

Webinar: Latest Attacker Techniques and Enterprise Strategies to Defeat Them

This week's FierceITSecurity is brought to you by Fidelis Cybersecurity Solutions.

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Advanced Threats: Latest Attacker Techniques and Enterprise Strategies to Defeat Them

DATE: July 29, 2014
TIME: 1pm ET / 10am PT
DURATION: 1 hour

Hosted by:
Fred Donovan,
Senior Editor of FierceMobileIT & FierceITSecurity

Advanced targeted attacks are the vector of choice for attackers bent on getting access to sensitive corporate data, particularly intellectual property, often without detection. The recent indictment of the Chinese military officers by the U.S. Department of Justice highlights the threat posed by well-funded attackers, often state sponsored. These attackers are often able to infiltrate the corporate security perimeter undetected and remain inside the network siphoning off valuable data for weeks if not months or years.

IT security has traditionally been good at protecting the perimeter to keep attackers out of the enterprise, but not so good at finding those that have already penetrated the perimeter and taken root in the corporate system.

This webinar will examine the latest advanced techniques attackers use to evade detection, infiltrate the network and extract valuable data. The speakers will also address best practices and strategies enterprises can use to detect and defeat these attacks.

Reserve your spot today!


Andrew White

Steve Hunt—Founder of Hunt Business Intelligence, Adjunct Professor at DePaul University, and former head of Forrester Research

Andrew White

Sig Murphy—Regional Director , Incident Response at General Dynamics Fidelis Cybersecurity Solutions

P.S. Schedule conflict? Sign-up anyways and receive a copy of the slides and access to the on-demand presentation.

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