

[Webinar] Capitalizing on the digital transformation: Providing mobile value for customers and utilities

This week's FierceSmartGrid is brought to you by Kony.

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Capitalizing on the digital transformation: Providing mobile value for customers and utilities

DATE: July 17, 2014
TIME: 2pm ET / 11am PT
DURATION: 1 hour

Hosted by:
Barbara Lundin, Senior Editor, FierceEnergy

Energy companies are undergoing a digital transformation. Customers are driving this shift in business model, in part, through their choice of communication channels. Mobile is a huge part.
This Kony webinar will address how utilities can provide mobile value to their customers while increasing customer engagement and trust in the utility brand.

Register Today!


Todd Adams — Chief of Sustainability and Innovation, Visibility Marketing Inc.

As the Chief of Sustainability and Innovation for Visibility Marketing, Todd is delivering strategies for clients within the areas of Smart Grid (Smart Metering), the integration of Electric Vehicles into the Smart Grid, and Smart Water Management. As a C-level consultant and technology strategist, Todd helps public-sector clients to better deliver on economic, environmental, and social outcomes. Todd has facilitated the establishment of public-private partnerships that utilize technological innovation and strategic customer engagement to promote sustainable communities.

P.S. Schedule conflict? Sign up anyway and get a copy of the slides and access to the on-demand presentation.

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