

Scientific Reports Physics Table of Contents e-alert: September 2013

  02 September 2013   
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Physical Sciences

Kinetic Evidence of an Apparent Negative Activation Enthalpy in an Organocatalytic Process


Xiao Han, Richmond Lee, Tao Chen et al.


A combined kinetic and computational study on our tryptophan-based bifunctional thiourea catalyzed asymmetric Mannich reactions reveals an apparent negative activation enthalpy. …


Transition of refractive index contrast in course of grating growth


Tina Sabel, Michael Zschocher


Studies on the dynamics of holographic pattern formation in photosensitive polymers, gaining deeper insight into the specific material transformations, are essential for …


Rationally designed porous polystyrene encapsulated zirconium phosphate nanocomposite for highly efficient fluoride uptake in waters


Qingrui Zhang, Qing Du, Tifeng Jiao et al.


Fluoride pollution in waters has engulfed worldwide regions and an excess of fluoride intake always causes skeletal fluorosis. Herein, a novel hybrid nanomaterial ZrP-MPN was …


Acoustic-like dynamics of amorphous drugs in the THz regime


E. A. A. Pogna, C. Rodríguez-Tinoco, M. Krisch et al.


The high frequency dynamics of Indomethacin and Celecoxib glasses has been investigated by inelastic x-ray scattering, accessing a momentum-energy region still unexplored in …


Neural networks using two-component Bose-Einstein condensates


Tim Byrnes, Shinsuke Koyama, Kai Yan et al.


The authors previously considered a method of solving optimization problems by using a system of interconnected network of two component Bose-Einstein condensates (Byrnes, Yan, …


Directly measuring of thermal pulse transfer in one-dimensional highly aligned carbon nanotubes


Guang Zhang, Changhong Liu, Shoushan Fan


Using a simple and precise instrument system, we directly measured the thermo-physical properties of one-dimensional highly aligned carbon nanotubes (CNTs). A kind of CNT-based …


Observation of antiferromagnetic order collapse in the pressurized insulator LaMnPO


Jing Guo, J. W. Simonson, Liling Sun et al.


The emergence of superconductivity in the iron pnictide or cuprate high temperature superconductors usually accompanies the suppression of a long-ranged antiferromagnetic (AFM) …


{110} Slip with {112} slip traces in bcc Tungsten


Cecile Marichal, Helena Van Swygenhoven, Steven Van Petegem et al.


While propagation of dislocations in body centered cubic metals at low temperature is understood in terms of elementary steps on {110} planes, slip traces correspond often with …


Digital Imprinting of RNA Recognition and Processing on a Self-Assembled Nucleic Acid Matrix


Shiv K. Redhu, Matteo Castronovo, Allen W. Nicholson


The accelerating progress of research in nanomedicine and nanobiotechnology has included initiatives to develop highly-sensitive, high-throughput methods to detect biomarkers at …


Magnetoresistive Emulsion Analyzer


Gungun Lin, Larysa Baraban, Luyang Han et al.


We realize a magnetoresistive emulsion analyzer capable of detection, multiparametric analysis and sorting of ferrofluid-containing nanoliter-droplets. The operation of the device …


Probing the Transmembrane Structure and Topology of Microsomal Cytochrome-P450 by Solid-State NMR on Temperature-Resistant Bicelles


Kazutoshi Yamamoto, Melissa Gildenberg, Shivani Ahuja et al.


Though the importance of high-resolution structure and dynamics of membrane proteins has been well recognized, optimizing sample conditions to retain the native-like folding and …


Manipulating Acoustic Wavefront by Inhomogeneous Impedance and Steerable Extraordinary Reflection


Jiajun Zhao, Baowen Li, Zhining Chen et al.


We unveil the connection between the acoustic impedance along a flat surface and the reflected acoustic wavefront, in order to empower a wide wariety of novel applications in …


Strain engineering induced interfacial self-assembly and intrinsic exchange bias in a manganite perovskite film


B. Cui, C. Song, G. Y. Wang et al.


The control of complex oxide heterostructures at atomic level generates a rich spectrum of exotic properties and unexpected states at the interface between two separately prepared …


Electric-field-induced metal maintained by current of the Mott insulator Ca2RuO4


Fumihiko Nakamura, Mariko Sakaki, Yuya Yamanaka et al.


Recently, “application of electric field (E-field)” has received considerable attention as a new method to induce novel quantum phenomena since application of E-field can tune the …


Reflected wavefront manipulation based on ultrathin planar acoustic metasurfaces


Yong Li, Bin Liang, Zhong-ming Gu et al.


The introduction of metasurfaces has renewed the Snell's law and opened up new degrees of freedom to tailor the optical wavefront at will. Here, we theoretically demonstrate that …


Determination of Chlorinated Hydrocarbons in Water Using Highly Sensitive Mid-Infrared Sensor Technology


Rui Lu, Boris Mizaikoff, Wen-Wei Li et al.


Chlorinated aliphatic hydrocarbons and chlorinated aromatic hydrocarbons (CHCs) are toxic and carcinogenic contaminants commonly found in environmental samples, and efficient …


Deciphering the global organization of clustering in real complex networks


Pol Colomer-de-Simón, M. Ángeles Serrano, Mariano G. Beiró et al.


We uncover the global organization of clustering in real complex networks. To this end, we ask whether triangles in real networks organize as in maximally random graphs with given …


Long-term biopersistence of tangled oxidized carbon nanotubes inside and outside macrophages in rat subcutaneous tissue


Yoshinori Sato, Atsuro Yokoyama, Yoshinobu Nodasaka et al.


Because of their mechanical strength, chemical stability, and low molecular weight, carbon nanotubes (CNTs) are attractive biological implant materials. Biomaterials are typically …


Activating the Microscale Edge Effect in a Hierarchical Surface for Frosting Suppression and Defrosting Promotion


Xuemei Chen, Ruiyuan Ma, Hongbo Zhou et al.


Despite extensive progress, current icephobic materials are limited by the breakdown of their icephobicity in the condensation frosting environment. In particular, the frost …


Tactile Feedback Display with Spatial and Temporal Resolutions


Siarhei Vishniakou, Brian W. Lewis, Xiaofan Niu et al.


We report the electronic recording of the touch contact and pressure using an active matrix pressure sensor array made of transparent zinc oxide thin-film transistors and tactile …


Perfect imaging, epsilon-near zero phenomena and waveguiding in the scope of nonlocal effects


C. David, N. A. Mortensen, J. Christensen


Plasmons in metals can oscillate on a sub-wavelength length scale and this large-k response constitutes an inherent prerequisite for fascinating effects such as perfect imaging …


Facile and Green Synthesis of Palladium Nanoparticles-Graphene-Carbon Nanotube Material with High Catalytic Activity


Tai Sun, Zheye Zhang, Junwu Xiao et al.


We report a facile and green method to synthesize a new type of catalyst by coating Pd nanoparticles (NPs) on reduced graphene oxide (rGO)-carbon nanotube (CNT) nanocomposite. An …


Towards real-time image deconvolution: application to confocal and STED microscopy


R. Zanella, G. Zanghirati, R. Cavicchioli et al.


Although deconvolution can improve the quality of any type of microscope, the high computational time required has so far limited its massive spreading. Here we demonstrate the …


Virality Prediction and Community Structure in Social Networks


Lilian Weng, Filippo Menczer, Yong-Yeol Ahn


How does network structure affect diffusion? Recent studies suggest that the answer depends on the type of contagion. Complex contagions, unlike infectious diseases (simple …


Mammalian cortical bone in tension is non-Haversian


Ashwij Mayya, Anuradha Banerjee, R. Rajesh


Cortical bone, found in the central part of long bones like femur, is known to adapt to local mechanical stresses. This adaptation has been linked exclusively with Haversian …


Porous Carbon Nanoparticle Networks with Tunable Absorbability


Wei Dai, Seong Jin Kim, Won-Kyeong Seong et al.


Porous carbon materials with high specific surface areas and superhydrophobicity have attracted much research interest due to their potential application in the areas of water …


Examining non-locality and quantum coherent dynamics induced by a common reservoir


Guang-Yin Chen, Shin-Liang Chen, Che-Ming Li et al.


If two identical emitters are coupled to a common reservoir, entanglement can be generated during the decay process. When using Bell's inequality to examine the non-locality, …


A coevolving model based on preferential triadic closure for social media networks


Menghui Li, Hailin Zou, Shuguang Guan et al.


The dynamical origin of complex networks, i.e., the underlying principles governing network evolution, is a crucial issue in network study. In this paper, by carrying out analysis …


Subdiffusion Supports Joining Of Correct Ends During Repair Of DNA Double-Strand Breaks


S. Girst, V. Hable, G. A. Drexler et al.


The mobility of damaged chromatin regions in the nucleus may affect the probability of mis-repair. In this work, live-cell observation and distance tracking of GFP-tagged DNA …


Mechanism of wavelength conversion in polystyrene doped with benzoxanthene: emergence of a complex


Hidehito Nakamura, Yoshiyuki Shirakawa, Hisashi Kitamura et al.


Fluorescent guest molecules doped in polymers have been used to convert ultraviolet light into visible light for applications ranging from optical fibres to filters for the …


Interfacial growth of large-area single-layer metal-organic framework nanosheets


Rie Makiura, Oleg Konovalov


The air/liquid interface is an excellent platform to assemble two-dimensional (2D) sheets of materials by enhancing spontaneous organizational features of the building components …


A Class of High Performance Metal-Free Oxygen Reduction Electrocatalysts based on Cheap Carbon Blacks


Xiujuan Sun, Ping Song, Yuwei Zhang et al.


For the goal of practical industrial development of fuel cells, cheap, sustainable and high performance electrocatalysts for oxygen reduction reactions (ORR) which rival those …


High Performance Graphene Oxide Based Rubber Composites


Yingyan Mao, Shipeng Wen, Yulong Chen et al.


In this paper, graphene oxide/styrene-butadiene rubber (GO/SBR) composites with complete exfoliation of GO sheets were prepared by aqueous-phase mixing of GO colloid with SBR …


Bombarding Cancer: Biolistic Delivery of therapeutics using Porous Si Carriers


Neta Zilony, Adi Tzur-Balter, Ester Segal et al.


A new paradigm for an effective delivery of therapeutics into cancer cells is presented. Degradable porous silicon carriers, which are tailored to carry and release a model …


Surface Reactivity Enhancement on a Pd/Bi2Te3 Heterostructure through Robust Topological Surface States


Qing Lin He, Ying Hoi Lai, Yao Lu et al.


We present a study of the surface reactivity of a Pd/Bi2Te3 thin film heterostructure. The topological surface states from Bi2Te3, being delocalized and robust owing to their …


Impact of Site-Directed Mutant Luciferase on Quantitative Green and Orange/Red Emission Intensities in Firefly Bioluminescence


Yu Wang, Hidefumi Akiyama, Kanako Terakado et al.


Firefly bioluminescence has attracted great interest because of its high quantum yield and intriguing modifiable colours. Modifications to the structure of the enzyme luciferase …


Experimental verification and investigation of disks scattering slab modes in metal-dielectric heterostructures


Lan Ding, Ke Jia Wang, Wei Wang et al.


A thin dielectric plate can support conventional slab modes such as leaky Fabry-Perot, guided waves and radiation modes. When the plate is coated on a metallic subwavelength disk …


Testing Leggett's Inequality Using Aharonov-Casher Effect


Hong-Yi Su, Jing-Ling Chen, Chunfeng Wu et al.


Bell's inequality is established based on local realism. The violation of Bell's inequality by quantum mechanics implies either locality or realism or both are untenable. …


What holds paper together: Nanometre scale exploration of bonding between paper fibres


Franz J. Schmied, Christian Teichert, Lisbeth Kappel et al.


Paper, a man-made material that has been used for hundreds of years, is a network of natural cellulosic fibres. To a large extent, it is the strength of bonding between these …


Understanding and mimicking the dual optimality of the fly ear


Haijun Liu, Luke Currano, Danny Gee et al.


The fly Ormia ochracea has the remarkable ability, given an eardrum separation of only 520 μm, to pinpoint the 5 kHz chirp of its cricket host. Previous research showed that the …


A novel molecular index for secondary oil migration distance


Liuping Zhang, Maowen Li, Yang Wang et al.


Determining oil migration distances from source rocks to reservoirs can greatly help in the search for new petroleum accumulations. Concentrations and ratios of polar organic …


Porous mesocarbon microbeads with graphitic shells: constructing a high-rate, high-capacity cathode for hybrid supercapacitor


Yu Lei, Zheng-Hong Huang, Ying Yang et al.


Li4Ti5O12/activated carbon hybrid supercapacitor can combine the advantages of both lithium-ion battery and supercapacitor, which may meet the requirements for developing …


Smart Multifunctional Fluids for Lithium Ion Batteries: Enhanced Rate Performance and Intrinsic Mechanical Protection


Jie Ding, Tongfei Tian, Qing Meng et al.


Lithium ion batteries are attractive power sources for the consumer electronics market and are being aggressively developed for road transportation. Nevertheless, issues with …


Coexistence of high performance resistance and capacitance memory based on multilayered metal-oxide structures


Z. B. Yan, J. -M. Liu


The Au/DyMnO3/Nb:SrTiO3/Au stack was demonstrated to be not only a high performance memristor but also a good memcapacitor. The switching time is below 10 ns, the retention is …


Anomalous switching in Nb/Ru/Sr2RuO4 topological junctions by chiral domain wall motion


M. S. Anwar, Taketomo Nakamura, S. Yonezawa et al.


A spontaneous symmetry breaking in a system often results in domain wall formation. The motion of such domain walls is utilized to realize novel devices like racetrack-memories, …


Origin of the Chemical and Kinetic Stability of Graphene Oxide


Si Zhou, Angelo Bongiorno


At moderate temperatures (≤ 70°C), thermal reduction of graphene oxide is inefficient and after its synthesis the material enters in a metastable state. Here, first-principles and …


Nature of hardness evolution in nanocrystalline NiTi shape memory alloys during solid-state phase transition


Abbas Amini, Chun Cheng


Due to a distinct nature of thermomechanical smart materials' reaction to applied loads, a revolutionary approach is needed to measure the hardness and to understand its size …


Spreading of cooperative behaviour across interdependent groups


Luo-Luo Jiang, Matjaž Perc


Recent empirical research has shown that links between groups reinforce individuals within groups to adopt cooperative behaviour. Moreover, links between networks may induce …


Experimental simulation of quantum tunneling in small systems


Guan-Ru Feng, Yao Lu, Liang Hao et al.


It is well known that quantum computers are superior to classical computers in efficiently simulating quantum systems. Here we report the first experimental simulation of quantum …


Optimal interdependence between networks for the evolution of cooperation


Zhen Wang, Attila Szolnoki, Matjaž Perc


Recent research has identified interactions between networks as crucial for the outcome of evolutionary games taking place on them. While the consensus is that interdependence …


Nonlinear Growth Kinetics of Breast Cancer Stem Cells: Implications for Cancer Stem Cell Targeted Therapy


Xinfeng Liu, Sara Johnson, Shou Liu et al.


Cancer stem cells (CSCs) have been identified in primary breast cancer tissues and cell lines. The CSC population varies widely among cancerous tissues and cell lines, and is …


Multispectral imaging with vertical silicon nanowires


Hyunsung Park, Kenneth B. Crozier


Multispectral imaging is a powerful tool that extends the capabilities of the human eye. However, multispectral imaging systems generally are expensive and bulky, and multiple …


Direct Growth of Graphene Film on Germanium Substrate


Gang Wang, Miao Zhang, Yun Zhu et al.


Graphene has been predicted to play a role in post-silicon electronics due to the extraordinary carrier mobility. Chemical vapor deposition of graphene on transition metals has …


Visualizing Cyclic Peptide Hydration at the Single-Molecule Level


Yumin Chen, Ke Deng, Xiaohui Qiu et al.


The role of water molecules in the selective transport of potassium ions across cell membranes is important. Experimental investigations of valinomycin–water interactions remain …


Two mixed-NH3/amine platinum (II) anticancer complexes featuring a dichloroacetate moiety in the leaving group


Weiping Liu, Jia Su, Jing Jiang et al.


Two mixed-NH3/amine platinum (II) complexes of 3-dichoroacetoxylcyclobutane-1, 1-dicarboxylate have been prepared in the present study and characterized by elemental analysis and …


Gelling by Heating


Sándalo Roldán-Vargas, Frank Smallenburg, Walter Kob et al.


We exploit the concept of competing interactions to design a binary mixture of patchy particles that forms a reversible gel upon heating. Our molecular dynamics computer …


Atomic sites and stability of Cs+ captured within zeolitic nanocavities


Kaname Yoshida, Kazuaki Toyoura, Katsuyuki Matsunaga et al.


Zeolites have potential application as ion-exchangers, catalysts and molecular sieves. Zeolites are once again drawing attention in Japan as stable adsorbents and solidification …


Redox-active charge carriers of conducting polymers as a tuner of conductivity and its potential window


Han-Saem Park, Seo-Jin Ko, Jeong-Seok Park et al.


Electric conductivity of conducting polymers has been steadily enhanced towards a level worthy of being called its alias, “synthetic metal”. PEDOT:PSS …


Effectively control negative thermal expansion of single-phase ferroelectrics of PbTiO3-(Bi,La)FeO3 over a giant range


Jun Chen, Fangfang Wang, Qingzhen Huang et al.


Control of negative thermal expansion is a fundamentally interesting topic in the negative thermal expansion materials in order for the future applications. However, it is a …


Decoy-state quantum key distribution with biased basis choice


Zhengchao Wei, Weilong Wang, Zhen Zhang et al.


We propose a quantum key distribution scheme that combines a biased basis choice with the decoy-state method. In this scheme, Alice sends all signal states in the Z basis and …


Liquid Crystal-on-Organic Field-Effect Transistor Sensory Devices for Perceptive Sensing of Ultralow Intensity Gas Flow Touch


Jooyeok Seo, Soohyeong Park, Sungho Nam et al.


We demonstrate liquid crystal-on-organic field-effect transistor (LC-on-OFET) sensory devices that can perceptively sense ultralow level gas flows. The LC-on-OFET devices were …


Cascaded two-photon nonlinearity in a one-dimensional waveguide with multiple two-level emitters


Dibyendu Roy


We propose and theoretically investigate a model to realize cascaded optical nonlinearity with few atoms and photons in one-dimension (1D). The optical nonlinearity in our system …


ERRATUM: Rebound of a confined granular material: combination of a bouncing ball and a granular damper


F. Pacheco-Vázquez, S. Dorbolo



Magnonic Band Engineering by Intrinsic and Extrinsic Mirror Symmetry Breaking in Antidot Spin-Wave Waveguides


J. W. KÅ‚os, D. Kumar, M. Krawczyk et al.


We theoretically study the spin-wave spectra in magnonic waveguides periodically patterned with nanoscale square antidots. We show that structural changes breaking the mirror …


Blue-Coloured Highly Efficient Dye-Sensitized Solar Cells by Implementing the Diketopyrrolopyrrole Chromophore


Jun-Ho Yum, Thomas W. Holcombe, Yongjoo Kim et al.


The paradigm shift in dye sensitized solar cells (DSCs) – towards donor- π bridge-acceptor (D-π-A) dyes – increases the performances of DSCs and challenges established design …


Spiral Patterns of Dislocations at Nodes in (111) Semi-coherent FCC Interfaces


Shuai Shao, Jian Wang, Amit Misra et al.


In semi-coherent interface, a superposed network of interface dislocations accommodates the attendant coherency strains in the adjacent crystals and their intersections (referred …


Tailoring the oxidation state of cobalt through halide functionality in sol-gel silica


Gianni Olguin, Christelle Yacou, Simon Smart et al.


The functionality or oxidation state of cobalt within a silica matrix can be tailored through the use of cationic surfactants and their halide counter ions during the sol-gel …


Highly efficient and robust cathode materials for low-temperature solid oxide fuel cells: PrBa0.5Sr0.5Co2−xFexO5+δ


Sihyuk Choi, Seonyoung Yoo, Jiyoun Kim et al.


Solid oxide fuel cells (SOFC) are the cleanest, most efficient, and cost-effective option for direct conversion to electricity of a wide variety of fuels. While significant …


ERRATUM: How High Frequency Trading Affects a Market Index


Dror Y. Kenett, Eshel Ben-Jacob, H. Eugene Stanley et al.



Controlled Growth of Platinum Nanowire Arrays on Sulfur Doped Graphene as High Performance Electrocatalyst


Rongyue Wang, Drew C. Higgins, Md Ariful Hoque et al.


Graphene supported Pt nanostructures have great potential to be used as catalysts in electrochemical energy conversion and storage technologies; however the simultaneous control …


Exploring electronic structure of one-atom thick polycrystalline graphene films: A nano angle resolved photoemission study


José Avila, Ivy Razado, Stéphane Lorcy et al.


The ability to produce large, continuous and defect free films of graphene is presently a major challenge for multiple applications. Even though the scalability of graphene films …


General Route to ZnO Nanorod Arrays on Conducting Substrates via Galvanic-cell-based approach


Zhaoke Zheng, Zhi Shiuh Lim, Yuan Peng et al.


Wurtzite ZnO nanorod exhibits many unique properties, which make it promising for various optoelectronic applications. To grow well-aligned ZnO nanorod arrays on various …


Deep subwavelength fourfold rotationally symmetric split-ring-resonator metamaterials for highly sensitive and robust biosensing platform


Landobasa Y. M. Tobing, Liliana Tjahjana, Dao Hua Zhang et al.


Metamaterials provide a good platform for biochemical sensing due to its strong field localization at nanoscale. In this work, we show that electric and magnetic resonant modes in …


Precision phenotyping of biomass accumulation in triticale reveals temporal genetic patterns of regulation


Lucas Busemeyer, Arno Ruckelshausen, Kim Möller et al.


To extend agricultural productivity by knowledge-based breeding and tailor varieties adapted to specific environmental conditions, it is imperative to improve our ability to …


Effects of bursty protein production on the noisy oscillatory properties of downstream pathways


D. L. K. Toner, R. Grima


Experiments show that proteins are translated in sharp bursts; similar bursty phenomena have been observed for protein import into compartments. Here we investigate the effect of …


Ultrahigh Gas Storage both at Low and High Pressures in KOH-Activated Carbonized Porous Aromatic Frameworks


Yanqiang Li, Teng Ben, Bingyao Zhang et al.


The carbonized PAF-1 derivatives formed by high-temperature KOH activation showed a unique bimodal microporous structure located at 0.6 nm and 1.2 nm and high surface area. These …


When epitaxy meets plasma: a path to ordered nanosheets arrays


Hao Zhuang, Lei Zhang, Regina Fuchs et al.


The possibility of a controlled assembly of 2-dimensional (2D) nanosheets (NSs) into ordered arrays or even more sophisticated structures offers tremendous opportunities in the …


Fractional tunnelling resonance in plasmonic media


Ji-Hun Kang, Q. -Han Park


Metals can transmit light by tunnelling when they possess skin-depth thickness. Tunnelling can be resonantly enhanced if resonators are added to each side of a metal film, such as …


Fine tuning of graphene-metal adhesion by surface alloying


D. Alfè, M. Pozzo, E. Miniussi et al.


We show that bimetallic surface alloying provides a viable route for governing the interaction between graphene and metal through the selective choice of the elemental composition …


Thermally Induced Shape Modification of Free-standing Nanostructures for Advanced Functionalities


Ajuan Cui, Wuxia Li, Tiehan H. Shen et al.


Shape manipulation of nanowires is highly desirable in the construction of nanostructures, in producing free-standing interconnect bridges and as a building block of more complex …


Engineering nanocolumnar defect configurations for optimized vortex pinning in high temperature superconducting nanocomposite wires


Sung Hun Wee, Yuri L. Zuev, Claudia Cantoni et al.


We report microstructural design via control of BaZrO3 (BZO) defect density in high temperature superconducting (HTS) wires based on epitaxial YBa2Cu3O7-δ (YBCO) films to achieve …


Facile synthesis of highly efficient and recyclable magnetic solid acid from biomass waste


Wu-Jun Liu, Ke Tian, Hong Jiang et al.


In this work, sawdust, a biomass waste, is converted into a magnetic porous carbonaceous (MPC) solid acid catalyst by an integrated fast pyrolysis–sulfonation process. The …


Hydrophobic amino acids as a new class of kinetic inhibitors for gas hydrate formation


Jeong-Hoon Sa, Gye-Hoon Kwak, Bo Ram Lee et al.


As the foundation of energy industry moves towards gas, flow assurance technology preventing pipelines from hydrate blockages becomes increasingly significant. However, the …


ERRATUM: Nanocontainers made of Various Materials with Tunable Shape and Size


Xianglong Zhao, Guowen Meng, Fangming Han et al.



Improvement of Thiolate/Disulfide Mediated Dye-Sensitized Solar Cells through Supramolecular Lithium Cation Assembling of Crown Ether


Linfeng Liu, Xiong Li, Jiangzhao Chen et al.


A supramolecular lithium cation assemblies of crown ether, [Li⊂12-crown-4], has been used to replace conventional tetraalkylammonium counterion in thiolate/disulfide (ET/BET) …


Submerged Liquid Plasma for the Synthesis of Unconventional Nitrogen Polymers


Jaganathan Senthilnathan, Chih-Chiang Weng, Jiunn-Der Liao et al.


Glow discharge polymerization is not well understood due to the rapid/complex reaction at the plasma/gas precursor interface. Plasma reaction in a submerged condition allows …


Improvement of infrared single-photon detectors absorptance by integrated plasmonic structures


Mária Csete, Áron Sipos, Anikó Szalai et al.


Plasmonic structures open novel avenues in photodetector development. Optimized illumination configurations are reported to improve p-polarized light absorptance in …


Strong Temporal Variation Over One Saturnian Year: From Voyager to Cassini


Liming Li, Richard K. Achterberg, Barney J. Conrath et al.


Here we report the combined spacecraft observations of Saturn acquired over one Saturnian year (~29.5 Earth years), from the Voyager encounters (1980–81) to the new Cassini …


The antiferromagnetic structures of IrMn3 and their influence on exchange-bias


A. Kohn, A. Kovács, R. Fan et al.


We have determined the magnetic structures of single-crystal thin-films of IrMn3 for the crystallographic phases of chemically-ordered L12, and for chemically-disordered …


Tunable Dirac Fermion Dynamics in Topological Insulators


Chaoyu Chen, Zhuojin Xie, Ya Feng et al.


Three-dimensional topological insulators are characterized by insulating bulk state and metallic surface state involving relativistic Dirac fermions which are responsible for …


Multimode Resistive Switching in Single ZnO Nanoisland System


Jing Qi, Mario Olmedo, Jian-Guo Zheng et al.


Resistive memory has attracted a great deal of attention as an alternative to contemporary flash memory. Here we demonstrate an interesting phenomenon that multimode resistive …


Friction coefficient dependence on electrostatic tribocharging


Thiago A. L. Burgo, Cristiane A. Silva, Lia B. S. Balestrin et al.


Friction between dielectric surfaces produces patterns of fixed, stable electric charges that in turn contribute electrostatic components to surface interactions between the …


A full-sunlight-driven photocatalyst with super long-persistent energy storage ability


Jie Li, Yuan Liu, Zhijian Zhu et al.


A major drawback of traditional photocatalysts like TiO2 is that they can only work under illumination, and the light has to be UV. As a solution for this limitation, …


A Comprehensive Strategy to Boost the Quantum Yield of Luminescence of Europium Complexes


Nathalia B. D. Lima, Simone M. C. Gonçalves, Severino A. Júnior et al.


Lanthanide luminescence has many important applications in anion sensing, protein recognition, nanosized phosphorescent devices, optoelectronic devices, immunoassays, etc. …


Tuning universality far from equilibrium


Markus Karl, Boris Nowak, Thomas Gasenzer


Possible universal dynamics of a many-body system far from thermal equilibrium are explored. A focus is set on meta-stable non-thermal states exhibiting critical properties such …


Noise induced oscillations and coherence resonance in a generic model of the nonisothermal chemical oscillator


David S. A. Simakov, Juan Pérez-Mercader


Oscillating chemical reactions are common in biological systems and they also occur in artificial non-biological systems. Generally, these reactions are subject to random …


Quantum Corrections Crossover and Ferromagnetism in Magnetic Topological Insulators


Lihong Bao, Weiyi Wang, Nicholas Meyer et al.


Revelation of emerging exotic states of topological insulators (TIs) for future quantum computing applications relies on breaking time-reversal symmetry and opening a surface …


Atomic Structures of Silicene Layers Grown on Ag(111): Scanning Tunneling Microscopy and Noncontact Atomic Force Microscopy Observations


Andrea Resta, Thomas Leoni, Clemens Barth et al.


Silicene, the considered equivalent of graphene for silicon, has been recently synthesized on Ag(111) surfaces. Following the tremendous success of graphene, silicene might …


One-step spray processing of high power all-solid-state supercapacitors


Chun Huang, Patrick S. Grant


Aqueous suspensions of multi-wall carbon nanotubes (MWNTs) in dilute H2SO4 were sprayed onto both sides of a Nafion membrane and dried to fabricate flexible solid-state …


Decision Maker based on Nanoscale Photo-excitation Transfer


Song-Ju Kim, Makoto Naruse, Masashi Aono et al.


Decision-making is one of the most important intellectual abilities of the human brain. Here we propose an efficient decision-making system which uses optical energy transfer …


Detecting orbital angular momentum through division-of-amplitude interference with a circular plasmonic lens


Ai-Ping Liu, Xiao Xiong, Xi-Feng Ren et al.


We demonstrate a novel detection scheme for the orbital angular momentum (OAM) of light using circular plasmonic lens. Owing to a division-of-amplitude interference phenomenon …


Effect of mass disorder on the lattice thermal conductivity of MgO periclase under pressure


Douglas Allen Dalton, Wen-Pin Hsieh, Gregory T. Hohensee et al.


Thermal conductivity of mantle materials controlling the heat balance and thermal evolution of the Earth remains poorly constrained as the available experimental and theoretical …


Humanlike robot hands controlled by brain activity arouse illusion of ownership in operators


Maryam Alimardani, Shuichi Nishio, Hiroshi Ishiguro


Operators of a pair of robotic hands report ownership for those hands when they hold image of a grasp motion and watch the robot perform it. We present a novel body ownership …


Multiscale distribution of oxygen puddles in 1/8 doped YBa2Cu3O6.67


Alessandro Ricci, Nicola Poccia, Gaetano Campi et al.


Despite intensive research a physical explanation of high Tc superconductors remains elusive. One reason for this is that these materials have generally a very complex structure …


Identification and super-resolution imaging of ligand-activated receptor dimers in live cells


Pascale Winckler, Lydia Lartigue, Gregory Giannone et al.


Molecular interactions are key to many chemical and biological processes like protein function. In many signaling processes they occur in sub-cellular areas displaying nanoscale …


“Re-growth Etching” to Large-sized Porous Gold Nanostructures


Wenzheng Li, Long Kuai, Lu Chen et al.


A new method, named “re-growth etching”, which introduces a unique etchant “AuI”, has been developed to fabricate large-sized porous gold nanostructures. The size of …


A self-assembled three-dimensional cloak in the visible


Stefan Mühlig, Alastair Cunningham, José Dintinger et al.


An invisibility cloak has been designed, realized and characterized. The cloak hides free-standing sub-wavelength three-dimensional objects at the short wavelength edge of the …


Structurally Coloured Secondary Particles Composed of Black and White Colloidal Particles


Yukikazu Takeoka, Shinya Yoshioka, Midori Teshima et al.


This study investigated the colourful secondary particles formed by controlling the aggregation states of colloidal silica particles and the enhancement of the structural …


Liquid crystal self-templating approach to ultrastrong and tough biomimic composites


Xiaozhen Hu, Zhen Xu, Zheng Liu et al.


Materials with both high strength and toughness are in great demand for a wide range of applications, requiring strict design of ingredients and hierarchically ordered …


Rapid (<5 min) Identification of Pathogen in Human Blood by Electrokinetic Concentration and Surface-Enhanced Raman Spectroscopy


I-Fang Cheng, Hsien-Chang Chang, Tzu-Ying Chen et al.


This study reports a novel microfluidic platform for rapid and long-ranged concentration of rare-pathogen from human blood for subsequent on-chip surface-enhanced Raman …


Quantum Transport Enhancement by Time-Reversal Symmetry Breaking


Zoltán Zimborás, Mauro Faccin, Zoltán Kádár et al.


Quantum mechanics still provides new unexpected effects when considering the transport of energy and information. Models of continuous time quantum walks, which implicitly use …


Biodegradability engineering of biodegradable Mg alloys: Tailoring the electrochemical properties and microstructure of constituent phases


Pil-Ryung Cha, Hyung-Seop Han, Gui-Fu Yang et al.


Crystalline Mg-based alloys with a distinct reduction in hydrogen evolution were prepared through both electrochemical and microstructural engineering of the constituent phases. …


Fabrication of ultra-thin nanostructured bimetallic foils by Accumulative Roll Bonding and Asymmetric Rolling


Hailiang Yu, Cheng Lu, A. Kiet Tieu et al.


This paper reports a new technique that combines the features of Accumulative Roll Bonding (ARB) and Asymmetric Rolling (AR). This technique has been developed to enable …


Arbitrary Multicolor Photodetection by Hetero-integrated Semiconductor Nanostructures


Liwen Sang, Junqing Hu, Rujia Zou et al.


The typical photodetectors can only detect one specific optical spectral band, such as InGaAs and graphene-PbS quantum dots for near-infrared (NIR) light detection, CdS and Si for …


Bioactive baculovirus nanohybrids for stent based rapid vascular re-endothelialization


Arghya Paul, Cynthia B. Elias, Dominique Shum-Tim et al.


Present study, for the first time, reports the development of a nanohybridized baculovirus based stent that can locally promote vascular re-endothelialization by efficient …


A supramolecular approach to fabricate highly emissive smart materials


Kai Liu, Yuxing Yao, Yuetong Kang et al.


The aromatic chromophores, for example, perylene diimides (PDIs) are well known for their desirable absorption and emission properties. However, their stacking nature hinders the …


Metabolic profiling of Alzheimer's disease brains


Koichi Inoue, Haruhito Tsutsui, Hiroyasu Akatsu et al.


Alzheimer's disease (AD) is an irreversible, progressive brain disease and can be definitively diagnosed after death through an examination of senile plaques and neurofibrillary …


ERRATUM: Visualizing size-dependent deformation mechanism transition in Sn


Lin Tian, Ju Li, Jun Sun et al.



Equilibrium p-T Phase Diagram of Boron: Experimental Study and Thermodynamic Analysis


Vladimir L. Solozhenko, Oleksandr O. Kurakevych


Solid-state phase transformations and melting of high-purity crystalline boron have been in situ and ex situ studied at pressures to 20 GPa in the 1500–2500 K temperature range …


Regenerable Photovoltaic Devices with a Hydrogel-Embedded Microvascular Network


Hyung-Jun Koo, Orlin D. Velev


Light-driven degradation of photoactive molecules could be one of the major obstacles to stable long term operation of organic dye-based solar light harvesting devices. One …


Reversible optical doping of graphene


A. Tiberj, M. Rubio-Roy, M. Paillet et al.


The ultimate surface exposure provided by graphene monolayer makes it the ideal sensor platform but also exposes its intrinsic properties to any environmental perturbations. In …


Origin of Shape Resonance in Second-Harmonic Generation from Metallic Nanohole Arrays


Ben-Li Wang, Rui Wang, R. J. Liu et al.


Second-harmonic generation (SHG) from periodic arrays of subwavelength rectangular air hole with various aspect ratios perforated in gold thin films can get resonantly enhanced …


Polypyrrole Hollow Microspheres as Echogenic Photothermal Agent for Ultrasound Imaging Guided Tumor Ablation


Zhengbao Zha, Jinrui Wang, Enze Qu et al.


Ultrasound (US) imaging provides a valuable opportunity to administer photothermal therapy (PTT) of cancer with real-time guidance to ensure proper targeting, but only a few …


Control Capacity and A Random Sampling Method in Exploring Controllability of Complex Networks


Tao Jia, Albert-László Barabási


Controlling complex systems is a fundamental challenge of network science. Recent advances indicate that control over the system can be achieved through a minimum driver node set …


Nonlinearly-enhanced energy transport in many dimensional quantum chaos


D. S. Brambila, A. Fratalocchi


By employing a nonlinear quantum kicked rotor model, we investigate the transport of energy in multidimensional quantum chaos. This problem has profound implications in many …


Self-Assembly of Graphene on Carbon Nanotube Surfaces


Kaiyuan Li, Gyula Eres, Jane Howe et al.


The rolling up of a graphene sheet into a tube is a standard visualization tool for illustrating carbon nanotube (CNT) formation. However, the actual processes of rolling up …


ERRATUM: Competition among memes in a world with limited attention


L. Weng, A. Flammini, A. Vespignani et al.



Synergistic effect of Brønsted acid and platinum on purification of automobile exhaust gases


Wei Fu, Xin-Hao Li, Hong-Liang Bao et al.


The catalytic purification of automobile exhaust gases (CO, NOx and hydrocarbons) is one of the most practiced conversion processes used to lower the emissions and to reduce the …


High Performance Molybdenum Disulfide Amorphous Silicon Heterojunction Photodetector


Mohammad R. Esmaeili-Rad, Sayeef Salahuddin


One important use of layered semiconductors such as molybdenum disulfide (MoS2) could be in making novel heterojunction devices leading to functionalities unachievable using …


High-power femtosecond-terahertz pulse induces a wound response in mouse skin


Kyu-Tae Kim, Jaehun Park, Sung Jin Jo et al.


Terahertz (THz) technology has emerged for biomedical applications such as scanning, molecular spectroscopy, and medical imaging. Although a thorough assessment to predict …


A Novel Graphene-Polysulfide Anode Material for High-Performance Lithium-Ion Batteries


Wei Ai, Linghai Xie, Zhuzhu Du et al.


We report a simple and efficient approach for fabrication of novel graphene-polysulfide (GPS) anode materials, which consists of conducting graphene network and homogeneously …


Electronic superlattice revealed by resonant scattering from random impurities in Sr3Ru2O7


M. A. Hossain, I. Zegkinoglou, Y.-D. Chuang et al.


Resonant elastic x-ray scattering (REXS) is an exquisite element-sensitive tool for the study of subtle charge, orbital, and spin superlattice orders driven by the valence …


Ultralow-power and ultrafast all-optical tunable plasmon-induced transparency in metamaterials at optical communication range


Yu Zhu, Xiaoyong Hu, Yulan Fu et al.


Actively all-optical tunable plasmon-induced transparency in metamaterials paves the way for achieving ultrahigh-speed quantum information processing chips. Unfortunately, up to …


Additional Enhancement of Electric Field in Surface-Enhanced Raman Scattering due to Fresnel Mechanism


Sasani Jayawardhana, Lorenzo Rosa, Saulius Juodkazis et al.


Surface-enhanced Raman scattering (SERS) is attracting increasing interest for chemical sensing, surface science research and as an intriguing challenge in nanoscale plasmonic …


Atomic Diffusion in Solid Molecular Hydrogen


Anatoly B. Belonoshko, Muhammad Ramzan, Ho-kwang Mao et al.


We performed ab initio molecular dynamics simulations of the C2c and Cmca-12 phases of hydrogen at pressures from 210 to 350 GPa. These phases were predicted to be stable at 0 K …

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