

Strategies To Acquire Loyal App Users

This week's FierceMobileContent is brought to you by Fiksu.

Acquiring The Best App Users For Mobile App Monetization
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If your mobile app strategy is to monetize content, you'll want to read: How to Acquire Loyal App Users.

This new eBook details new technologies and practices used by leading app developers to identify, target and acquire likely loyal users – to increase in-app purchases, lifetime customer value, and marketing ROI.

You'll learn:

  • Proven ways to acquire users likely to make in-app purchases
  • How to capture loyal users who make repeat visits, to help you drive ad revenue

You'll also learn how to leverage the industry's leading knowledgebase of more than 12 billion post-download events to identify the best traffic sources for your likely loyal users.

Are you looking to scale your mobile app business quickly and in a ROI-positive way?
Get the eBook now

Download Now
You'll learn how to: 1) Drive downloads from profitable loyal users. 2) Increase in-app purchases, ad revenue and registrations. 3) Grow lifetime customer value. 4) Leverage new technology for targeting loyal users.

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Contact jfordi@fiercemarkets.com or call 202-824-5041.


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