

Scientific Reports Earth Sciences Table of Contents e-alert: September 2013

  02 September 2013   
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Earth & Environmental Sciences

Emission of spherical cesium-bearing particles from an early stage of the Fukushima nuclear accident


Kouji Adachi, Mizuo Kajino, Yuji Zaizen et al.


The Fukushima nuclear accident released radioactive materials into the environment over the entire Northern Hemisphere in March 2011, and the Japanese government is spending large …


Whales Use Distinct Strategies to Counteract Solar Ultraviolet Radiation


Laura M. Martinez-Levasseur, Mark A. Birch-Machin, Amy Bowman et al.


A current threat to the marine ecosystem is the high level of solar ultraviolet radiation (UV). Large whales have recently been shown to suffer sun-induced skin damage from …


Fossilization causes organisms to appear erroneously primitive by distorting evolutionary trees


Robert S. Sansom, Matthew A. Wills


Fossils are vital for calibrating rates of molecular and morphological change through geological time, and are the only direct source of data documenting macroevolutionary …


Expression and localization of aging markers in lacrimal gland of chronic graft-versus-host disease


Masataka Kawai, Yoko Ogawa, Shigeto Shimmura et al.


Aging is commonly defined as the accumulation of diverse deleterious changes in cells and tissues with advancing age. To investigate whether aging changes are involved in the …


Adaptive behavior of marine cellular clouds


Ilan Koren, Graham Feingold


Shallow marine clouds appear in two formations - open cells that are weakly reflective and closed cells that are more reflective and hence more effective at cooling the climate …


Temporal variation of methane flux from Xiangxi Bay of the Three Gorges Reservoir


Shangbin Xiao, Defu Liu, Yuchun Wang et al.


Three diel field campaigns and one monthly sampling campaign during June 2010-May 2011 were carried out to investigate the CH4 flux across the water-gas interface in Xiangxi Bay …


Adaptive long-range migration promotes cooperation under tempting conditions


Genki Ichinose, Masaya Saito, Hiroki Sayama et al.


Migration is a fundamental trait in humans and animals. Recent studies investigated the effect of migration on the evolution of cooperation, showing that contingent migration …


Long-term water temperature reconstructions from mountain lakes with different catchment and morphometric features


Tomi P. Luoto, Liisa Nevalainen


Long-term water temperature records are necessary for better understanding climate change impacts on freshwaters. We reconstruct summer water temperatures from three climatically …


Increase in penguin populations during the Little Ice Age in the Ross Sea, Antarctica


Qi-Hou Hu, Li-Guang Sun, Zhou-Qing Xie et al.


Penguins are an important seabird species in Antarctica and are sensitive to climate and environmental changes. Previous studies indicated that penguin populations increased when …


A novel molecular index for secondary oil migration distance


Liuping Zhang, Maowen Li, Yang Wang et al.


Determining oil migration distances from source rocks to reservoirs can greatly help in the search for new petroleum accumulations. Concentrations and ratios of polar organic …


Spreading of cooperative behaviour across interdependent groups


Luo-Luo Jiang, Matjaž Perc


Recent empirical research has shown that links between groups reinforce individuals within groups to adopt cooperative behaviour. Moreover, links between networks may induce …


Optimal interdependence between networks for the evolution of cooperation


Zhen Wang, Attila Szolnoki, Matjaž Perc


Recent research has identified interactions between networks as crucial for the outcome of evolutionary games taking place on them. While the consensus is that interdependence …


New evidence for early presence of hominids in North China


Hong Ao, Mark J. Dekkers, Qi Wei et al.


The Nihewan Basin in North China has a rich source of Early Pleistocene Paleolithic sites. Here, we report a high-resolution magnetostratigraphic dating of the Shangshazui …


Changes in the taste and textural attributes of apples in response to climate change


Toshihiko Sugiura, Hidekazu Ogawa, Noriaki Fukuda et al.


The effects of climate change on the taste and textural attributes of foods remain largely unknown, despite much public interest. On the basis of 30–40 years of records, we …


Upregulation of aquaporin expression in the salivary glands of heat-acclimated rats


Naotoshi Sugimoto, Kentaro Matsuzaki, Hiroaki Ishibashi et al.


It is known that aquaporin (AQP) 5 expression in the apical membrane of acinar cells in salivary glands is important for the secretion of saliva in rodents and humans. Although …


New insights into hydrothermal vent processes in the unique shallow-submarine arc-volcano, Kolumbo (Santorini), Greece


Stephanos P. Kilias, Paraskevi Nomikou, Dimitrios Papanikolaou et al.


We report on integrated geomorphological, mineralogical, geochemical and biological investigations of the hydrothermal vent field located on the floor of the density-stratified …


CORRIGENDUM: Estimation of autistic children by metallomics analysis


Hiroshi Yasuda, Yuichi Yasuda, Toyoharu Tsutsui



Facile synthesis of highly efficient and recyclable magnetic solid acid from biomass waste


Wu-Jun Liu, Ke Tian, Hong Jiang et al.


In this work, sawdust, a biomass waste, is converted into a magnetic porous carbonaceous (MPC) solid acid catalyst by an integrated fast pyrolysis–sulfonation process. The …


Hydrophobic amino acids as a new class of kinetic inhibitors for gas hydrate formation


Jeong-Hoon Sa, Gye-Hoon Kwak, Bo Ram Lee et al.


As the foundation of energy industry moves towards gas, flow assurance technology preventing pipelines from hydrate blockages becomes increasingly significant. However, the …


A full-sunlight-driven photocatalyst with super long-persistent energy storage ability


Jie Li, Yuan Liu, Zhijian Zhu et al.


A major drawback of traditional photocatalysts like TiO2 is that they can only work under illumination, and the light has to be UV. As a solution for this limitation, …


Effect of mass disorder on the lattice thermal conductivity of MgO periclase under pressure


Douglas Allen Dalton, Wen-Pin Hsieh, Gregory T. Hohensee et al.


Thermal conductivity of mantle materials controlling the heat balance and thermal evolution of the Earth remains poorly constrained as the available experimental and theoretical …


CORRIGENDUM: The biological impacts of the Fukushima nuclear accident on the pale grass blue butterfly


Atsuki Hiyama, Chiyo Nohara, Seira Kinjo et al.



Mechanisms for the retention of inorganic N in acidic forest soils of southern China


Jin-bo Zhang, Zu-cong Cai, Tong-bin Zhu et al.


The mechanisms underlying the retention of inorganic N in acidic forest soils in southern China are not well understood. Here, we simultaneously quantified the gross N …


Recognizing detachment-mode seafloor spreading in the deep geological past


Marco Maffione, Antony Morris, Mark W. Anderson


Large-offset oceanic detachment faults are a characteristic of slow- and ultraslow-spreading ridges, leading to the formation of oceanic core complexes (OCCs) that expose upper …


Vulnerability of Polar Oceans to Anthropogenic Acidification: Comparison of Arctic and Antarctic Seasonal Cycles


E. H. Shadwick, T. W. Trull, H. Thomas et al.


Polar oceans are chemically sensitive to anthropogenic acidification due to their relatively low alkalinity and correspondingly weak carbonate buffering capacity. Here, we compare …

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Postdoctoral Research Assistant


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Postdoctoral Scientist


Medical Research Council - Laboratory of Molecular Biology 


Postdoctoral Fellow


Icahn School of Medcine at Mount Sinai 


Post-doctoral Researcher


The Sainsbury Laboratory (TSL) 


Post-doctoral Fellow


University of Maryland, Institute for Genome Sciences 


Assistant Professor of Biology


Albright College 


Laboratory Technician


The Biozentrum of the University of Basel 


Research Fellow


University of Texas - Medical Branch 


Post-Doc Position


University of Konstanz 


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