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Tasty, Tasty Skull Truffles

tasty-tasty-skull-trufflesArtist Marc Brownlow won first place in the food category of our Halloween contest last year for his gorgeously gourmet Skull Truffles.

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All Hallows' Eve, a new Weekend Project, and a "Killer" Challenge…

make-hallowseve-promo_fThis is the quick, simple project that will take your haunted home to the next level, freak out the neighbor kid, and might even win you a cool prize!

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Toolsday HOA on Google+, 2pm PT/5pm ET

tooldaygoogleJoin us at 2pm PST/5pm EST to talk about your favorite tools and workspaces. Today we'll be talking about shop organizing technology: toolboxes, organizing bins, etc.

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Tool Review: Festool Sortainer

Festool "Sortainers"When I built my first circuit, all of my tools and supplies fit inside a small shoebox. When I built my first robot, all was contained in a small under-the-bed clothing tote. Now, more than 12 years and many projects, tools, and parts later, my storage needs have become so much more complex.

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MAKE Asks: Finished Projects

MakeAsksMAKE Asks: is a weekly column where we ask you, our readers, for responses to maker-related questions. We hope the column sparks interesting conversation and is a way for us to get to know more about each other.

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Plywood and Zip-Tie Shelving

13_t21v1nwJ1 Studios' plywood and zip-tie shelving looks great and can be expanded to fit any wall.

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New in the Maker Shed – ELEV-8 Quadcopter Kit

Quadcopter_test-02The Maker Shed now has the ELEV-8 Quadcopter kit by Parallax! This kit takes a little skill to put together, but it's a fantastically fun build and even more fun to fly.

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"Secrets of a Hackerspace" on Reuters

Screen shot 2012-10-30 at 8.36.09 AMA reporter from Reuters visits a hackerspace and learns about the scene.

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Lego iPad Stand

686254_origJason Devine of Ireland wrote in with another project by his two sons, ages 11 and 9. Last time they built a clenching Lego hand. This time, Jason challenged his kids to make an iPad stand with as few bricks as possible. Check out the boys’ website for more projects. [...]

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