

| 12.20.12 | Year in Review 2012: Enterprises take a trip to SIP trunking

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December 20, 2012
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Tuesday, January 22nd, 11:00 am EST/ 8:00 am PST

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Today's Top Stories
1. Year in Review 2012: Enterprises take a trip to SIP trunking
2. Year in Review 2012: UC heads to the cloud
3. Year in Review 2012: Enterprises on the move
4. Year in Review 2012: Windows 8 in the enterprise?
5. Year in Review 2012: 'Internet of Everything' and big data

Editor's Corner: Year in Review 2012: The stories that characterized the enterprise communications industry

Also Noted: Spotlight On... Spotlight: FierceIPTV takes a look back at 2012
Cbeyond launches TotalCloud; Can your Cisco VoIP phone spy on you? and much more...

Industry Voices:
Breaking out the business case for software defined networking
By Michael Kennedy

Though much has been said and written about SDN (software defined networking), little has been said about its business case. We know at a high level that the service provider board members of the Open Networking Foundation including Deutsche Telekom, Facebook, Google, and Verizon view SDN as a means to reduce their costs and increase service delivery velocity. A more detailed view of the SDN business case can be developed by digging into the cost structures of these large service providers. Read more

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Editor's Corner

Year in Review 2012: The stories that characterized the enterprise communications industry

By Fred Donovan Comment | Forward | Twitter | Facebook | LinkedIn

As we say farewell to 2012, a year that was a time of transition for the enterprise communications market, we want to take a look back on some of the major story lines of the past year.

We have chosen in this Year in Review issue to focus on five major subjects that were part of the enterprise communications industry's transformation from voice focused legacy networks to unified communications (UC) focused IP-based networks:

  • Enterprises take a SIP trip: In 2012, more and more enterprises moved away from legacy networks and toward SIP trunking, which offers them reduced costs, improved productivity, centralization of lines, rapid disaster recovery and a resilient UC platform. However, an ongoing challenge for enterprises is how to capture the benefits of SIP trunking while overcoming obstacles, not the least of which is compatibility with legacy systems.
  • UC moves to the cloud: 2012 was the year when leading vendors finally emerged in the Unified Communications as a Service (UCaaS) market, according to Gartner's assessment. UCaaS provides the same functions as premise-based UC, including voice services, email, messaging, instant messaging and presence, audio and video conferencing, mobile client and contact center functions. UCaaS is part of a broader movement by enterprises to adopt cloud-based products and services. As larger enterprises become more comfortable with UCaaS, its use will expand rapidly in 2013 and beyond... Check out the other trends here

     Read more

FierceLive! Webinars

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> Research: Software: Global Industry Guide
> Research: Enterprise Applications Market Forecast in the US to 2014
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Today's Top News

1. Year in Review 2012: Enterprises take a trip to SIP trunking

By Fred Donovan Comment | Forward | Twitter | Facebook | LinkedIn

The news: More and more companies are migrating to SIP trunking services. In fact, one-third of 300 enterprises surveyed by Webtorials have deployed SIP trunking, with an average cost savings of 33 percent.

What developments have fueled this migration to SIP trunking services?

Reduced cost and improved productivity are certainly among the leading reasons for the move to SIP trunking. According to Webtorials estimates, SIP-based unified communications (UC) infrastructure could reclaim 23 percent of the productivity lost on inefficient communications in large enterprises.

In addition to reduced costs and improved productivity, SIP trunking offers enterprises benefits such as centralization of lines, rapid disaster recovery and a resilient unified communications platform. However, there are a number of challenges, not the least of which are compatibility with legacy systems and security concerns.

SIP trunking providers include Acme Packets (NASDAQ: APKT), Avaya, Edgewater Networks, IntelePeer, Sonus Networks (NASDAQ: SONS) and Windstream (Nasdaq: WIN).

Windstream took the top spot in the 2012 North American VoIP access and SIP trunking market with more than 22 percent of the market share, according to analysis by Frost & Sullivan.

IntelePeer has been one of the fastest growing tech firms in North America, according to a report by accounting firm Deloitte. The company has seen its revenues increase 427 percent over the last seven years.

Driving SIP migration is the "move to an IP environment--both wired and wireless," said Michael Finneran, principal at dBrn Associates, in a FierceEnterpriseCommunications feature article. "Now, we are seeing SIP trunking on the wired front. But with the move to LTE, the whole idea is to have an all wireless IP network, referred to as the enhanced packet core."

Finneran added, "In some cases, the operators will push their voice traffic over an MPLS [multi-protocol label switching] where you can guarantee quality of service. But for a number of them, their value claim is you can start up a trial right now if you have any spare Internet capacity."

Another push driving SIP trunking is the overall move to unified communications. "SIP provides you the signaling tools you need to establish the wide variety of connections you are going to need in the UC environment. It is the right solution at the right time," he said.

Of course, as with any developing product, there are complications as well. In a survey of 400 enterprises conducted by the SIP School, companies identified a number of problems with SIP trunking providers, including codec mismatch, one-way audio, trunks dropping intermittently and poor quality from delay, jitter and packet loss.

Problems with the edge devices include SIP registration failure, quality of service issues due to misconfiguration and firmware updates required to fix issues. For the PBX, the top problems are PBX firmware upgrades needed to fix issues, codec issues, SIP trunks dropping and SIP registration failures to the ITSP.

Interoperability is a challenge the SIP Forum is tackling head on. The forum was formed by IP communications companies to advance the adoption and interoperability of IP communications products and services based on SIP. This year it established the SIPconnect-Interoperability Certification Task Group to develop appropriate test plans and conformance tools for SIPconnect 1.1, to identify interoperability challenges and to develop a process for resolving industry disputes.

In addition the forum this year launched the IPv6 task group to address deployment and interoperability issues that the IT industry faces in migrating to SIP over IPv6.

Why this is significant: SIP trunking will be part of the increasing transition of enterprises to an all IP environment. This migration will continue to accelerate because of cost, productivity and flexibility benefits.

2. Year in Review 2012: UC heads to the cloud

By Fred Donovan Comment | Forward | Twitter | Facebook | LinkedIn

The news: This was the year when leading vendors finally emerged in the cloud-based unified communications market, also known as Unified Communications as a Service (UCaaS) or hosted UC, according to Gartner's assessment.

UCaaS provides the same functions as premise-based UC, including voice services, email, messaging, instant messaging and presence, audio and video conferencing, mobile client and contact center functions.

Demand for instant messaging is fueling the expansion of the UCaaS market, according to Bill Haskins, senior analyst at Wainhouse Research. Instant messaging is now used by 82 percent of enterprises, according to Wainhouse data.

The UCaaS market is a new battleground pitting smaller VoIP-turned-UCaaS providers such as ShoreTel (Nasdaq: SHOR) and 8x8 (Nasdaq: EGHT) against IT behemoths like Microsoft (Nasdaq: MSFT) and Cisco (Nasdaq: CSCO) as well as larger carriers such as Verizon (NYSE: VZ) and AT&T (NYSE: T).

For the first time, Gartner's 2012 Magic Quadrant report named UCaaS market leaders--ShoreTel, 8x8, Thinking Phone Networks and West. The challengers included Microsoft, Google (Nasdaq: GOOG), CSC (NYSE: CSC) and Azaleos.

ShoreTel gained access to the UCaaS market through its acquisition of M5 Networks earlier this year for $168 million. Thinking Phone recently secured $16.5 million VC funding from an investment group led by Advanced Technology Ventures (ATV) and Bessemer Venture Partners.

The UCaaS market is expected to be worth $1.9 billion this year, up 15.8 percent over the previous year, according to Frost & Sullivan research. The market is "very dynamic and vibrant" in the hosted and managed business applications industry, although there are "varying levels of maturity" depending on the applications and the geography, the research firm noted.

UCaaS is an attractive option for small and medium-sized businesses because it does not require investment in equipment, services are managed by third parties and technology is updated by the UCaaS provider.

At the same time, interest in UCaaS is growing among enterprises as well, particularly those with geographically dispersed locations, because services are deployed through the cloud rather than by investing in infrastructure and equipment. Gartner recommends that UCaaS firms provide effective back-office support for large installations to attract larger customers.

UCaaS flexibility enables companies to accommodate a wide range of devices, including tablets, laptops and PCs, through an easy-to-manage interface. It also is able to support a company with a fluctuating workforce such as a seasonal retail chain, observed Dan Bieler, principal analyst with Forrester's Business Technology Futures team, in a FierceEnterpriseCommunications feature article published last month.

Why this is significant: UCaaS is part of a broader movement by enterprises to adopt cloud-based products and services. As larger enterprises become more comfortable with UCaaS, its use will expand rapidly in 2013 and beyond.

3. Year in Review 2012: Enterprises on the move

By Fred Donovan Comment | Forward | Twitter | Facebook | LinkedIn

The news: The flood of personal mobile devices into the enterprise is transforming the way enterprises communicate but also taxing IT teams and network infrastructure. No matter how big the organization, corporate executives are uneasy about allowing employees to access strategic planning data through personal mobile devices.

According to a 2012 survey of 250 IT professionals conducted by security vendor Lieberman Software, two-thirds of respondents believe the bring your own device (BYOD) trend increases costs due to the added security measures required to lessen the risk of sharing sensitive data over employees' devices.

Despite the concern of IT professionals, employees continue to bring their own devices into the enterprise in droves. One BYOD area showing strong growth is mobile VoIP. According to a study released recently by Juniper Research, there will be 1 billion over-the-top (OTT) mobile VoIP users by 2017. The research firm attributed the increase to improvements in network technology, increased competition and a move by mobile operators to join the OTT space.

This prediction should be good news for VoIP service providers such as fring, Rebtel, Microsoft's (Nasdaq: MSFT) Skype, Tango, Viber and Vonage (NYSE: VG), but bad news for mobile operators who will be losing out on voice revenue because few subscribers will pay for mobile VoIP service.

Unified communications (UC) as a whole has been moving into the mobile space. Around one-third of 200 enterprises surveyed by Webtorials characterized their mobile unified communications deployment as extensive or widespread in a recent study. One-quarter of enterprises characterized their mobile UC deployment as intermediate, while 21 percent said it was limited and another one-quarter said they were just starting.

Cisco (Nasdaq: CSCO) and Avaya were named leaders in the mobile unified communications and collaboration market in a recent IDC MarketScape report (.pdf). Other major players in the market included ShoreTel (Nasdaq: SHOR), Alcatel-Lucent (NYSE: ALU), Microsoft, Siemens, IBM (NYSE: IBM), NEC and Aastra.

Overall, mobile cloud services are expected to reach over $45 billion by 2016, predicted research firm Visiongain. "On the enterprise side, mobile cloud services are changing the entire structure of the IT industry. This is where the greatest action in terms of revenues generated and technological changes will take place," the firm said.

However, BYOD poses a number of security threats to enterprises.

Data loss is a big risk, particularly from the loss or theft of mobile devices. In such a case, enterprises should have the technical capability to remotely wipe the device of corporate data. Unfortunately, an enterprise can be sure the data has been successfully wiped only 10 percent of the time.

Data-stealing malware also poses a threat to corporate data and could result in the compromise of privileged accounts. The risk of malware is greatest on Google's (NASDAQ: GOOG) Android devices, but Apple's (Nasdaq: AAPL) Mac and iOS devices are not immune to malware attacks. For example, security firm Sophos said it finds 4,900 pieces of malware on Macs every week.

To address security threats, enterprises should adopt a combination of technologies and policies. In an interview with sister publication FierceMobileIT, Chenxi Wang, vice president and principal analyst for security and risk at Forrester Research, proposed what she calls a stateless mobile architecture for enterprises.

"A stateless architecture is not about relying on device- or infrastructure-level controls, but having the controls embedded in applications and data. Essentially, you don't care where the infrastructure or device is. Security will be there wherever the relevant data and applications are," Wang explained.

"The more stateless you are, the less vulnerable you are," she added. "Stateless is about being flexible, being agile, and being able to adapt to different operational environments."

Why this is significant: The BYOD trend is transforming the way enterprises communicate and employees collaborate. But as the BYOD trend accelerates, so too do the security threats to the enterprise. Swift and decisive action by the enterprise will help prevent a major data breach, which could be embarrassing at the least and financially devastating at the worst.

4. Year in Review 2012: Windows 8 in the enterprise?

By Fred Donovan Comment | Forward | Twitter | Facebook | LinkedIn

The news: Microsoft (Nasdaq: MSFT) is betting Windows 8 will shore up its position in the enterprises, which has been eroded by inroads from the bring your own device (BYOD) trend featuring electronics such as Apple's (Nasdaq: AAPL) iPhone and iPad and Google's (Nasdaq: GOOG) Android phone.

In fact, the popularity of iPads and iPhones among its employees has prompted some enterprises to consider switching their whole shops to Apple, with Macs replacing PCs on the desktops.

Almost half of enterprises with 1,000 or more employees are issuing Macs to at least some of their employees, and they expect a 52 percent increase in the number of Macs they issue this year, according to an estimate by Forrester Research.

The situation appears bleak for speedy adoption of Windows 8 in the enterprise. According to a survey of 1,282 IT decision makers by Forrester Research, barely 4 percent have plans to migrate to Windows 8 in the next year.

This finding follows the announcement of security holes in Windows 8 found by security firm Vupen and a prediction by Gartner that 90 percent of enterprises would bypass broad deployment of Windows 8 through at least 2014.

In a recent blog, Forrester analyst David Johnson wrote that IT departments are still working on their Windows XP and Windows 7 migrations. Forrester clients are complaining that migrating to Windows 7 is an "expensive process, with application migration and modernization, the OS upgrade process, and the associated labor and costs."

Most of the new PCs being deployed in the enterprise are running Windows 7, and there is a three to five year life cycle for PC hardware, so Johnson is predicting few enterprises will want to make another expensive investment in desktop OS migration in the near future.

But Microsoft is not conceding yet. Just a week after its release on Oct. 26, Microsoft CEO Steve Ballmer said Windows 8 was gaining momentum among corporate customers, with "tens of millions" of enterprise licenses signed so far. Ballmer told app developers at Build 2012 this week, "the level of enthusiasm we've seen is exciting… I think we are really resonating across the board with the work we are bringing to market," according to a report by All Things D.

Microsoft is betting IT managers will be attracted to having a single operating system for all of the company's PCs, tablets and smartphones. In addition to the next OS for PCs, Windows 8 is also the OS for versions of Microsoft's Surface tablet and integrates easily with the Windows Phone 8 smartphone OS.

Why this is significant: At stake is Microsoft's position in the enterprise IT market, a market it had long dominated as the primary OS for corporate PCs. Microsoft's future as a major IT player could hinge on whether Windows 8 succeeds or flops.

5. Year in Review 2012: 'Internet of Everything' and big data

By Fred Donovan Comment | Forward | Twitter | Facebook | LinkedIn

The news: The "Internet of Everything" was a theme noted by John Chambers, visionary chairman and CEO of IT giant Cisco (Nasdaq: CSCO), during his keynote address at the Gartner Symposium ITxpo this fall.

"Over the next five years, IT will be so deeply embedded in every business process regardless of industry you won't recognize the difference between business models and IT," he told a packed house at the Gartner powwow.

But what exactly does Chambers mean by the Internet of Everything?

In an opinion piece for Wired magazine published this week, Chambers elaborated on his meaning. "What happens when we connect people, process, data and things? That's hundreds of billions of things talking to each other, behind the scenes, to enrich and facilitate our lives."

Chambers added: "Business success will be based... not only on the fast beating the slow, but the connected trumping the unconnected. Every business--no matter what size--will have to have a personal relationship with each customer to survive."

What this means for firms is a flood of unstructured data. With all of those devices and people connected and generating data, the enterprise's networks and data centers are being taxed to the limit by big data.

Trying to cope with the flood of data and, more importantly, finding value and taking action based on that data, have been tasks many enterprises have begun to tackle.

Gartner estimated big data would drive $28 billion in IT spending in 2012 and $34 billion in 2013. Most of the current spending will be used in adapting traditional IT products to big data demands such as machine data, social data, widely varied data and unpredictable velocity.

To enable enterprises to translate big data into big bucks, IT firms have been buying up or teaming with big data analytics firms. Just this month, EMC (NYSE: EMC) and VMware (NYSE: VMW) announced a partnership to combine their big data and cloud application platforms under one virtual organization called the Pivotal Initiative.

As part of the initiative, EMC will increase its investment in big data and analytics, cloud application services and software-defined data center business, while VMware will maintain its focus on the data center through its software defined data center and end-user computing programs. VMware itself acquired big data analytics firm Log Insight earlier this year.

Other big-data-related acquisitions in 2012 included Dell's (Nasdaq: DELL) purchase of Quest Software for $2.6 billion; Syniverse's purchase of MACH for $696 million; and Cisco's acquisition of Truviso for an undisclosed sum.

IBM (NYSE: IBM) was also active in the big data space this year, acquiring Vivisimo, a data discovery automation firm; Varicent, a data analytics firm; and Tea Leaf, a customer behavior analysis firm. It also agreed to acquire StoredIQ, a data intelligence firm, in December.

One big data acquisition that did not work out was HP's (NYSE: HPQ) acquisition of big data analytics firm Autonomy. HP stunned the financial world when it reported a staggering $6.9 billion net loss for its fiscal year 2012 fourth quarter. It blamed the loss on a noncash impairment charge of $8.8 billion related to its acquisition of Autonomy, a British big data analytics firm that helps enterprises mine the data they generate.

HP blamed the huge charge on financial irregularities at Autonomy prior to its purchase and said it was referring the issue to the U.S. and U.K. securities fraud agencies. Autonomy founder Mike Lynch denied the charges and blamed HP for the firm's financial troubles.

Why this is significant: Big data made big news this year, a trend that is likely to continue as the Internet of Everything takes hold. Enterprises can either learn how to control big data and mine its value or be overwhelmed by it.

Also Noted

SPOTLIGHT ON... Spotlight: FierceIPTV takes a look back at 2012

Our sister publication FierceIPTV took a look back this week at the big stories and trends in IPTV in 2012. First, in response to third-party over-the-top (OTT) content providers, traditional TV providers have begun to incorporate OTT content into their in-the-middle (ITM) business model. Second, AT&T (NYSE: T) said it would bolster its U-verse business as part of a $14 billion infrastructure investment over the next three years. Third, smaller telcos are realizing they have to add IPTV to their service offerings to compete with cable. Fourth, a new group of players is migrating into the IPTV space. And finally, the United States, which invented TV, has fallen far behind other countries in IPTV technology. Read more

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