

Get a Practical Education at the Leading HTML5 Conference, Call For Papers Now Open


DevCon5 Returns To New York City – July 24 – 25, 2013

Get A Practical Education At The Leading HTML5 Conference, Call For Papers Now Open

Norwalk, CT, January 14, 2013—TMC and Crossfire Media announced that DevCon5 – HTML5 Mobile App and Developers Conference, will return to The Kimmel Center at New York University, July 24 – 25, 2013, in New York, New York.

DevCon5 was created for web developers; software architects; graphic artists; and business executives seeking a deeper understanding of the power of HTML5. The DevCon5 conference program encompasses a multi-track program covering important topics related to HTML5 adoption.

“HTML5 has grown in popularity because it contributes to an enhanced user experience and is augmenting languages and software development environments,” said event producer Carl Ford of Crossfire Media. “DevCon5 is a community event, where developers, designers and code gurus building powerful applications with HTML5 gather to dive into the code and share ideas for improving user experiences all over the Web.”

Call for papers is currently open. Organizers are considering forward-thinking topics covering design, mobile web, animation, gaming, security, user experience/interface and new business models that will define the future of HTML5. To submit a proposal, please visit www.devconfive.com or complete this form. If you have any further questions, please contact Bonnie Ford at bonnie@crossfiremedia.com. Deadline for submissions is February 8, 2013.

“DevCon5 brings together the brightest minds, creating a productive and enriching event. DevCon5 provides the opportunity to develop and expand skill sets required to create ground-breaking mobile apps and consistent experiences with HTML5,” said Rich Tehrani, CEO of TMC and conference chairman of ITEXPO. “We are excited for DevCon5 to return to New York.”

DevCon5 is supported by Kaazing. Media sponsors for DevCon5 include: Mobile Monday New York, appbackr, SD Times, The Code Project, Ubergizmo, WebProfessionals.org, HTML5 Report, Stack Overflow, Silicon Tap, Code Magazine , FierceDeveloper, AlaraMills.com, Visibility, OPSEOs, Best Web Design Agencies, Enterprise Forum New York City.

Registration for DevCon5 is now open. Pass includes admission to all conference and keynote sessions, food and drink during all meals and breaks, and access to Conference Networking events. Reserve media credentials and become a media partner by contacting Jennifer Terentiuk at jterentiuk@tmcnet.com /203-852-6800 x125.

Become a DevCon5 Exhibitor and Sponsor—contact Joe Fabiano at jfabiano@tmcnet.com / 203-852-6800 x132.

For the latest DevCon5 news, updates and information, follow on Twitter at #DevConFive. Share news of your DevCon5 participation to your audience by distributing announcements, giveaways, relevant press releases, etc. through your social media channels. Contact TMC’s Diana Bakowski (203-852-6800 x122) to learn the benefits of joining the social team.

About Crossfire Media:
Crossfire Media is an integrated marketing company with a core focus on future trends in technology. We service communities of interest with conferences, tradeshows, webinars, and newsletters and provide community websites with the latest information in our industries.

About TMC:
TMC is a global, integrated media company that helps clients build communities in print, in person and online. TMC publishes multiple magazines including CUSTOMER, INTERNET TELEPHONY, M2M Evolution and Cloud Computing. TMCnet is read by as many as 1.5 million unique visitors each month, and is the leading source of news and articles for the communications and technology industries. TMC is also the producer of ITEXPO, the world’s leading B2B communications event, as well as industry events: M2M Evolution; Cloud4SMB Expo; DevCon5; Super Wi-Fi Summit, CVx; Asterisk World; StartupCamp, and more. Visit TMC Events for a complete listing and further information.

Jennifer Terentiuk
203-852-6800 x125

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