

Tycoon Thankful For Being Rich.. New Tiny Dino.. Target Stores Open

May 7, 2013
Ever wonder how the world's oil tycoons feel about the royalty they are charged by the Alberta government? Movie theatre-goers can find out this month. Continue reading...
Media Bites: Harper Bashing Is the New Reporting
2012-04-27-mediabitesreal.jpg Harper-bashers direct their most virulent criticisms towards scarier Harper initiatives they presume should exist but don't actually. Ratcheting back same-sex rights. Crushing the CBC. And so on. With anti-Harper straw men and conspiracy theories playing such a large role in Canadian politics these days, the journalist's mandate as neutral arbitrator of fact and fiction has never been more needed. Continue reading...
HuffPost Goes (Way) East: Introducing The Huffington Post Japan
Konnichiwa! I'm here in Tokyo with our talented HuffPost Japan team in our Akihabara offices to launch HuffPost Japan, our first edition in Asia. We are all elated that after launching editions in the UK, Canada, France, Spain, and Italy, HuffPost has gone east -- not only to a new country, but to a new continent. The launch of Huffington Post Japan represents the fulfillment of our goal of inviting ever more voices from around the world to join our growing global conversation. And it's living proof -- since Huffington Post Japan is "live" as of today -- of the way 21st century media have transcended once-formidable barriers of geography, language, and culture. Continue reading...
Why Tax Refunds Aren't a Good Thing
It is nice to receive a cheque from the government but a tax refund is not good, because you are only receiving your own money back. Your tax refund is money you have overpaid the government during the year. You want to pay the right amount of tax during the year, rather than give the government an interest-free loan. Continue reading...
Paragliding High in the Sky in British Columbia
All it takes is five or six running steps full-tilt through an alpine meadow to become airborne, soaring with the eagles high above the town of Revelstoke. Alan Polster and two other pilots, Chris Delworth and Scott Watwood, started the company, which has provided the same breathtaking experience to tourists and bucket-list subscribers since the resort opened five years ago. Continue reading...
Universities See Cuts, Students See Tuition Hikes (CARTOON)
The provincial government makes cuts in education funding and the universities of Alberta decide on a plan on how to recover their losses. Could we see strikes in Alberta similar to the ones Quebec had last year? Continue reading...

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