

This is the New Saudi Arabia

This technology will allow the  U.S. to rise to a world oil power, replacing Saudi Arabia in the top spot...
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This is the New Saudi Arabia
By Brianna Panzica | Sunday, September 1st, 2013
Brianna Panzica

This weekend, we bring you the week's most popular stories from Energy and Capital and our sister site, Wealth Daily.

The Death of Apple (NASDAQ: AAPL): Smartwatch Investing
Wearable devices are the next step in an ongoing trend towards portability, and Apple is already a full year behind. 

The New Saudi Arabia: U.S. Oil Empire
This new technology that oil companies are just starting to use has been proven to be eight times more powerful than fracking — and much less controversial. It will help the U.S. rise to a world oil power.

Is America Defending Saudi Interests in Syria?: Read This Before the Bombs Drop
As usual, when it comes to the Middle East, nothing is ever simple. The situation in Syria is a perfect example. 

Are You Sitting on Treasure?: Profiting from Memorabilia Worth Millions
You may not be sitting on a collection of priceless baseball cards or signed valuables, but you can bring in steady paychecks from the people who are. Here's how...

Prepaid Electricity Investment OpportunitiesEnergy & Capital Crew Busted at Local Strip Club!
How capitalism will provide electricity for 1.2 billion people living in energy poverty. 

OPEC's Crisis Escalates: The Middle East Nightmare Continues
Energy and Capital's Keith Kohl explains why OPEC is desperate for a peaceful solution in Syria.

Nuclear Power Investing: The Return of Nuclear Power!
Will this new design allow nuclear to compete with natural gas?

Tapping the Last Major Oil Deposit on the Planet: Final Chance to Get in Early!
This oil deposit is ten times the size of the Bakken, severely underexplored, and may be the last known oil deposit of its kind. You don't want to miss getting a piece of it — before it's too late.


Why is This Man Standing in a Pool of Muck?

A strange discovery in the Kiwi nation has sparked the largest landgrab in the nation's history. The secret behind it could make you wealthy beyond your wildest dreams.

If you missed out on the Bakken, this is your last-best chance at become wealthy from a virgin resource boom.

Discover how you can benefit here.

Syria Attacks the United States: We Don't Deserve Our Liberty!
Why Miley Cyrus and pop culture are more important than the start of World War III. 

High-Impact Income Stocks: Finding Hidden Dividends
Keith Kohl explains where income investors can look to find the high-yielding dividends outperforming even the world's largest energy companies. 

Silver Going Up Again: To Taper or Not to Taper
I called it again: Gold and silver are up and running. Where will they stop? Here's where... 

What is This Sea Snail Worth?: One Company's Amazing Medical Breakthrough
This sea snail is rare, but what it contains could be the key to wiping out many diseases. And only one company can obtain the valuable substance without diminishing the sea snail population.

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