

The Definitive Guide to Google Analytics

Search Engine Guide

March 31, 2013

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Jayson DeMers

The Definitive Guide to Google Analytics for SEO Professionals

by Jayson DeMers

Google Analytics makes it possible to track SEO efforts, and has been used by businesses the world over to track ROI on internet marketing. The new Google Analytics platform has been a steep learning curve for some SEO professionals, especially those who were accustomed to the classic layout. However, the "new" analytics comes with more than just a confusing layout. It also has additional features that make it easier than ever to track ROI from internet marketing and SEO efforts.

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Stoney deGeyter

The Complete Guide to Mastering Your Title Tags

by Stoney deGeyter

When it comes to on-page optimization, the title tag of any given web page is the single most important piece of optimizable real estate there is. Think of it as beach front property off the Florida Keys. Unlike other areas of a website, the optimizable space in the title tag is extremely limited but has great search visibility, which means it can really pack a punch! In fact, aside from a site's total architecture, I can't think of any single area of a site that holds as much sway over search engine rankings as the title tag of your pages.

Nick Stamoulis

4 Tips for Getting into the Right Link Building Mindset

by Nick Stamoulis

Over the years I've found that's it easy enough to explain to someone what they should do with their link building campaign--the types of links they're looking for, how to build a 12 month strategy, how to evaluate the quality of a link and so forth--but where a lot of site owners and marketing managers get hung up isn't with the actual building of links, it's usually because of the attitude and mindset they have when they start their link building campaign. Getting into the right mindset before you even build you first link is critical.

Jennifer Cario

Social Media Works Precisely Because Consumers Think it Doesn't

by Jennifer Cario

A few days ago, my husband looked up at me from over his laptop and said "Yahoo has a poll asking people if social media influences their buying decisions." After I smiled and chuckled a bit, I asked him what the poll "concluded."

Mike Fleming

Why Micro-Conversions Are So Important For Your Brand

by Mike Fleming

Everybody wants the online sale. But are you relating to your customer in ways that make it easier for them to buy? You might be thinking, "How can it get any easier to buy from us? All they have to do is click add to cart, fill in some boxes and hit checkout!" Sure, it might be easy for them to physically buy from you, but how about psychologically? How easy is it for them to make the decision that you are specifically the right choice for them?

Avoid The AdWords Idiot Tax

Is Google charging you too much to advertise? Find out by using this free calculator.

Jennifer Cario

Pinterest Releases Native Analytics

by Jennifer Cario

After more than a year of waiting for delivery, Pinterest has finally delivered on its promise to deliver native analytics to Pinterest users with verified URLs. (And Pinterest marketers rejoiced.) In an announcement posted to the company's blog on March 12th, the Pinterest team shares the details....

Stoney deGeyter

9 Irrefutable Reasons Why You Need SEO

by Stoney deGeyter

SEO is much bigger than content or links. It's more than blogging, keyword research or fixing website problems. All of those are things that SEO does, but none of that explains why you need SEO. You may need all those services, but here's why you need SEO...

Mike Moran

The Joys (and Dangers) of Crowdsourced Marketing

by Mike Moran

It almost sounds magical--a system with an on-demand supply of incredibly cheap labor (pennies for many tasks) that is available by simply posting a request on a Web site. Amazon's Mechanical Turk and other crowdsourcing sites have revolutionized the way companies do intensive manual labor on computing tasks. So, you might want to consider using crowdsourcing for your Internet marketing jobs. But when you do, you also need to be careful about how you do it, lest you give away too much information to your competitors....

Jennifer Cario

Facebook Unveils News Feed Overhaul

by Jennifer Cario

Two years ago, everyone's love-hate relationship with Facebook got a little more passionate when Mark Zuckerburg changed things up and introduced us to Facebook Timeline. Love it or hate it, it's all about to change again.

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