

Nature Communications to become fully open access

Nature Communications
Nature Communications to become open access

Nature Publishing Group is proud to announce that from 20th October 2014 Nature Communications, the number three multidisciplinary journal*, is to become open access.

Nature Communications becomes NPG's flagship open access title, and confirms the company's commitment to providing high quality open access research alongside its subscription portfolio.

The journal was launched in 2010 as a hybrid, publishing both open access and subscription content and is one of NPG's fastest growing titles, receiving over 1,500 submissions a month. All research published by the journal represent important advances of significance to specialists within each field, in all areas of the biological, physical, chemical and earth sciences. Further information on the transition is available online.

By publishing in Nature Communications, authors will benefit from:
  • High-quality NPG publishing service
  • Rigorous peer review and fast turn-around times
  • Articles freely available online with high visibility
  • CC-BY licence by default
  • Compliance with all open access funding policies and mandates
The journal will continue to uphold its high editorial standards and service, but now through a purely open access publishing model. If you have an article you wish to submit to the journal via the subscription route you must submit before 20th October 2014. After this date all new submissions, if accepted, will be published open access and an article processing charge (APC) will apply.

Over 50 funders and 200 institutions worldwide support the payment of open access fees. For any questions on open access or advice on policies and funding, visit our website or contact our dedicated support team at openaccess@nature.com.

* According to the 2013 Journal Citation Reports® Science Edition (Thomson Reuters, 2014) places Nature Communications third among all multidisciplinary science primary research journals, with Nature being first.
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