

Scientific Reports Chemistry Table of Contents e-alert: September 2013

  02 September 2013   
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Chemical Sciences

Kinetic Evidence of an Apparent Negative Activation Enthalpy in an Organocatalytic Process


Xiao Han, Richmond Lee, Tao Chen et al.


A combined kinetic and computational study on our tryptophan-based bifunctional thiourea catalyzed asymmetric Mannich reactions reveals an apparent negative activation enthalpy. …


Rationally designed porous polystyrene encapsulated zirconium phosphate nanocomposite for highly efficient fluoride uptake in waters


Qingrui Zhang, Qing Du, Tifeng Jiao et al.


Fluoride pollution in waters has engulfed worldwide regions and an excess of fluoride intake always causes skeletal fluorosis. Herein, a novel hybrid nanomaterial ZrP-MPN was …


Acoustic-like dynamics of amorphous drugs in the THz regime


E. A. A. Pogna, C. Rodríguez-Tinoco, M. Krisch et al.


The high frequency dynamics of Indomethacin and Celecoxib glasses has been investigated by inelastic x-ray scattering, accessing a momentum-energy region still unexplored in …


Probing the Transmembrane Structure and Topology of Microsomal Cytochrome-P450 by Solid-State NMR on Temperature-Resistant Bicelles


Kazutoshi Yamamoto, Melissa Gildenberg, Shivani Ahuja et al.


Though the importance of high-resolution structure and dynamics of membrane proteins has been well recognized, optimizing sample conditions to retain the native-like folding and …


Determination of Chlorinated Hydrocarbons in Water Using Highly Sensitive Mid-Infrared Sensor Technology


Rui Lu, Boris Mizaikoff, Wen-Wei Li et al.


Chlorinated aliphatic hydrocarbons and chlorinated aromatic hydrocarbons (CHCs) are toxic and carcinogenic contaminants commonly found in environmental samples, and efficient …


Interfacial growth of large-area single-layer metal-organic framework nanosheets


Rie Makiura, Oleg Konovalov


The air/liquid interface is an excellent platform to assemble two-dimensional (2D) sheets of materials by enhancing spontaneous organizational features of the building components …


A Class of High Performance Metal-Free Oxygen Reduction Electrocatalysts based on Cheap Carbon Blacks


Xiujuan Sun, Ping Song, Yuwei Zhang et al.


For the goal of practical industrial development of fuel cells, cheap, sustainable and high performance electrocatalysts for oxygen reduction reactions (ORR) which rival those …


High Performance Graphene Oxide Based Rubber Composites


Yingyan Mao, Shipeng Wen, Yulong Chen et al.


In this paper, graphene oxide/styrene-butadiene rubber (GO/SBR) composites with complete exfoliation of GO sheets were prepared by aqueous-phase mixing of GO colloid with SBR …


A novel molecular index for secondary oil migration distance


Liuping Zhang, Maowen Li, Yang Wang et al.


Determining oil migration distances from source rocks to reservoirs can greatly help in the search for new petroleum accumulations. Concentrations and ratios of polar organic …


Origin of the Chemical and Kinetic Stability of Graphene Oxide


Si Zhou, Angelo Bongiorno


At moderate temperatures (≤ 70°C), thermal reduction of graphene oxide is inefficient and after its synthesis the material enters in a metastable state. Here, first-principles and …


Smart Multifunctional Fluids for Lithium Ion Batteries: Enhanced Rate Performance and Intrinsic Mechanical Protection


Jie Ding, Tongfei Tian, Qing Meng et al.


Lithium ion batteries are attractive power sources for the consumer electronics market and are being aggressively developed for road transportation. Nevertheless, issues with …


Two mixed-NH3/amine platinum (II) anticancer complexes featuring a dichloroacetate moiety in the leaving group


Weiping Liu, Jia Su, Jing Jiang et al.


Two mixed-NH3/amine platinum (II) complexes of 3-dichoroacetoxylcyclobutane-1, 1-dicarboxylate have been prepared in the present study and characterized by elemental analysis and …


Visualizing Cyclic Peptide Hydration at the Single-Molecule Level


Yumin Chen, Ke Deng, Xiaohui Qiu et al.


The role of water molecules in the selective transport of potassium ions across cell membranes is important. Experimental investigations of valinomycin–water interactions remain …


Redox-active charge carriers of conducting polymers as a tuner of conductivity and its potential window


Han-Saem Park, Seo-Jin Ko, Jeong-Seok Park et al.


Electric conductivity of conducting polymers has been steadily enhanced towards a level worthy of being called its alias, “synthetic metal”. PEDOT:PSS …


Atomic sites and stability of Cs+ captured within zeolitic nanocavities


Kaname Yoshida, Kazuaki Toyoura, Katsuyuki Matsunaga et al.


Zeolites have potential application as ion-exchangers, catalysts and molecular sieves. Zeolites are once again drawing attention in Japan as stable adsorbents and solidification …


Effectively control negative thermal expansion of single-phase ferroelectrics of PbTiO3-(Bi,La)FeO3 over a giant range


Jun Chen, Fangfang Wang, Qingzhen Huang et al.


Control of negative thermal expansion is a fundamentally interesting topic in the negative thermal expansion materials in order for the future applications. However, it is a …


Blue-Coloured Highly Efficient Dye-Sensitized Solar Cells by Implementing the Diketopyrrolopyrrole Chromophore


Jun-Ho Yum, Thomas W. Holcombe, Yongjoo Kim et al.


The paradigm shift in dye sensitized solar cells (DSCs) – towards donor- π bridge-acceptor (D-π-A) dyes – increases the performances of DSCs and challenges established design …


Tailoring the oxidation state of cobalt through halide functionality in sol-gel silica


Gianni Olguin, Christelle Yacou, Simon Smart et al.


The functionality or oxidation state of cobalt within a silica matrix can be tailored through the use of cationic surfactants and their halide counter ions during the sol-gel …


General Route to ZnO Nanorod Arrays on Conducting Substrates via Galvanic-cell-based approach


Zhaoke Zheng, Zhi Shiuh Lim, Yuan Peng et al.


Wurtzite ZnO nanorod exhibits many unique properties, which make it promising for various optoelectronic applications. To grow well-aligned ZnO nanorod arrays on various …


Exploring electronic structure of one-atom thick polycrystalline graphene films: A nano angle resolved photoemission study


José Avila, Ivy Razado, Stéphane Lorcy et al.


The ability to produce large, continuous and defect free films of graphene is presently a major challenge for multiple applications. Even though the scalability of graphene films …


Ultrahigh Gas Storage both at Low and High Pressures in KOH-Activated Carbonized Porous Aromatic Frameworks


Yanqiang Li, Teng Ben, Bingyao Zhang et al.


The carbonized PAF-1 derivatives formed by high-temperature KOH activation showed a unique bimodal microporous structure located at 0.6 nm and 1.2 nm and high surface area. These …


Facile synthesis of highly efficient and recyclable magnetic solid acid from biomass waste


Wu-Jun Liu, Ke Tian, Hong Jiang et al.


In this work, sawdust, a biomass waste, is converted into a magnetic porous carbonaceous (MPC) solid acid catalyst by an integrated fast pyrolysis–sulfonation process. The …


Hydrophobic amino acids as a new class of kinetic inhibitors for gas hydrate formation


Jeong-Hoon Sa, Gye-Hoon Kwak, Bo Ram Lee et al.


As the foundation of energy industry moves towards gas, flow assurance technology preventing pipelines from hydrate blockages becomes increasingly significant. However, the …


Submerged Liquid Plasma for the Synthesis of Unconventional Nitrogen Polymers


Jaganathan Senthilnathan, Chih-Chiang Weng, Jiunn-Der Liao et al.


Glow discharge polymerization is not well understood due to the rapid/complex reaction at the plasma/gas precursor interface. Plasma reaction in a submerged condition allows …


Improvement of Thiolate/Disulfide Mediated Dye-Sensitized Solar Cells through Supramolecular Lithium Cation Assembling of Crown Ether


Linfeng Liu, Xiong Li, Jiangzhao Chen et al.


A supramolecular lithium cation assemblies of crown ether, [Li⊂12-crown-4], has been used to replace conventional tetraalkylammonium counterion in thiolate/disulfide (ET/BET) …


Friction coefficient dependence on electrostatic tribocharging


Thiago A. L. Burgo, Cristiane A. Silva, Lia B. S. Balestrin et al.


Friction between dielectric surfaces produces patterns of fixed, stable electric charges that in turn contribute electrostatic components to surface interactions between the …


A full-sunlight-driven photocatalyst with super long-persistent energy storage ability


Jie Li, Yuan Liu, Zhijian Zhu et al.


A major drawback of traditional photocatalysts like TiO2 is that they can only work under illumination, and the light has to be UV. As a solution for this limitation, …


A Comprehensive Strategy to Boost the Quantum Yield of Luminescence of Europium Complexes


Nathalia B. D. Lima, Simone M. C. Gonçalves, Severino A. Júnior et al.


Lanthanide luminescence has many important applications in anion sensing, protein recognition, nanosized phosphorescent devices, optoelectronic devices, immunoassays, etc. …


Noise induced oscillations and coherence resonance in a generic model of the nonisothermal chemical oscillator


David S. A. Simakov, Juan Pérez-Mercader


Oscillating chemical reactions are common in biological systems and they also occur in artificial non-biological systems. Generally, these reactions are subject to random …


Atomic Structures of Silicene Layers Grown on Ag(111): Scanning Tunneling Microscopy and Noncontact Atomic Force Microscopy Observations


Andrea Resta, Thomas Leoni, Clemens Barth et al.


Silicene, the considered equivalent of graphene for silicon, has been recently synthesized on Ag(111) surfaces. Following the tremendous success of graphene, silicene might …


Multiscale distribution of oxygen puddles in 1/8 doped YBa2Cu3O6.67


Alessandro Ricci, Nicola Poccia, Gaetano Campi et al.


Despite intensive research a physical explanation of high Tc superconductors remains elusive. One reason for this is that these materials have generally a very complex structure …


“Re-growth Etching” to Large-sized Porous Gold Nanostructures


Wenzheng Li, Long Kuai, Lu Chen et al.


A new method, named “re-growth etching”, which introduces a unique etchant “AuI”, has been developed to fabricate large-sized porous gold nanostructures. The size of …


Rapid (<5 min) Identification of Pathogen in Human Blood by Electrokinetic Concentration and Surface-Enhanced Raman Spectroscopy


I-Fang Cheng, Hsien-Chang Chang, Tzu-Ying Chen et al.


This study reports a novel microfluidic platform for rapid and long-ranged concentration of rare-pathogen from human blood for subsequent on-chip surface-enhanced Raman …


A supramolecular approach to fabricate highly emissive smart materials


Kai Liu, Yuxing Yao, Yuetong Kang et al.


The aromatic chromophores, for example, perylene diimides (PDIs) are well known for their desirable absorption and emission properties. However, their stacking nature hinders the …


Liquid crystal self-templating approach to ultrastrong and tough biomimic composites


Xiaozhen Hu, Zhen Xu, Zheng Liu et al.


Materials with both high strength and toughness are in great demand for a wide range of applications, requiring strict design of ingredients and hierarchically ordered …


Structurally Coloured Secondary Particles Composed of Black and White Colloidal Particles


Yukikazu Takeoka, Shinya Yoshioka, Midori Teshima et al.


This study investigated the colourful secondary particles formed by controlling the aggregation states of colloidal silica particles and the enhancement of the structural …


Quantum Transport Enhancement by Time-Reversal Symmetry Breaking


Zoltán Zimborás, Mauro Faccin, Zoltán Kádár et al.


Quantum mechanics still provides new unexpected effects when considering the transport of energy and information. Models of continuous time quantum walks, which implicitly use …


Metabolic profiling of Alzheimer's disease brains


Koichi Inoue, Haruhito Tsutsui, Hiroyasu Akatsu et al.


Alzheimer's disease (AD) is an irreversible, progressive brain disease and can be definitively diagnosed after death through an examination of senile plaques and neurofibrillary …


Equilibrium p-T Phase Diagram of Boron: Experimental Study and Thermodynamic Analysis


Vladimir L. Solozhenko, Oleksandr O. Kurakevych


Solid-state phase transformations and melting of high-purity crystalline boron have been in situ and ex situ studied at pressures to 20 GPa in the 1500–2500 K temperature range …


Synergistic effect of Brønsted acid and platinum on purification of automobile exhaust gases


Wei Fu, Xin-Hao Li, Hong-Liang Bao et al.


The catalytic purification of automobile exhaust gases (CO, NOx and hydrocarbons) is one of the most practiced conversion processes used to lower the emissions and to reduce the …


A Novel Graphene-Polysulfide Anode Material for High-Performance Lithium-Ion Batteries


Wei Ai, Linghai Xie, Zhuzhu Du et al.


We report a simple and efficient approach for fabrication of novel graphene-polysulfide (GPS) anode materials, which consists of conducting graphene network and homogeneously …


Additional Enhancement of Electric Field in Surface-Enhanced Raman Scattering due to Fresnel Mechanism


Sasani Jayawardhana, Lorenzo Rosa, Saulius Juodkazis et al.


Surface-enhanced Raman scattering (SERS) is attracting increasing interest for chemical sensing, surface science research and as an intriguing challenge in nanoscale plasmonic …

The Journal of Antibiotics presents you a Chemistry and Biology of secondary metabolites, natural product genomics, actinomycete bioactive metabolites -a tribute to Professor Leo Vining, in which Leo Vinings friends and past colleagues pay tribute to his legacy in a series of articles inspired by his vision and his example. 
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