas of Customer Interaction Solutions, Internet telephony and speech technology. To read more of Stefania's articles, please visit her columnist page.

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