

'Tis the Season for Gold... and The Syrian Crisis: Should You Bail on Stocks?

Sunday, September 1, 2013

There's something different in this edition of the Investment U Weekly Update. Steve McDonald took a much-deserved vacation this week. So in place of his standard rousing commentary, we've put together a compilation of our favorite "Slap in the Face Award" segments. If you're looking for a reason to laugh... you've found it. (Click the image to play.)

Steve McDonald and Investment U's Weekly Update

In this best-of video, you'll find...
  • The $5 Million Cab Ride
  • Where Beer Is Cheaper Than Water
  • A (Comfortable) Roll in the Hay
  • Hide This Guy's Checkbook
You can check it out in this video.

This Powerful New Fuel Could Do for Nuclear What Fracking Did for Natural Gas

For the first time in almost half a century, a new type of fuel is about to make nuclear power cheaper, more efficient and - most importantly - safer. One pound is the energy equivalent of 3.5 million pounds of coal. And a piece the size of a bowling ball can produce the same amount of power as 440 MMcf of liquid natural gas.

Now, thanks to this breakthrough, countries that have never used nuclear - such as Chile, Indonesia and Saudi Arabia - are working to bring reactors online. It's creating a massive profit opportunity for one undervalued mining company. Click here to get all the details.

Here are the stories that were featured in Investment U this week...

David FesslerUncovering the Hottest MLP
By David Fessler, Energy and Infrastructure Strategist

One thing we believe in at The Oxford Club: You shouldn't pay any more taxes than you have to. Of course, you must follow the law. But there are great ways to grow your investments, generate income and reduce your tax bill dramatically... legally. Today, I'm going to talk about one of my favorites.

Master limited partnerships (MLPs) offer tax-deferred income in an investment that has the liquidity of stocks. My colleague Marc Lichtenfeld wrote a great article on the tax benefits of MLPs.

But how do you decide which MLPs to purchase?

Click here to read the full story.

Alexander GreenFrom the Mailbag: Three Reasons to Avoid Penny Stocks
By Alexander Green, Chief Investment Strategist

We pulled a common question from the reader Mailbag and asked Alex to answer it. Our guess is you've probably asked this same question:

I am a new Oxford Club member with very little capital. Do you have anyone that would specialize in penny stocks?

Click here to read Alex's answer.

Marc Lichtenfeld How Rising Interest Rates Will Affect You
By Marc Lichtenfeld, Chief Income Strategist

According to a survey, 63% of investors don't know how rising interest rates will affect their portfolios.

They should, because rates are climbing fast. The 10-year Treasury is at nearly 3%. Just three months ago, it was under 2%. The 10-year Treasury yield can affect mortgage rates, interest rates on credit cards... and especially your portfolio.

If you're one of the 63%, let me explain what continued rising interest rates will mean to you.

Click here to read the full story.

Sean Brodrick 'Tis the Season… For Gold
By Sean Brodrick, Resource Strategist

The first half of this year saw relentless, almost furious selling of gold by big banks and exchange-traded funds.

Investors sold 684.64 metric tons of gold held in exchange-traded products this year, erasing $54.3 billion in value.

Who bought all that gold? Buyers in China, India and other parts of Asia scooped it up at discount prices as fast as they could carry it. And there's every reason to believe that gold demand will get even stronger... especially now that the gold-buying season is only now upon us.

Click here to read the full story.

Alexander GreenThe Syrian Crisis: Should You Bail on Stocks?
By Alexander Green, Chief Investment Strategist

In recent weeks the stock market - already consolidating the heady gains of the past four years - has begun to wobble in anticipation of an impending military strike against Syria.

Here's what investors fear. If the Syrian crisis worsens, the war could spill over into other parts of the Middle East. Oil - which has already spiked to $110 a barrel - could go substantially higher.

Higher energy costs combined with an anemic economy would be bad for GDP growth and for corporate profits. That, in turn, would cause stocks to turn lower. So should you get out now?

Click here to read the full story.

Be sure to check out some of the other investment stories that we've published recently on our website at InvestmentU.com.

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