

Jodi Arias Faces Murdered Boyfriend's Ex In Court (LIVE UPDATES)

April 24, 2013
Jodi Arias' defense attorney put Travis Alexander's ex-girlfriend through round after round of personal and embarrassing questions about her sex life on Tuesday. Continue reading...
Presented by Ethan Fedida
The Father I Barely Knew . . . And The Man Who Killed Him
I was raised nearly my entire life without knowing my father. I was brought up believing that another man, who passed away in 2003, was my father. Now, in just days, the man who killed my real father will be sentenced for taking his life. Continue reading...
How the Rule of Law Can Heal My Wounded City
We don't throw defendants at the mercy of lynch mobs. Instead, we calmly mete out justice. And that's what sets us apart from the rampaging criminals who terrorized this beautiful city at our annual rite of spring. And that's one way we'll begin to heal. Continue reading...
The Daily Szep- Newtown
2013-04-24-20130424Newtown.jpg Continue reading...

From around the web

Twitter, the Suspected Killers and Us: Radical Connectivity and the Week in Boston
There is a growing gap between our traditional institutions -- like the news media and law enforcement -- and the growing power of social media. That gap is wide, and growing -- as last week's events reminded us. Continue reading...
What Can We Really Learn From Dzhokhar Tsarnaev's Tweets?
Just five hours after the bombs went off, as survivors fought for their lives in emergency rooms and law enforcement scrambled through wreckage for their first real clues, Tsarnaev swiped open his iPhone and shot off an entirely unremarkable message. Continue reading...

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