

Scientific Reports Biology Table of Contents e-alert: September 2013

  02 September 2013   
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Biological Sciences

The flavonoid apigenin improves glucose tolerance through inhibition of microRNA maturation in miRNA103 transgenic mice


Motoko Ohno, Chikako Shibata, Takahiro Kishikawa et al.


Polyphenols are representative bioactive substances with diverse biological effects. Here, we show that apigenin, a flavonoid, has suppressive effects on microRNA (miRNA) …


Diversity and functional significance of cellulolytic microbes living in termite, pill-bug and stem-borer guts


Zeenat Bashir, Vamsi Krishna Kondapalli, Nidhi Adlakha et al.


Arthropods living on plants are able to digest plant biomass with the help of microbial flora in their guts. This study considered three arthropods from different niches - …


Whales Use Distinct Strategies to Counteract Solar Ultraviolet Radiation


Laura M. Martinez-Levasseur, Mark A. Birch-Machin, Amy Bowman et al.


A current threat to the marine ecosystem is the high level of solar ultraviolet radiation (UV). Large whales have recently been shown to suffer sun-induced skin damage from …


Sex differences in sensation-seeking: a meta-analysis


Catharine P. Cross, De-Laine M. Cyrenne, Gillian R. Brown


Men score higher than women on measures of sensation-seeking, defined as a willingness to engage in novel or intense activities. This sex difference has been explained in terms of …


Magnetoresistive Emulsion Analyzer


Gungun Lin, Larysa Baraban, Luyang Han et al.


We realize a magnetoresistive emulsion analyzer capable of detection, multiparametric analysis and sorting of ferrofluid-containing nanoliter-droplets. The operation of the device …


Digital Imprinting of RNA Recognition and Processing on a Self-Assembled Nucleic Acid Matrix


Shiv K. Redhu, Matteo Castronovo, Allen W. Nicholson


The accelerating progress of research in nanomedicine and nanobiotechnology has included initiatives to develop highly-sensitive, high-throughput methods to detect biomarkers at …


Integrative transcriptome analysis reveals dysregulation of canonical cancer molecular pathways in placenta leading to preeclampsia


Roxana Moslehi, James L. Mills, Caroline Signore et al.


We previously suggested links between specific XPD mutations in the fetal genome and the risk of placental maldevelopment and preeclampsia, possibly due to impairment of …


Probing the Transmembrane Structure and Topology of Microsomal Cytochrome-P450 by Solid-State NMR on Temperature-Resistant Bicelles


Kazutoshi Yamamoto, Melissa Gildenberg, Shivani Ahuja et al.


Though the importance of high-resolution structure and dynamics of membrane proteins has been well recognized, optimizing sample conditions to retain the native-like folding and …


A natural variant of NAL1, selected in high-yield rice breeding programs, pleiotropically increases photosynthesis rate


Toshiyuki Takai, Shunsuke Adachi, Fumio Taguchi-Shiobara et al.


Improvement of leaf photosynthesis is an important strategy for greater crop productivity. Here we show that the quantitative trait locus GPS (GREEN FOR PHOTOSYNTHESIS) in rice (


Non-uniformity of cell density and networks in the monkey brain


Masanori Shimono


The brain is a very complex structure. Over the past several decades, many studies have aimed to understand how various non-uniform variables relate to each other. The current …


Dynamic Interaction Between Membrane-Bound Full-Length Cytochrome P450 and Cytochrome b5 Observed by Solid-State NMR Spectroscopy


Kazutoshi Yamamoto, Ulrich H. N. Dürr, Jiadi Xu et al.


Microsomal monoxygenase enzymes of the cytochrome-P450 family are found in all biological kingdoms, and play a central role in the breakdown of metabolic as well as xenobiotic, …


microRNA-9 targets the long non-coding RNA MALAT1 for degradation in the nucleus


Eleonora Leucci, Francesca Patella, Johannes Waage et al.


microRNAs regulate the expression of over 60% of protein coding genes by targeting their mRNAs to AGO2-containing complexes in the cytoplasm and promoting their translational …


Fossilization causes organisms to appear erroneously primitive by distorting evolutionary trees


Robert S. Sansom, Matthew A. Wills


Fossils are vital for calibrating rates of molecular and morphological change through geological time, and are the only direct source of data documenting macroevolutionary …


Daily rhythms in antennal protein and olfactory sensitivity in the malaria mosquito Anopheles gambiae


Samuel S. C. Rund, Nicolle A. Bonar, Matthew M. Champion et al.


We recently characterized 24-hr daily rhythmic patterns of gene expression in Anopheles gambiae mosquitoes. These include numerous odorant binding proteins (OBPs), soluble odorant …


A plausible mechanism for the antimalarial activity of artemisinin: A computational approach


Ashutosh Shandilya, Sajeev Chacko, B. Jayaram et al.


Artemisinin constitutes the frontline treatment to aid rapid clearance of parasitaemia and quick resolution of malarial symptoms. However, the widespread promiscuity about its …


Expression and localization of aging markers in lacrimal gland of chronic graft-versus-host disease


Masataka Kawai, Yoko Ogawa, Shigeto Shimmura et al.


Aging is commonly defined as the accumulation of diverse deleterious changes in cells and tissues with advancing age. To investigate whether aging changes are involved in the …


Understanding the interactions between bacteria in the human gut through metabolic modeling


Saeed Shoaie, Fredrik Karlsson, Adil Mardinoglu et al.


The human gut microbiome plays an influential role in maintaining human health, and it is a potential target for prevention and treatment of disease. Genome-scale metabolic models …


Recurrent connections form a phase-locking neuronal tuner for frequency-dependent selective communication


Dongkwan Shin, Kwang-Hyun Cho


The brain requires task-dependent interregional coherence of information flow in the anatomically connected neural network. However, it is still unclear how a neuronal group can …


Modelling dynamics of plasmid-gene mediated antimicrobial resistance in enteric bacteria using stochastic differential equations


Victoriya V. Volkova, Zhao Lu, Cristina Lanzas et al.


The ubiquitous commensal bacteria harbour genes of antimicrobial resistance (AMR), often on conjugative plasmids. Antimicrobial use in food animals subjects their enteric …


Ligand modified nanoparticles increases cell uptake, alters endocytosis and elevates glioma distribution and internalization


Huile Gao, Zhi Yang, Shuang Zhang et al.


Nanoparticles (NPs) were widely used in drugs/probes delivery for improved disease diagnosis and/or treatment. Targeted delivery to cancer cells is a highly attractive application …


Diagnostic and therapeutic strategy and the most efficient prognostic factors of breast malignant fibrous histiocytoma


Si-Qi Qiu, Xiao-Long Wei, Wen-He Huang et al.


We analyzed the clinicopathological features of 9 breast malignant fibrous histiocytoma (MFH) patients. Immunohistochemistry was used to make both diagnosis and differential …


Identification of FDA-approved Drugs Targeting Breast Cancer Stem Cells Along With Biomarkers of Sensitivity


Poornima Bhat-Nakshatri, Chirayu P. Goswami, Sunil Badve et al.


Recently developed genomics-based tools are allowing repositioning of Food and Drug Administration (FDA)-approved drugs as cancer treatments, which were employed to identify drugs …


Mammalian cortical bone in tension is non-Haversian


Ashwij Mayya, Anuradha Banerjee, R. Rajesh


Cortical bone, found in the central part of long bones like femur, is known to adapt to local mechanical stresses. This adaptation has been linked exclusively with Haversian …


The face inversion effect in non-human primates revisited - an investigation in chimpanzees (Pan troglodytes)


Christoph D. Dahl, Malte J. Rasch, Masaki Tomonaga et al.


Faces presented upside-down are harder to recognize than presented right-side up, an effect known as the face inversion effect. With inversion the perceptual processing of the …


Subdiffusion Supports Joining Of Correct Ends During Repair Of DNA Double-Strand Breaks


S. Girst, V. Hable, G. A. Drexler et al.


The mobility of damaged chromatin regions in the nucleus may affect the probability of mis-repair. In this work, live-cell observation and distance tracking of GFP-tagged DNA …


A coevolving model based on preferential triadic closure for social media networks


Menghui Li, Hailin Zou, Shuguang Guan et al.


The dynamical origin of complex networks, i.e., the underlying principles governing network evolution, is a crucial issue in network study. In this paper, by carrying out analysis …


Harnessing the CRISPR/Cas9 system to disrupt latent HIV-1 provirus


Hirotaka Ebina, Naoko Misawa, Yuka Kanemura et al.


Even though highly active anti-retroviral therapy is able to keep HIV-1 replication under control, the virus can lie in a dormant state within the host genome, known as a latent …


Bombarding Cancer: Biolistic Delivery of therapeutics using Porous Si Carriers


Neta Zilony, Adi Tzur-Balter, Ester Segal et al.


A new paradigm for an effective delivery of therapeutics into cancer cells is presented. Degradable porous silicon carriers, which are tailored to carry and release a model …


Small molecule Plasmodium FKBP35 inhibitor as a potential antimalaria agent


Amaravadhi Harikishore, Makhtar Niang, Sreekanth Rajan et al.


Malaria parasite strains have emerged to tolerate the therapeutic effects of the prophylactics and drugs presently available. This resistance now poses a serious challenge to …


Peer attachment formation by systemic redox regulation with social training after a sensitive period


Mamiko Koshiba, Genta Karino, Aya Senoo et al.


Attachment formation is the most pivotal factor for humans and animals in the growth and development of social relationships. However, the developmental processes of attachment …


Adaptive long-range migration promotes cooperation under tempting conditions


Genki Ichinose, Masaya Saito, Hiroki Sayama et al.


Migration is a fundamental trait in humans and animals. Recent studies investigated the effect of migration on the evolution of cooperation, showing that contingent migration …


Cortical network properties revealed by SSVEP in anesthetized rats


Peng Xu, ChunYang Tian, YangSong Zhang et al.


Steady state visual evoked potentials (SSVEP) are assumed to be regulated by multiple brain areas, yet the underlying mechanisms are not well understood. In this study, we …


Induction of Pax3 gene expression impedes cardiac differentiation


Qiao Li, Melanie Le May, Natascha Lacroix et al.


Cell-based therapies using pluripotent stem cells hold great promise as regenerative approaches to treat many types of diseases. Nevertheless many challenges remain and, perhaps …


Impact of Site-Directed Mutant Luciferase on Quantitative Green and Orange/Red Emission Intensities in Firefly Bioluminescence


Yu Wang, Hidefumi Akiyama, Kanako Terakado et al.


Firefly bioluminescence has attracted great interest because of its high quantum yield and intriguing modifiable colours. Modifications to the structure of the enzyme luciferase …


Direct Characterization of Bulk Samples by Internal Extractive Electrospray Ionization Mass Spectrometry


Hua Zhang, Haiwei Gu, Feiyan Yan et al.


A straight-forward analytical strategy called internal extractive electrospray ionization mass spectrometry (iEESI-MS), which combines solvent extraction of chemicals inside a …


Ancestral reproductive structure in basal kelp Aureophycus aleuticus


Hiroshi Kawai, Takeaki Hanyuda, L. Michelle Ridgway et al.


Laminarialean species (so-called kelps) are the largest photosynthetic organisms in aquatic environments, constituting significant ecological components of coastal ecosystems. The …


The anti-malarial chloroquine overcomes Primary resistance and restores sensitivity to Trastuzumab in HER2-positive breast cancer


Sílvia Cufí, Alejandro Vazquez-Martin, Cristina Oliveras-Ferraros et al.


Autophagy may control the de novo refractoriness of HER2 gene-amplified breast carcinomas to the monoclonal antibody trastuzumab (Herceptin). Tumor cells originally obtained from …


Understanding and mimicking the dual optimality of the fly ear


Haijun Liu, Luke Currano, Danny Gee et al.


The fly Ormia ochracea has the remarkable ability, given an eardrum separation of only 520 μm, to pinpoint the 5 kHz chirp of its cricket host. Previous research showed that the …


The maize leaf lipidome shows multilevel genetic control and high predictive value for agronomic traits


Christian Riedelsheimer, Yariv Brotman, Michaël Méret et al.


Although the plant lipidome show an enormous level of structural and functional diversity, our knowledge about its genetic control and its connection to whole-plant phenotypes is …


Differential lung NK cell responses in avian influenza virus infected chickens correlate with pathogenicity


Christine A. Jansen, Eveline D. de Geus, Daphne A. van Haarlem et al.


Infection of chickens with low pathogenicity avian influenza (LPAI) virus results in mild clinical signs while infection with highly pathogenic avian influenza (HPAI) viruses …


Silibinin suppresses EMT-driven erlotinib resistance by reversing the high miR-21/low miR-200c signature in vivo


Sílvia Cufí, Rosa Bonavia, Alejandro Vazquez-Martin et al.


The flavolignan silibinin was studied for its ability to restore drug sensitivity to EGFR-mutant NSCLC xenografts with epithelial-to-mesenchymal transition (EMT)-driven resistance …


Spreading of cooperative behaviour across interdependent groups


Luo-Luo Jiang, Matjaž Perc


Recent empirical research has shown that links between groups reinforce individuals within groups to adopt cooperative behaviour. Moreover, links between networks may induce …


Nature of hardness evolution in nanocrystalline NiTi shape memory alloys during solid-state phase transition


Abbas Amini, Chun Cheng


Due to a distinct nature of thermomechanical smart materials' reaction to applied loads, a revolutionary approach is needed to measure the hardness and to understand its size …


Metagenomics uncovers a new group of low GC and ultra-small marine Actinobacteria


Rohit Ghai, Carolina Megumi Mizuno, Antonio Picazo et al.


We describe a deep-branching lineage of marine Actinobacteria with very low GC content (33%) and the smallest free living cells described yet (cell volume ca. 0.013 μm3), even …


Ribophorin II regulates breast tumor initiation and metastasis through the functional suppression of GSK3β


Ryou-u Takahashi, Fumitaka Takeshita, Kimi Honma et al.


Mutant p53 (mtp53) gain of function (GOF) contributes to various aspects of tumor progression including cancer stem cell (CSC) property acquisition. A key factor of GOF is …


Discovery of a potent benzoxaborole-based anti-pneumococcal agent targeting leucyl-tRNA synthetase


Qing-Hua Hu, Ru-Juan Liu, Zhi-Peng Fang et al.


Streptococcus pneumoniae causes bacterial pneumonia with high mortality and morbidity. The emergency of multidrug-resistant bacteria threatens the treatment of the disease. …


Nonlinear Growth Kinetics of Breast Cancer Stem Cells: Implications for Cancer Stem Cell Targeted Therapy


Xinfeng Liu, Sara Johnson, Shou Liu et al.


Cancer stem cells (CSCs) have been identified in primary breast cancer tissues and cell lines. The CSC population varies widely among cancerous tissues and cell lines, and is …


No evidence for a local renin-angiotensin system in liver mitochondria


Ronan Astin, Robert Bentham, Siamak Djafarzadeh et al.


The circulating, endocrine renin-angiotensin system (RAS) is important to circulatory homeostasis, while ubiquitous tissue and cellular RAS play diverse roles, including metabolic …


Fast and High-Accuracy Localization for Three-Dimensional Single-Particle Tracking


Shu-Lin Liu, Jicun Li, Zhi-Ling Zhang et al.


We report a non-iterative localization algorithm that utilizes the scaling of a three-dimensional (3D) image in the axial direction and focuses on evaluating the radial symmetry …


Two mixed-NH3/amine platinum (II) anticancer complexes featuring a dichloroacetate moiety in the leaving group


Weiping Liu, Jia Su, Jing Jiang et al.


Two mixed-NH3/amine platinum (II) complexes of 3-dichoroacetoxylcyclobutane-1, 1-dicarboxylate have been prepared in the present study and characterized by elemental analysis and …


Visualizing Cyclic Peptide Hydration at the Single-Molecule Level


Yumin Chen, Ke Deng, Xiaohui Qiu et al.


The role of water molecules in the selective transport of potassium ions across cell membranes is important. Experimental investigations of valinomycin–water interactions remain …


Synergistic cooperation of PDI family members in peroxiredoxin 4-driven oxidative protein folding


Yoshimi Sato, Rieko Kojima, Masaki Okumura et al.


The mammalian endoplasmic reticulum (ER) harbors disulfide bond-generating enzymes, including Ero1α and peroxiredoxin 4 (Prx4), and nearly 20 members of the protein disulfide …


CORRIGENDUM: Circulating human basophils lack the features of professional antigen presenting cells


Meenu Sharma, Pushpa Hegde, Vishukumar Aimanianda et al.



Biodegradation-inspired bioproduction of methylacetoin and 2-methyl-2,3-butanediol


Xinglin Jiang, Haibo Zhang, Jianming Yang et al.


Methylacetoin (3-hydroxy-3-methylbutan-2-one) and 2-methyl-2,3-butanediol are currently obtained exclusively via chemical synthesis. Here, we report, to the best of our knowledge, …


The Large Conductance, Calcium-activated K+ (BK) Channel is regulated by Cysteine String Protein


Barry D. Kyle, Eva Ahrendt, Andrew P. Braun et al.


Large-conductance, calcium-activated-K (BK) channels are widely distributed throughout the nervous system, where they regulate action potential duration and firing frequency, …


Changes in the taste and textural attributes of apples in response to climate change


Toshihiko Sugiura, Hidekazu Ogawa, Noriaki Fukuda et al.


The effects of climate change on the taste and textural attributes of foods remain largely unknown, despite much public interest. On the basis of 30–40 years of records, we …


CORRIGENDUM: Deleterious effect of suboptimal diet on rest-activity cycle in Anastrepha ludens manifests itself with age


Joanna C. Chiu, Kevin Kaub, Sige Zou et al.



Characterization of VIP1 activity as a transcriptional regulator in vitro and in planta


Benoît Lacroix, Vitaly Citovsky


VIP1 (VirE2 interacting protein 1), initially discovered as a host protein involved in Agrobacterium-plant cell DNA transfer, is a transcription factor of the basic leucine-zipper …


Genetically encoded system to track histone modification in vivo


Yuko Sato, Masanori Mukai, Jun Ueda et al.


Post-translational histone modifications play key roles in gene regulation, development, and differentiation, but their dynamics in living organisms remain almost completely …


Microfluidic isolation of highly pure embryonic stem cells using feeder-separated co-culture system


Qiushui Chen, Jing Wu, Qichen Zhuang et al.


Engineered artificial tissues from stem cells show great potential in regenerative medicine, disease therapies and organ transplantation. To date, stem cells are typically …


Structural Basis for the Modulation of the Neuronal Voltage-Gated Sodium Channel NaV1.6 by Calmodulin


Vishnu Priyanka Reddy Chichili, Yucheng Xiao, J. Seetharaman et al.


The neuronal-voltage gated sodium channel (VGSC), NaV1.6, plays an important role in propagating action potentials along myelinated axons. Calmodulin (CaM) is known to modulate …


Effects of bursty protein production on the noisy oscillatory properties of downstream pathways


D. L. K. Toner, R. Grima


Experiments show that proteins are translated in sharp bursts; similar bursty phenomena have been observed for protein import into compartments. Here we investigate the effect of …


Upregulation of aquaporin expression in the salivary glands of heat-acclimated rats


Naotoshi Sugimoto, Kentaro Matsuzaki, Hiroaki Ishibashi et al.


It is known that aquaporin (AQP) 5 expression in the apical membrane of acinar cells in salivary glands is important for the secretion of saliva in rodents and humans. Although …


Systemic administration of Follistatin288 increases muscle mass and reduces fat accumulation in mice


Samudra S. Gangopadhyay


The present study describes the physiological response associated with daily subcutaneous injection of mice with recombinant follistatin288. This systemic administration of …


Precision phenotyping of biomass accumulation in triticale reveals temporal genetic patterns of regulation


Lucas Busemeyer, Arno Ruckelshausen, Kim Möller et al.


To extend agricultural productivity by knowledge-based breeding and tailor varieties adapted to specific environmental conditions, it is imperative to improve our ability to …


Colour and odour drive fruit selection and seed dispersal by mouse lemurs


Kim Valenta, Ryan J. Burke, Sarah A. Styler et al.


Animals and fruiting plants are involved in a complex set of interactions, with animals relying on fruiting trees as food resources, and fruiting trees relying on animals for seed …


Age-dependent alterations of decorin glycosaminoglycans in human skin


Yong Li, Ying Liu, Wei Xia et al.


Proteoglycans, a family of glycosaminoglycan (GAG) conjugated proteins, are important constituents of human skin connective tissue (dermis) and are essential for maintaining …


CORRIGENDUM: Estimation of autistic children by metallomics analysis


Hiroshi Yasuda, Yuichi Yasuda, Toyoharu Tsutsui



Mesenchymal Stem Cells Exploit Extracellular Matrix as Mechanotransducer


Bojun Li, Cameron Moshfegh, Zhe Lin et al.


While stem cells can sense and respond to physical properties of their environment, the molecular aspects how physical information is translated into biochemical signals remain …


Single nucleotide polymorphisms in the mitochondrial displacement loop and age-at onset of renal cell carcinoma


Jinsheng Xu, Zhanjun Guo, Junxia Zhang et al.


The accumulation of single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) in the displacement loop (D-loop) of mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) has been described in various types of cancers, and their …


X-linked Inhibitor of Apoptosis Protein negatively regulates neuronal differentiation through interaction with cRAF and Trk


Rut Fadó, Rana S. Moubarak, Alfredo J. Miñano-Molina et al.


X-linked Inhibitor of apoptosis protein (XIAP) has been classically identified as a cell death regulator. Here, we demonstrate a novel function of XIAP as a regulator of neurite …


Growth in rice cells requires de novo purine biosynthesis by the blast fungus Magnaporthe oryzae


Jessie Fernandez, Kuan Ting Yang, Kathryn M. Cornwell et al.


Increasing incidences of human disease, crop destruction and ecosystem perturbations are attributable to fungi and threaten socioeconomic progress and food security on a global …


Stepwise acetyltransferase association and histone acetylation at the Myod1 locus during myogenic differentiation


Munerah Hamed, Saadia Khilji, Jihong Chen et al.


While chromatin modifications can offer a useful readout for enhancer activities, it is less clear whether these modification marks are a cause or consequence of transcription …


Humanlike robot hands controlled by brain activity arouse illusion of ownership in operators


Maryam Alimardani, Shuichi Nishio, Hiroshi Ishiguro


Operators of a pair of robotic hands report ownership for those hands when they hold image of a grasp motion and watch the robot perform it. We present a novel body ownership …


Association of telomere shortening in myocardium with heart weight gain and cause of death


Masanori Terai, Naotaka Izumiyama-Shimomura, Junko Aida et al.


We attempted to clarify myocardial telomere dynamics using samples from 530 autopsied patients using Southern blot analysis. Overall regression analysis demonstrated yearly …


The brain microenvironment negatively regulates miRNA-768-3p to promote K-ras expression and lung cancer metastasis


Arasukumar Subramani, Samer Alsidawi, Sajjeev Jagannathan et al.


The brain microenvironment promotes metastasis through mechanisms that remain elusive. Co-culture of lung cancer cells with astrocytes - the most abundant cell type within the …


Dissecting the roles of Rac1 activation and deactivation in macropinocytosis using microscopic photo-manipulation


Makoto Fujii, Katsuhisa Kawai, Youhei Egami et al.


Macropinocytosis, a fluid-phase endocytosis, is a crucial pathway for antigen uptake and presentation in macrophages. We attempted to characterise the activation and deactivation …


Arginine insertion and loss of N-linked glycosylation site in HIV-1 envelope V3 region confer CXCR4-tropism


Kiyoto Tsuchiya, Hirotaka Ode, Tsunefusa Hayashida et al.


The third variable region (V3) of HIV-1 envelope glycoprotein gp120 plays a key role in determination of viral coreceptor usage (tropism). However, which combinations of mutations …


The Directive 2010/63/EU on animal experimentation may skew the conclusions of pharmacological and behavioural studies


Simone Macrì, Chiara Ceci, Luisa Altabella et al.


All laboratory animals shall be provided some form of environmental enrichment (EE) in the nearest future (Directive 2010/63/EU). Displacing standard housing with EE entails the …


Aetiologies of Central Nervous System infections in adults in Kathmandu, Nepal: A prospective hospital-based study


Abhishek Giri, Amit Arjyal, Samir Koirala et al.


We conducted a prospective hospital based study from February 2009-April 2011 to identify the possible pathogens of central nervous system (CNS) infections in adults admitted to a …


FUS-regulated region- and cell-type-specific transcriptome is associated with cell selectivity in ALS/FTLD


Yusuke Fujioka, Shinsuke Ishigaki, Akio Masuda et al.


FUS is genetically and pathologically linked to amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) and frontotemporal lobar degeneration (FTLD). To clarify the RNA metabolism cascade regulated …


Identification and super-resolution imaging of ligand-activated receptor dimers in live cells


Pascale Winckler, Lydia Lartigue, Gregory Giannone et al.


Molecular interactions are key to many chemical and biological processes like protein function. In many signaling processes they occur in sub-cellular areas displaying nanoscale …


Mannosylglucosylglycerate biosynthesis in the deep-branching phylum Planctomycetes: characterization of the uncommon enzymes from Rhodopirellula baltica


Sofia Cunha, Ana Filipa d'Avó, Ana Mingote et al.


The biosynthetic pathway for the rare compatible solute mannosylglucosylglycerate (MGG) accumulated by Rhodopirellula baltica, a marine member of the phylum Planctomycetes, has …


Induction of antiviral genes by the tumor microenvironment confers resistance to virotherapy


Yu-Ping Liu, Lukkana Suksanpaisan, Michael B. Steele et al.


Oncolytic viruses obliterate tumor cells in tissue culture but not against the same tumors in vivo. We report that macrophages can induce a powerfully protective antiviral state …


Expanded activity of dimer nucleases by combining ZFN and TALEN for genome editing


Wei Yan, Cory Smith, Linzhao Cheng


Our ability to precisely and efficiently edit mammalian and plant genomes has been significantly improved in recent years, partially due to increasing use of designer nucleases …


System-dependent regulations of colour-pattern development: a mutagenesis study of the pale grass blue butterfly


Masaki Iwata, Atsuki Hiyama, Joji M. Otaki


Developmental studies on wing colour patterns have been performed in nymphalid butterflies, but efficient genetic manipulations, including mutagenesis, have not been well …


CORRIGENDUM: The biological impacts of the Fukushima nuclear accident on the pale grass blue butterfly


Atsuki Hiyama, Chiyo Nohara, Seira Kinjo et al.



Ptychography – a label free, high-contrast imaging technique for live cells using quantitative phase information


Joanne Marrison, Lotta Räty, Poppy Marriott et al.


Cell imaging often relies on synthetic or genetic fluorescent labels, to provide contrast which can be far from ideal for imaging cells in their in vivo state. We report on the …


A ground-like surface facilitates visual search in chimpanzees (Pan troglodytes)


Tomoko Imura, Masaki Tomonaga


Ground surfaces play an important role in terrestrial species' locomotion and ability to manipulate objects. In humans, ground surfaces have been found to offer significant …


Intense THz pulses down-regulate genes associated with skin cancer and psoriasis: a new therapeutic avenue?


Lyubov V. Titova, Ayesheshim K. Ayesheshim, Andrey Golubov et al.


Terahertz (THz) radiation lies between the infrared and microwave regions of the electromagnetic spectrum and is non-ionizing. We show that exposure of artificial human skin …


Metabolic profiling of Alzheimer's disease brains


Koichi Inoue, Haruhito Tsutsui, Hiroyasu Akatsu et al.


Alzheimer's disease (AD) is an irreversible, progressive brain disease and can be definitively diagnosed after death through an examination of senile plaques and neurofibrillary …


STAT6 promotes bi-directional modulation of PKM2 in liver and adipose inflammatory cells in Rosiglitazone-treated mice


Tatjana Sajic, Alexandre Hainard, Alexander Scherl et al.


STAT6 interacts with PPARγ to elicit macrophage polarization towards an anti-inflammatory, insulin-sensitizing phenotype. Mice deficient in STAT6 display liver lipid accumulation …


Bioactive baculovirus nanohybrids for stent based rapid vascular re-endothelialization


Arghya Paul, Cynthia B. Elias, Dominique Shum-Tim et al.


Present study, for the first time, reports the development of a nanohybridized baculovirus based stent that can locally promote vascular re-endothelialization by efficient …


Looking while eating: The importance of social context to social attention


David W. -L. Wu, Walter F. Bischof, Alan Kingstone


Recent studies have found that participants consistently look less at social stimuli in live situations than expected from conventional laboratory experiments, raising questions …


Seroconversion of sentinel chickens as a biomarker for monitoring exposure to visceral Leishmaniasis


Bárbara Ribeiro Soares, Ana Paula Almeida Souza, Deboraci Brito Prates et al.


Leishmania infantum chagasi causes visceral leishmaniasis (VL); it is transmitted by the sand fly Lutzomyia longipalpis that injects saliva and parasites into the host's skin …


Escherichia coli transcription termination factor NusA: heat-induced oligomerization and chaperone activity


Kun Li, Tianyi Jiang, Bo Yu et al.


Escherichia coli NusA, an essential component of the RNA polymerase elongation complex, is involved in transcriptional elongation, termination, anti-termination, cold shock and …


Lys63-linked polyubiquitination of BRAF at lysine 578 is required for BRAF-mediated signaling


Lei An, Wei Jia, Yang Yu et al.


The RAF kinase family is essential in mediating signal transduction from RAS to ERK. BRAF constitutively active mutations correlate with human cancer development. However, the …


Endoplasmic reticulum stress preconditioning attenuates methylmercury-induced cellular damage by inducing favorable stress responses


Fusako Usuki, Masatake Fujimura, Akio Yamashita


We demonstrate that methylmercury (MeHg)-susceptible cells preconditioned with an inhibitor of endoplasmic reticulum (ER) Ca2-ATPase, thapsigargin, showed resistance to MeHg …


High-power femtosecond-terahertz pulse induces a wound response in mouse skin


Kyu-Tae Kim, Jaehun Park, Sung Jin Jo et al.


Terahertz (THz) technology has emerged for biomedical applications such as scanning, molecular spectroscopy, and medical imaging. Although a thorough assessment to predict …


Ketamine alters oscillatory coupling in the hippocampus


Fábio V. Caixeta, Alianda M. Cornélio, Robson Scheffer-Teixeira et al.


Recent studies show that higher order oscillatory interactions such as cross-frequency coupling are important for brain functions that are impaired in schizophrenia, including …


Mechanisms for the retention of inorganic N in acidic forest soils of southern China


Jin-bo Zhang, Zu-cong Cai, Tong-bin Zhu et al.


The mechanisms underlying the retention of inorganic N in acidic forest soils in southern China are not well understood. Here, we simultaneously quantified the gross N …


Cadmium is a potent inhibitor of PPM phosphatases and targets the M1 binding site


Chang Pan, Hong-Da Liu, Zheng Gong et al.


The heavy metal cadmium is a non-degradable pollutant. By screening the effects of a panel of metal ions on the phosphatase activity, we unexpectedly identified cadmium as a …


Pigment Epithelium-Derived Factor Secreted from Retinal Pigment Epithelium Facilitates Apoptotic Cell Death of iPSC


Hoshimi Kanemura, Masahiro J. Go, Naoki Nishishita et al.


We show that pigment epithelium-derived factor (PEDF), which is secreted from primary or iPSC-derived retinal pigment epithelium (RPE), dramatically inhibits the growth of iPSCs. …

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