

| 04.29.14 | Sprint's Q1 wireline revenues slump to $770M

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April 29, 2014

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This week's sponsors:
Neustar and Spirent

Today's Top Stories:
1. Sprint's Q1 wireline revenues slump to $770M
2. Netflix, Verizon reach interconnection pact
3. Level 3, Digital Realty provide direct connection to Amazon, Microsoft cloud services
4. Frontier says FCC's CAF II 10 Mbps proposal isn't realistic
5. Comcast, AT&T, beef up personalized TV service offerings

Keeping track of NCTA Live 2014

Also Noted:
Global M&A back at 2007 levels; Automotive networking creates need for 1 Gbps over existing copper wiring standard Much more...

News From The Fierce Network:
1. Rabbit TV jumps into live streaming, while Aereo's Diller 'confident' after Supreme Court hearing
2. California's $500M clean energy investment
3. Spotlight: The latest IE browser vulnerability dates back to version 6
4. More headlines...

AT&T, Sprint CEOs among the best paid in telecom
Every year Fierce checks out the highest-paid CEOs in the telecom space. This year, executives from Sprint and AT&T topped the list: AT&T's Randall Stephenson pulled in around $23 million in total compensation last year, and Sprint's Dan Hesse netted a whopping $49 million, largely thanks to Sprint's transaction with Japan's SoftBank last year. For a complete list of the highest-paid CEOs in the wireless industry, click here. And for a list of the highest-paid CEOs in the wireline sector, click here.

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This week's sponsor is IneoQuest.

Webinar: Video Analytics Strategies for Monetizing the Video Experience
Thursday, May 15th, 11am ET / 8am PT

As consumers have more ways to watch video than ever before, video providers are looking at new business strategies for monetizing their video services, to reduce churn, increase subscriber base, reduce capital and operational expenditure and optimize investments. This webinar will provide an overview of how providers can monetize their video services through video analytics strategies. Register Today!

Sponsor: Ooyala


> Self-optimizing networks deliver the new customer experience - Wednesday, May 7, 9:30 am ET/ 6:30 am PT
> Making Money From OTT - Thursday, May 8, 2014, 10am GMT / 5am ET
> Video Analytics Strategies for Monetizing the Video Experience - Thursday, May 15, 2014 11am ET / 8am PT


> GSMA Mobile Asia Expo 2014 - June 11-13 - Shanghai, China
> 2014 FTTH Conference & Expo - June 23-25, Fort Lauderdale, Florida


> Whitepaper: Customer Experience for Service
> Whitepaper: How to Transform Your Mobile Customer Care Strategy
> eBook: Ooyala's Q4 2013 Global Video Index
> Whitepaper: Making the Most of Your CRM: How Best-in-Class Sales Teams Maximize Revenue and Customer Service
> Whitepaper: MobileTrends Report Q1 2014: Measuring the Mobile Video Experience
> Whitepaper: Five Tips for Integrating Video into SharePoint
> Whitepaper: Evolving from Static to On-Demand Connectivity Service
> eBook: Dissecting Telco Customer Data Analytics
> eBook: Profiting from Over the Top Video
> eBook: VoLTE and the Future of Mobile Voice
> Whitepaper: 802.11ac in the Enterprise: Technologies and Strategies
> Whitepaper: Enhanced Mobility
> Whitepaper: HP Mobility Management
> eBook: eBrief | MSOs See New Era for VoIP


This week's sponsor is Oracle.

Whitepaper: How to Transform Your Mobile Customer Care Strategy
It's all about the SCI: the smart, connected interaction. It's not easy - mobility increases the number of variables going into each interaction, requires the preservation of context across channels, but it allows each interaction to naturally evolve. Read this document to learn how to go SCI and naturally connect with your customers.

Today's Top Stories

1. Sprint's Q1 wireline revenues slump to $770M

By Sean Buckley Comment | Forward | Twitter | Facebook | LinkedIn

Sprint (NYSE: S) reported that its wireline revenues were $770 million, down sequentially and year-over-year from $859 million in the fourth quarter of 2013 and $893 million in the same period a year ago.

The decline is largely due to wider declines in voice, data and Internet service revenues, a reversal of the trend that took place in the fourth quarter of 2013, when it reported gains in all of these segments.

During the quarter, voice and data revenues declined sequentially to $352 million and $62 million from $386 million and $81 million, respectively. Likewise, Internet revenues were $345 million, down sequentially from $374 million in the previous quarter.  

Despite these losses, the service provider continues to expand its cloud and managed services portfolio by adding Microsoft Lync to its cloud-based unified communications (UC) solution, for example.  

From an overall financial perspective, Sprint reported consolidated operating income of $420 million, which it said was its best performance in over seven years.

Shares of Sprint were listed at $7.65, up 22 cents or 2.96 percent, on the New York Stock Exchange (NYSE).

For more:
- see the earnings release

Special report: Wireline telecom earnings in the first quarter of 2014

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Read more about: Microsoft, Internet Service Revenues
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This week's sponsor is Ooyala.

eBook | Profiting from Over the Top Video

Pay-TV providers are seeing programming costs increase while margins for their subscription video products decrease. Now they're starting to rely on broadband Internet service sales to grow profits. This FierceCable eBook offers insight from industry experts on how to benefit from subscribers that are relying more on Internet video for home entertainment. Download today.

2. Netflix, Verizon reach interconnection pact

By Sean Buckley Comment | Forward | Twitter | Facebook | LinkedIn

Netflix (NASDAQ: NFLX) has signed a new interconnection agreement with Verizon (NYSE: VZ) in an effort to improve the experience it can provide to users that leverage the service provider's fiber to the home (FTTH) network for access to the streaming video service.   

Similar to the interconnection agreement it signed with Comcast in February, Netflix will pay Verizon to ensure it has faster network access. Neither company would reveal the financial terms of the agreement.

"We have reached an interconnect arrangement with Verizon that we hope will improve performance for our joint customers over the coming months," said a Netflix spokesperson.

Despite reaching an agreement with Comcast (NASDAQ: CMCSA), Netflix has called the fee it has to pay to the cable MSO an unfair toll on over the top (OTT) providers that want to use the Internet to deliver video and related content to consumers on televisions or their mobile devices. The streaming video provider has also been an outspoken critic of Comcast's proposed acquisition of Time Warner Cable.

Ken Florance, vice president of content delivery for Netflix, claimed in a blog post that Comcast was forcing Netflix to pay for better access.

In addition to its agreements with Comcast and Verizon, Netflix has been making an effort to improve the streaming experience for its customers with its Open Connect program, which lets ISPs connect to them at Internet exchanges or even install its own servers within the ISPs' networks. Perhaps not surprisingly, Comcast and Verizon don't participate in the program.

Comcast is only one service provider that Netflix has an issue with. In a recent letter to shareholders, Netflix's CEO Reed Hastings said AT&T's (NYSE: T) fiber-based U-verse service "has lower performance than many DSL ISPs such as Frontier, CenturyLink and Windstream."

Interestingly, Netflix's latest agreement with Verizon emerges amidst the FCC's proposal to allow content providers like Netflix to pay service providers access to consumers. A number of open Internet advocates railed against the proposal, saying that it will allow large ISPs to create toll stops.

For more:
- Bloomberg has this article

Related articles:
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Read more about: Verizon, Over the top delivery, Netflix
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3. Level 3, Digital Realty provide direct connection to Amazon, Microsoft cloud services

By Sean Buckley Comment | Forward | Twitter | Facebook | LinkedIn

Level 3 Communications has established a new partnership with Digital Realty Trust where it will provide the data center provider's customers in 14 U.S. and European markets access to its growing base of cloud service partners including Amazon Web Services (AWS Direct Connect) (NASDAQ: AMZN) and Microsoft Azure (NASDAQ: MSFT) (ExpressRoute).

Through this relationship, the Digital Realty customers will have a new route to migrate and operate their applications to a hybrid cloud environment with the backing of Level 3's deep network presence.

While Level 3 is hardly alone in providing a direct access route to AWS and Microsoft Azure, Anthony Christie, chief marketing officer for Level 3, told FierceTelecom what sets it apart is the global nature of the offering.

"One of the things that you'll see from us that is different than what you'll see from some of the other network service providers is we continue to leverage the global nature of our network," he said. "With Amazon, Level 3 will be listed as the most connected player to Amazon's hosting and data centers around the world."

Another potential benefit of this pact for enterprise customers is they can adjust network bandwidth and storage levels as needed. During a holiday shopping season, a retailer could dynamically scale their bandwidth and only pay for what they consume as demand for computing capacity ramps.

In addition to scaling bandwidth, Digital Realty customers will gain the flexibility to choose the cloud model and cloud provider that best meet their needs, access bandwidth dynamically and pay only for what they use.

Level 3 is also providing connectivity under its Cloud Connect Solutions program, including Layer 1, Layer 2 and Layer 3 connectivity.

"On a global scale, we can guarantee latency for connectivity for public and hybrid cloud environments at Layer 1," Christie said. "We're working on Layer 2 and Layer 3, but because of the switched nature of those products, it's a bit tricky."

Christie added that "with our Layer 3 MPLS offer, what we're enabling is instantaneous consumption by pre-provisioning ports into Amazon and into Azure so they can burst through and consume Amazon Web Services in the future."

For more:
- see the release

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Read more about: Microsoft, Digital Realty
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4. Frontier says FCC's CAF II 10 Mbps proposal isn't realistic

By Sean Buckley Comment | Forward | Twitter | Facebook | LinkedIn

Frontier may be a supporter of the FCC's Connect America Fund phase II, but like others, it's concerned that the regulator's proposal to raise the broadband speed obligations from 4 to 10 Mbps is not a realistic proposition unless it alters the funding model.

"Any proposal to raise the CAF Phase II minimum speed obligations of broadband used for CAF Phase II from 4 Mbps download/1 Mbps upload (4/1/) to 10 Mbps download without any increase in funding or other change in terms is not economically feasible," wrote Kathleen Abernathy, executive vice president of External Affairs for Frontier, in a recent FCC filing. "The FCC's own USF budget does not provide adequate funding for a 10 Mbps ubiquitous deployment."

Instead of requiring 10 Mbps, Frontier said the FCC could enable service providers to extend broadband services to rural markets without having to deliver 10 Mbps to every location. It added that while a large percentage could get 10 Mbps, others could get at least 6 Mbps, and the most remote customers could get up to 4 Mbps.

However, if the FCC insists on the 10 Mbps requirement, Frontier added that it should increase the length of the funding program.

"If the FCC is committed to 10 Mbps for even the most rural locations it should extend the funding term to 10 years for the ROFR to ensure funding support to justify this kind of expense," wrote Abernathy. "A 10 year term would provide parity with the competitive process."

Despite the issues it raised, Frontier is relatively upbeat about the prospects of the CAF-II program. By using these funds it said would be able to triple what it has already built by being able to deploy broadband to an additional 593,000 customers.

Frontier is hardly alone in citing concerns of the 10 Mbps requirement. CenturyLink (NYSE: CTL) cited similar concerns when the FCC issued its proposal last week.

While it is not opposed to offer faster speeds, providing them in remote areas is an expensive proposition.

"Our core point is higher speeds are great but they're going to require other commensurate changes to get broadband to consumers in high cost areas where the market would not provide broadband otherwise," said Jeff Lanning, VP of federal regulatory affairs for CenturyLink, in an interview with FierceTelecom. "What some of those changes are is a longer funding period because 10 Meg instead of 4 Meg costs more. The other point is that the people that don't have 10 Meg need and are in these high cost areas identified by the FCC and need to be supported, but we can't jump over people and fund other people."

For more:
- see this FCC filing

Related articles:
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Read more about: FCC, Mbps
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5. Comcast, AT&T, beef up personalized TV service offerings

By Jim Barthold Comment | Forward | Twitter | Facebook | LinkedIn

Once-and-future TV service competitors Comcast (NASDAQ: CMCSA)--especially if it acquires Time Warner Cable (NYSE: TWC) and swaps customers with Charter Communications (NASDAQ: CHTR)--and AT&T (NYSE: T) have beefed up their TV offerings with new features aimed at further personalizing the interactive viewing experience.

Comcast, in a press release issued from The Cable Show in Los Angeles, said that triple play subscribers using its advanced C1 platform will be able to stream personal video from their mobile devices to their televisions via the Internet by early 2015.

"Imagine you're in Philadelphia and can live stream your son's tee-ball game to his grandparents' TV in San Francisco," Marcien Jenckes, executive vice president of consumer services for Comcast Cable said in the release. "X1 has set an industry standard for home entertainment (that) transcends traditional TV to deliver an immersive and personalized entertainment experience across all devices."

The latest feature, he added, is "just another example of how we're making X1 the center of the customer's home."

AT&T, on the other hand, is trying to do the same by further personalizing its U-verse service with features on trending and recommendations on what programming to watch on demand, the carrier said in a press release.

The trending feature offers up a dynamic list of the most popular shows being watched in the viewer's area. On-demand recommendations provide personal suggestions for TV shows and movies based on criteria ranging from the subscriber's known interests to plot lines.

"With such extensive live and on-demand offerings on U-verse TV, we wanted to give customers an easy way to discover and watch the content they want," Mel Coker, AT&T's chief marketing officer for Home Solutions said in a press release.

Neither service provider went as far as RCN, Grande Communications and Atlantic Broadband, which have added a Netflix (NASDAQ: NFLX) application to their set-top boxes. Both AT&T and Comcast have been embroiled in disputes with Netflix about broadband data transport.

For more:
- Comcast has this press release
- and AT&T has this press release

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Read more about: AT&T, Comcast
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Also Noted

This week's sponsors are Neustar and Spirent.

eBook | Dissecting Telco Customer Data Analytics

While the market for data-driven telecom analytics is expected to grow, service providers are still in the learning phase with data analytics. FierceTelecom explores the different tools and techniques that operators can use to analyze and mine their data. Download today.

TODAY'S SPOTLIGHT... Keeping track of NCTA Live 2014

The Cable Show 2014, the National Cable & Telecommunications Association's annual trade show, is underway in Los Angeles and FierceCable is covering all of the action from the events, keynote speeches and panels. See the latest coverage from Fierce Editor-in-Chief Sue Marek and correspondent Craig Kuhl and check for updates at our NCTA Live page throughout the event.

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> Self-optimizing networks deliver the new customer experience - Wednesday, May 7, 9:30 am ET/ 6:30 am PT

In this presentation, the speakers will discuss the strategic move towards automation, the impact of current and future self-optimizing network (SON) use cases on the customer experience, and identify key differentiators among the leading SON providers. Register Today!

> Making Money From OTT - Thursday, May 8, 2014, 10am GMT / 5am ET

With rising programming costs, pay-TV providers are looking at ways they can benefit from OTT entertainment. This webinar will look at how Pay-TV providers can embrace OTT and not erode their core subscription TV services. Register Today!

> Video Analytics Strategies for Monetizing the Video Experience - Thursday, May 15, 2014 11am ET / 8am PT

As consumers have more ways to watch video than ever before, video providers are looking at new business strategies for monetizing their video services, to reduce churn, increase subscriber base, reduce capital and operational expenditure and optimize investments. This webinar will provide an overview of how providers can monetize their video services through video analytics strategies. Register Today!


> GSMA Mobile Asia Expo 2014 - June 11-13 - Shanghai, China

Mobile connects us to new information, possibilities, people, ideas and experiences. Mobile Asia Expo showcases the mobile solutions that are transforming our lives today and into tomorrow. Register now to join us 11-13 June 2014 in Shanghai, China, where we are Making Global Connections.

> 2014 FTTH Conference & Expo - June 23-25, Fort Lauderdale, Florida

Join the people driving innovation and bringing FTTH connectivity to communities throughout North America and beyond! Take part in three days of networking, education, and exhibitor solutions that will provide you with ideas and solutions to deploy, grow, and monetize your network. Visit www.ftthannual.org for more information!


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This Executive Brief explores the role of service and support in creating great customer experiences, the service goals market leaders use related to customer experience and the Oracle approach for empowering new service experiences. Download today!

> Whitepaper: How to Transform Your Mobile Customer Care Strategy

It's all about the SCI: the smart, connected interaction. It's not easy - mobility increases the number of variables going into each interaction, requires the preservation of context across channels, but it allows each interaction to naturally evolve. Read this document to learn how to go SCI and naturally connect with your customers.

> eBook: Ooyala's Q4 2013 Global Video Index

If you thought mobile video was growing fast, think again: it’s growing incredibly fast. Ooyala’s Q4 Video Index reports that time spent watching video on tablets and mobile devices is up an astounding 719% since Q4 of 2011. Ooyala has just released its Global Video Index for Q4 2013, loaded with numbers and useful tips that will help publishers and broadcasters earn more. Download the report today!

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This paper shares valuable insights that can help service providers design on-demand connectivity, with a strong ROI. Download this paper and learn how you can innovate and differentiate your services. Download this whitepaper today.

> eBook: Dissecting Telco Customer Data Analytics

Analysts expect the data-driven telecom analytics market to grow at an astounding rate over the next five years to become a $5.4 billion revenue market by the end of 2019. FierceTelecom will explore the different tools and techniques that operators can use to analyze and mine their data. Download this eBook today!

> eBook: Profiting from Over the Top Video

With rising programming costs reducing margins for their subscription video product, pay-TV providers are relying on sales of broadband Internet service to grow profits. This eBook will look at ways cable operators can benefit from subscribers that are relying more on Internet video for home entertainment. Download this eBook today!

> eBook: VoLTE and the Future of Mobile Voice

Despite more than two years of anticipation, the U.S. is still waiting for the widespread deployment of voice over LTE as major operators delay deployment. Experts say this shouldn't come as a surprise given the complexity of the technology. FierceWireless will take an in-depth look at VoLTE as well as explore HD voice and other advanced services made possible by VoLTE. Download this eBook today!

> Whitepaper: 802.11ac in the Enterprise: Technologies and Strategies

Download the White Paper "802.11ac in the Enterprise: Technologies and Strategies" to learn from industry expert Craig Mathias about the technologies behind 802.11ac, deployment misconceptions and review steps that every organization should take in getting ready for 802.11ac.
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> eBook: eBrief | MSOs See New Era for VoIP

This FierceCable eBrief will explore that while cable MSOs may be struggling to retain video customers, several Tier 2 and Tier 3 operators are growing their revenues by bundling VoIP services with their existing video and high-speed Internet packages. Download this eBrief today!


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