

One Thing Every Investor Must Have

People make mistakes every day  when they go it alone in energy investing...
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One Thing Every Investor Must Have
By Keith Kohl | Friday, May 2nd, 2014
Keith Kohl

People make mistakes every day when they go it alone in energy investing. 

Just look at this...

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Last May, the stock price for Petrobras (NYSE: PBR) was around $19. 

Fast-forward about a year, and you'll see that the price bottomed out at about $10. It has since seen a small rebound, but nothing even close to its price before the 46% drop.

I tell you all of this not to bash Petrobras, but to remind you of the volatility in oil stocks. 


Put Your Money Where Your Country Is

Right now, one company holds the key to a MASSIVE oil deposit right here in America...

For now, shares trade for around $8, but I can't see that lasting much longer.

You see, this company is sitting on a liquid gold mine that's bigger than five U.S. states combined.

Conservatively speaking, I'm predicting easy 700% gains here. But I'll warn you... the faster you move, the more you stand to make.

Check out the full scoop in this exclusive presentation.

The Risks of Freedom

When you make your own trades and invest your own money, you have incredible freedom. And with that freedom comes great risk, as shown by the example above.

So to avoid that risk, regular investors give up...

They follow the herd and invest in Big Oil companies like Exxon Mobil (NYSE: XOM) or BP (NYSE: BP). And sure, they saw a return of about 15% with each over the last year.

Not bad... but not great, either. 

Most of these big blue chip stocks move WITH the market. So when everything goes well, they do fine... but when everything slows down or falls off, they take a beating.

Of course, you could go to a fund that specializes in oil and gas stocks, but after they charge their fees and commission, you would be left with about the same returns as if you just invested in Exxon or BP. 

Truth is, that's what the elite institutional investors want you to do: sit down, shut up, take your 15%, and give them your money. 


The Secret Investment Plan That's
"None of Your Business"

Abbott Labs, AT&T, Johnson & Johnson, General Electric, Kellogg's, and many other rich companies' secret "IRM(72)" plans are beating the pants off 401(k)s and IRAs by almost one million dollars.

But you won't hear about IRM(72) plans because Congress restricts advertising them to Americans.

No surprise 99% of folks don't know about them. The few who do are retiring as millionaires.

To find out how you can get started right away, please watch this free online presentation right now.

The One Thing Every Investor Needs

So what am I getting at here?

When friends of mine come to me and ask for investment advice, I tell them one thing...

Every investor needs a strategy.

The best investors find some pattern or consistent trend and follow it all the way to the bank. 

Take this example:

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When you have an effective strategy, you can pick small-cap winners like this as soon as they surface and then know when to drop them before they lose value.

And once you find picks like this, the money speaks for itself.

But the biggest problem is that the best strategies require time and effort that most people just don't have. 

It's impossible to read every press release and earnings report when you work a full-time job or have a house of children to take care of.

That's why so many people lose out by trying only to trade massive companies like Petrobras, Exxon, BP, and the rest of Big Oil.

And once they lose out, it becomes much easier for them to surrender and pay big institutions to manage their money.

But if you have a time-tested strategy to consistently beat the market without handing over big sums to investment firms, you can do really well — as you saw with the Northern Oil and Gas chart above. 

It's precisely why I've been developing the kind of trading strategy individual investors like us can take advantage of.

I'm putting the finishes touches on it right now, and you can expect it to hit your email inboxes next week.

In the meantime, my colleague Briton Ryle has just released an incredible strategy he's been using for years to bank “daily dividends.”

You can read more about it here.

Until next time,

Keith Kohl Signature

Keith Kohl

follow basic@KeithKohl1 on Twitter

A true insider in the energy markets, Keith is one of few financial reporters to have visited the Alberta oil sands. His research has helped thousands of investors capitalize from the rapidly changing face of energy. Keith connects with hundreds of thousands of readers as the Managing Editor of Energy & Capital as well as Investment Director of Angel Publishing's Energy Investor. For years, Keith has been providing in-depth coverage of the Bakken, the Haynesville Shale, and the Marcellus natural gas formations — all ahead of the mainstream media. For more on Keith, go to his editor's page.

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The Bottom Line

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