

| 01.14.13 | Verizon not the only carrier eyeing LTE Broadcast

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January 14, 2013
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Webinar: Globalstar's New "Wi-Fi" Super Highway
Tuesday, January 22nd, 11:00 am EST/ 8:00 am PST

This webinar will discuss the innovative technology, public benefits, and regulatory outlook of providing a new 22 MHz channel under the existing 802.11 IEEE standard. Join to learn technical aspects of TLPS deployment and the outlook for near-term relief from the FCC. Register Now!

Today's Top Stories
1. Verizon not the only carrier eyeing LTE Broadcast
2. Ruckus helps make Sundance into a Wi-Fi event
3. DragonWave hanging onto Nokia Siemens lifeline
4. Gogo installing satellite and ATG service for American Airlines
5. ABI: Strong outlook for LTE and WCDMA base station sales

Also Noted: Akamai
Spotlight On... FairPoint expanding FTTT mobile backhaul business
Smartphone users consume more mobile data than tablet users; Slovanet launching WiMAX 802.16e Internet services and much more...

Industry Voices: Schoolar: The song mainly remains the same for wireless infrastructure in 2013

Touring the CES 2013 show floor
LAS VEGAS--The show floor of the annual Consumer Electronics Show is never disappointing. The show--the largest trade conference in the United States--attracts players from around the world, both large and small, and they all battle for the attention of the conference-goer. As a result, the CES floor is often the site of novelties amazing, strange and laughable--sometimes all at once. Fierce was out in force during this year's Consumer Electronics Show, and captured some of the more entertaining aspects from the event. Click here for a slideshow tour of this year's CES show floor. From the big to the small, from the cool to the weird, this is CES. Slideshow

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This week's sponsor is Aricent.

Webinar: Capitalizing SON – How to Implement SON for LTE to reduce OPEX and Increase Revenue
Tuesday, January 29th, 11am ET / 8am PT

LTE is the fastest growing communication technology of all time. In this webinar our experts will discuss how Network Equipment Manufacturers can leverage the concept of Self Organizing Networks (SON) to not only manage highly complex LTE networks but also reduce operational expenditures and enhance customer satisfaction. Register Today!

Sponsor: Box and Okta

FierceLive! Webinars

> Globalstar's New Wi-Fi Super Highway - Tuesday, January 22nd, 11:00am EST/8:00 am PST
> Capitalizing SON – How to Implement SON for LTE to reduce OPEX and Increase Revenue - Tuesday, January 29th, 11am ET / 8am PT


> Mobile Today and Tomorrow at Mobile World Congress - February 25, 2013 - Barcelona, Spain
> IWCE - March 11-15 - Exhibits: March 13-14 - Las Vegas Convention Center
> Fierce Innovation Awards 2012 Live Announcement of this Year's Winners - Now Available On-Demand


> Whitepaper: Who's Using My Directory - And For What?
> Brief: Secure Android Capability
> Whitepaper: New Research on LTE Usage in Korea, Japan, and the U.S.
> Whitepaper: Key Strategies To Unleash Roaming Profits Through Signaling


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Today's Top News

1. Verizon not the only carrier eyeing LTE Broadcast

By Tammy Parker Comment | Forward | Twitter | Facebook | LinkedIn

A top executive confirmed Verizon Wireless (NYSE:VZ) is working to deliver multicast video to customers using LTE Broadcast, a technology other mobile operators including Clearwire (NASDAQ:CLWR) are reportedly starting to consider.

Last week, Verizon Communications Chairman and CEO Lowell McAdam said during a keynote at the 2013 International CES that the company's wireless unit is aiming to broadcast video over its LTE network, perhaps by early 2014. McAdam told NFL Commissioner Roger Goodell, who was onstage with him, "Using LTE...we'd love to broadcast the Super Bowl in the 2014 time frame," according to Computerworld.

Regarding McAdam's comment, Verizon spokeswoman Debi Lewis told FierceBroadbandWireless, "I think the Super Bowl reference is just an example of a scenario for this, nothing specific."

But in a blog post on Verizon Wireless' website, Joe Constantine, vice president and CTO at Ericsson (NASDAQ:ERIC), said Verizon is using Ericsson's evolved Multimedia Broadcast Multicast Services (eMBMS) technology "to make video a winning experience during a major event," and he cited a football stadium with "100,000 spectators, 100,000 perspectives and 100,000 different video experiences on thousands of different devices."

Constantine said LTE Broadcast will enable wireless customers to access multiple camera angles, feeds and stats from live broadcast video, directly on their smartphone or other wireless device.

In November at the LTE North America conference, Clearwire CTO John Saw said that the operator is eyeing both broadcast and unicast for video delivery and is looking forward to advanced eMBMS features that will be included in 3GPP Release 12, according to telecoms.com. That release is slated for completion in June 2014.

In addition, other mobile operators are eyeing LTE Broadcast as a capability to be deployed after they get their initial LTE networks up and running rather than as part of their initial service, said iGR Research, which just issued a white paper on the technology

The research firm said none of the operators interviewed for its white paper reported firm LTE Broadcast implementation plans. It is likely that Verizon will be a pioneer in LTE Broadcast, particularly given that the operator has actually been talking about the capability for more than two years.

Verizon demonstrated LTE Broadcast at CES in collaboration with Ericsson and Qualcomm (NASDAQ:QCOM), which provided prototype handheld solutions, said Lewis in her own blog post. Companies such as MobiTV, Media Excel and Thompson Video Networks helped create the application and content.

Multichannel News noted McAdam did not mention whether Verizon Wireless' LTE Broadcast efforts might be connected to the marketing and joint development agreements the company has with cable operators Comcast, Time Warner Cable, Cox Communications and Bright House Networks. Those partnerships were formed via Verizon's $3.9 billion purchase of nationwide AWS spectrum from the cable operators in a deal finally approved by regulators last summer.

Broadcast LTE, or eMBMS, was originally defined in Release 8 and 9 of the 3GPP standards and has been enhanced in Releases 10 and 11, noted iGR.

"While there are some current concerns and issues, on balance, the [mobile network operators] appear to see the fact that the LTE Broadcast ecosystem is already defined, supported and growing as a major benefit," said iGR.

LTE Broadcast can be a useful tool for helping network operators increase the capacity of their networks, said Iain Gillott, iGR's president and founder.

LTE Broadcast could potentially offload 12.5 percent of the video data traffic from unicast overall and 15 percent during peak hours in 2016 if deployed across a metro market, said Gillott. The service could also offload 30 percent of the total mobile data network traffic attributed to audio overall and 45 percent during peak hours in 2016. Ultimately, LTE Broadcast could offload up to 11.5 percent of the total daily demand per subscriber and 14.7 percent during the peak hours.

"For the U.S. mobile operators, the amount of network capacity built in 2016 could be reduced by 9.8 percent if LTE Broadcast were deployed, equivalent to an overall potential saving of $4.21 billion," said iGR. The firm said large U.S. operators could see savings of $60 [million] to $100 million in 2016 alone from full deployment of LTE Broadcast.

Not only can LTE Broadcast distribute content such as live events and media, it can also be used for background file and software delivery and group information distribution. Unforeseen revenue streams might also be enabled by LTE Broadcast, as occurred with mobile broadband, said iGR.

According to the firm, benefits of LTE Broadcast from the mobile operator's perspective include the fact that the service requires no changes to consumer devices with compatible chipsets and middleware. Further, no hardware changes are required to the LTE RAN.

But iGR said operators are concerned that benefits of the LTE Broadcast business case are not yet quantified, and they are undecided about how LTE Broadcast should be deployed. Further, the technology would require changes to backend systems for device software and firmware updates.

For more:
- see this Verizon blog post and this post
- see this Multichannel News article
- see this Computerworld article
- see this AnandTech article
- see this GigaOM article
- see this iGR release

Related articles:
FCC approves Verizon's $3.9B AWS purchase, T-Mobile spectrum swap
Verizon's cable deal transforms AWS into a crucial LTE band
Making the case for LTE Broadcast and Dyle mobile TV
Huawei targets LTE Broadcast, Wi-Fi backhaul
Samsung boosts Dyle mobile TV, tests eMBMS

Read more about: eMBMS, Verizon
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This week's sponsor is Box and Okta.
Webinar: Moving To the Cloud: Application Strategies and Integration
Thursday, January 31st, 11am ET/ 8am PT

Ever wonder what applications companies are moving to the cloud and why? Attend this webinar and see survey results regarding what applications companies are moving to the cloud, their reasons, and how they are going about it. Attendees will get a free copy of Okta Directory Integration Edition and a free trial account for Box. Register Today!

2. Ruckus helps make Sundance into a Wi-Fi event

By Tammy Parker Comment | Forward | Twitter | Facebook | LinkedIn

Proving it's still in with the in-crowd, Ruckus Wireless will provide Wi-Fi connectivity for the third year in a row at the Sundance Film Festival, which intends to host numerous live-streaming events that moviegoers can view from their mobile devices via the Wi-Fi network.

"Mobility is a key theme at this year's festival, and our Wi-Fi network will take center stage," said Justin Simmons, associate director of technology services at Sundance Institute. "Not only do we expect to see a sharp rise in the number of mobile devices in use, we'll also be live-streaming many events this year for people to watch on their handhelds."

"Last year we saw a sharp increase in the overall number of devices being used, consuming about 25 percent more bandwidth than the previous year. With the greater number of tablets, combined with our mobile app, we expect to see data traffic skyrocket. Obviously, this type of usage will put huge demands on Wi-Fi, given the constraints of local cellular networks," he said.

The film festival's Wi-Fi network offloaded a daily average of 220 GB of cellular traffic during 2011, and that figure rose to about 290 gigabytes per day at the 2012 event, adding up to 2.9 terabytes of data over the 10-day event. "This year we expect to offload upwards of 350 gigabytes of data traffic each day," said Simmons.

Some 45,000 visitors are expected to attend this year's festival, which will run Jan. 17-27 in Park City, Salt Lake City, Ogden and Sundance, Utah. Attendees will be able to access the festival's Wi-Fi network for free at 15 official venues, including indoor and outdoor theaters in multiple cities. Many of the venues have outside wait-list tents and ticketholder queues where moviegoers will be able to access festival content via the Wi-Fi network while they wait.

The entire Wi-Fi network will encompass 100 Ruckus ZoneFlex indoor and outdoor access points (APs). The Sundance Institute's technology services staff will remotely control all of the Wi-Fi sites over a private IP network using the Ruckus ZoneFlex management system, housed 60 miles away from many of the APs. Park City's fiber-optic backbone and Comcast's local fiber and coaxial network will backhaul Wi-Fi traffic from each site through connections ranging from 25-100 Mbps.

For some venues where Ethernet cabling doesn't exist, the festival will leverage Ruckus SmartMeshing networking capabilities to enable wireless connectivity. The institute is also employing Ruckus' long-range 802.11n point-to-point bridges for high-speed wireless backup from the Park City Marriott to its headquarters three miles away.

For more:
- see this Ruckus press release

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Read more about: Sundance Film Festival, Utah
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3. DragonWave hanging onto Nokia Siemens lifeline

By Tammy Parker Comment | Forward | Twitter | Facebook | LinkedIn

DragonWave announced a year-over-year trebling in revenue for the third quarter of its fiscal year, but the company's quarterly loss grew by $5 million.

The Canadian company, which provides packet microwave radio systems for mobile and access networks, said that during the third quarter of fiscal year 2013, which ended Nov. 30, 2012, it lost $13.9 million on revenue of $38.5 million. One year earlier, DragonWave reported a loss of $8 million on revenue of $11.8 million. The gross margin for the third quarter of fiscal year 2013 was 19 percent, compared with 41 percent in the third quarter of fiscal year 2012.

DragonWave has struggled over the past couple of years due to heavy reliance on Clearwire (NASDAQ:CLWR), which curtailed its investments in microwave backhaul when it stopped rolling out its WiMAX network in preparation for a migration to TD-LTE. DragonWave now has one customer, Nokia Siemens Networks, which generated more than 10 percent--$25.6 million--of DragonWave's revenue during the third quarter of fiscal year 2013.

"While visibility into our revenue pipeline has been challenging, we have continued to work hard on completing the integration activities of our strategic partnership with Nokia Siemens Networks to position ourselves for growth," said DragonWave President and CEO Peter Allen. "These efforts combined with our continued focus on cost reduction are targeted at achieving a profitable business model."

DragonWave bought most of its microwave transport business ast year from NSN, the networking unit of Nokia (NYSE:NOK) and Siemens. Under an amended agreement announced in May, Ottawa-based DragonWave became the preferred strategic supplier of packet microwave and related products to NSN. DragonWave also entered into a services agreement with NSN for outsourced R&D, product management, sales support and operations functions.

Under the amended pact DragonWave was no longer required to take over NSN's Italian operations, though it was anticipated that at the end of the service agreement, NSN's microwave transport assets in Italy could still potentially transfer to DragonWave. However, chances of that transfer appear to have been derailed for the time being as NSN is undergoing a major restructuring in Italy, prompting labor unrest.

"In early January 2013, unions representing this group of Nokia Siemens Networks' workers notified us that a strike had been commenced for all microwave transport people on related global functions in Italy," said Allen, according to the Seeking Alpha transcript of DragonWave's Jan. 10 earnings conference call. "We are adjusting our other resources in China and Canada to adapt to this, and we are in discussions with Nokia Siemens to assist them as they address this issue."

DragonWave anticipates its revenue for the fourth quarter of fiscal year 2013 will be $40 million to $45 million.

For more:
- see this DragonWave release
- see this Seeking Alpha transcript (sub. req.)

Related articles:
Nokia's Weber: We'll focus on imaging, location in 2013
Dragonwave closes acquisition of NSN microwave unit
DragonWave amends deal to buy Nokia Siemens' microwave unit
DragonWave acquires NSN's microwave transport unit in bid to diversify backhaul business
Nokia Siemens sells microwave unit to DragonWave
DragonWave continues to suffer from Cleawire's WiMAX build-out slowdown
DragonWave in limbo as Clearwire holds off on capital spending

Read more about: Dragonwave, Nsn
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4. Gogo installing satellite and ATG service for American Airlines

By Tammy Parker Comment | Forward | Twitter | Facebook | LinkedIn

In-flight wireless broadband company Gogo will install two in-flight connectivity solutions on American Airlines' new Airbus A320 family and Boeing 737 deliveries: Ku-band satellite and Gogo's next-generation air-to-ground technology, ATG-4. Installations will occur as the new aircraft are delivered to American beginning in 2013.

"Installing the two systems helps ensure these aircraft will stay connected wherever they fly, whether they're flying domestically or headed to an international destination," said Michael Small, Gogo's president and CEO.

Gogo was previously selected to outfit existing MD-80 and Boeing 737, 757 and 767 aircraft in American's domestic fleet. Gogo service is currently available on more than 400 American aircrafts.

In other news, Aviation Week reported last week that US Airways will equip its entire Airbus fleet with Gogo ATG-4 wireless service by May. Equipment installation is underway on 246 US Airways' Airbus A319s, A320s, and A321s. As of December US Airways had retrofitted 203 of the aircraft.

US Airways is also adding Gogo Vision, which streams movies and television programs, in the Airbus planes but is not turning on the service until testing is completed. US Airways expects to offer Gogo Vision by the end of the first quarter, said Aviation Week.

Gogo is also expected to finish installing the first-generation Gogo Wi-Fi system on US Airways' 17 mainline E-190s by March. Three new E-190s slated for delivery early this year will also be equipped with the system. Last month, Gogo completed installation of the Wi-Fi service aboard the 20 Embraer E-170s and 38 E-175s operated by Republic Airlines under the US Airways Express brand.

Gogo first announced in November that it was deploying ATG-4 on three airlines: Delta Air Lines, US Airways and Virgin America. ATG-4 service, based on CDMA EV-DO Rev. B technology, is an enhancement of Gogo's first-generation air-to-ground service and is designed to improve aircraft capacity by approximately 4x.

In May 2012 Gogo announced its partnership with satellite equipment provider, AeroSat, to bring a Ku-satellite solution to commercial airlines that need connectivity services extending beyond the United States, including transoceanic routes. The service was touted as a near-term solution that would be used until Inmarsat's Global Xpress Ka-satellite service becomes available.

For more:
- see this Gogo release
- see this Aviation Week article

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Read more about: US Airways, in-flight
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5. ABI: Strong outlook for LTE and WCDMA base station sales

By Tammy Parker Comment | Forward | Twitter | Facebook | LinkedIn

The total wireless infrastructure market continues its downward spiral, but base station sales, particularly within Asia-Pacific, are helping keep equipment vendors busy, according to a new report.

Expenditures in the total wireless infrastructure equipment market slid nearly 19 percent in one year, falling to $15.4 billion at the end of the third quarter of 2012, said ABI Research.

However, macro base station expenditures provided a bright spot for the industry. During 2012's third quarter, base station expenditures reached $7.6 billion in Asia-Pacific, which accounted for more than half of the total market, said ABI. The region's base station's sales were more than 4x sales in Western Europe or North America. Further, base station expenditures in Asia-Pacific recorded year-over-year growth of 50 percent during the third quarter, while spending in North America grew only 27 percent during the same period.

"Expenditures this quarter on LTE base station equipment were at the same level as Q2 2012 and almost 3x higher than in Q3 2011, and WCDMA technologies also grew by 21 percent versus the year ago quarter," said Nick Marshall, ABI principal analyst, networks.

"ABI Research expects these trends to continue throughout 2013 with strong LTE growth followed by double-digit growth for WCDMA, against a background of a declining overall market as legacy technologies phase out," he said.

For more:
- see this ABI release

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Read more about: ABI
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Also Noted

This week's sponsor is Akamai.

"Innovating at the Pace of Mobile" Discover ways to successfully capitalize on the mobile opportunity and how a comprehensive mobile delivery platform can help maximize your organization's chances of success. Download Now.

SPOTLIGHT ON... FairPoint expanding FTTT mobile backhaul business

FairPoint Communications expects to grow its Ethernet Fiber to the Tower (FTTT) mobile backhaul business in northern New England by at least 39 percent this year, as it increases the number of mobile connection points to more than 1,300 based on signed contracts with wireless carriers. The company said that at the end of 2012 its carrier contracts had grown to include more than 950 mobile connection points on its fiber backhaul network. On any particular cell tower, there can be one or more of these connections, know in the industry as Ethernet virtual connections, or EVCs. The company said it also intends to expand its Ethernet mobile backhaul services to more than 1,000 towers by year's end in Maine, New Hampshire and Vermont. To date, FairPoint has invested over $200 million in Vantage Point, an IP/MPLS network that it uses for both its wholesale and retail business customers. Like other wholesale providers, FairPoint has been building out its fiber network accommodate new wireless radio technologies, including small cells. For more on FairPoint, see this FierceTelecom article.

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> Punch taverns to expand Wi-Fi to all UK pubs. Article

> Slovanet launching WiMAX 802.16e Internet services. Article

And finally… No rest for the dead with surround-sound coffin. Article

Industry Voices

Schoolar: The song mainly remains the same for wireless infrastructure in 2013

Comment | Forward | Twitter | Facebook | LinkedIn

Daryl Schoolar ovum

Daryl Schoolar

Now that the Mayan apocalypse has passed without event, and we are all still here, there is no avoiding 2013. For an analyst like me, the start of a new year is a time to take stock of the previous year and to think about what the new one will bring.

Within the wireless infrastructure space, trends tend to play out over several years, rarely resolving themselves in a neat 12-month package. When I started to think about what I expected to see in 2013, I quickly realized these were all trends I had been watching to one degree or another for several years. Limited infrastructure revenue growth, market consolidation, and greater need for vendor differentiation were all things I have talked about in the past, and all appear to be very relative trends that will continue to shape the market in 2013 as well.

LTE is ushering in a new more data oriented age in mobile telecommunications that promises to bring in new service models as well. What LTE isn't ushering in is an age of aggressive revenue growth for radio access network (RAN) vendors. While full 2012 revenue results are not currently available, it appears the RAN market is on path to lose around 10 percent of revenues versus 2011. One of the primary reasons is that operator investments in older technologies like CDMA and GSM are declining at a faster rate than LTE investments are growing. At the same time, operators in some markets, like Western Europe, remain conservative with their spending in that market operators are content to continue to upgrade existing HSPA networks, versus putting large sums of money into newer LTE networks. These HSPA upgrades are less capex intensive than building a new LTE network. Mobile operators' movement to HetNets  (heterogeneous networks) won't change the revenue picture much either.

Small cells and HetNets are not going to drive massive overall capex increases. Instead the spending on small cells will come... continued

Read the full column on the Web

Read more about: LTE
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> Globalstar's New Wi-Fi Super Highway - Tuesday, January 22nd, 11:00am EST/8:00 am PST

This webinar will discuss the innovative technology, public benefits, and regulatory outlook of providing a new 22 MHz channel under the existing 802.11 IEEE standard. Join to learn technical aspects of TLPS deployment and the outlook for near-term relief from the FCC. Register Now!

> Capitalizing SON – How to Implement SON for LTE to reduce OPEX and Increase Revenue - Tuesday, January 29th, 11am ET / 8am PT

LTE is the fastest growing communication technology of all time. In this webinar our experts will discuss how Network Equipment Manufacturers can leverage the concept of Self Organizing Networks (SON) to not only manage highly complex LTE networks but also reduce operational expenditures and enhance customer satisfaction. Register Today!


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Please join Jason Nelson, Publisher of FierceWireless, FierceTelecom, and FierceCable as we announce the winners of the Fierce Innovation Awards 2012. Click here to RSVP today.


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