

's Advocate Status: Champion

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Dear Friend,Count Me In

First, let me say thank you for being one of our most active members fighting for anti-hunger programs in America! We call super-activists like you Hunger Relief Champions -- a small group of our most dedicated supporters who make calls, write letters, or help us spread the word as opportunities unfold in Congress.

Last year, we helped prevent the worst of cuts to hunger-relief programs, but we couldn’t prevent them all. We learned we need to be better and stronger if we hope to advance our mission of a hunger-free America. This year, will you continue to be a Hunger Relief Champion?

How do you remain a champion? Simple. Take action. This year, commit to making phone calls, writing letters, or sharing content at least three times. We know you’re busy and we value your time and energy. Tell us what actions you are willing to take this year, and we’ll make sure you receive those opportunities.

In addition, to receiving more opportunities to take action, Champions help shape our program by participating on strategy calls with me.

Can we count on you as a Hunger Relief Champion again?

Brett Weisel signature

Brett Weisel, Advocacy  
Brett Weisel
Director of Advocacy
Feeding America

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