

Cell Death and Disease - Table of Contents alert Volume 6, January 2015

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Cell Death and Disease


Volume 6, January 2015

In this issue
News and Commentary
Original Articles
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Viability and stress protection of chronic lymphoid leukemia cells involves overactivation of mitochondrial phosphoSTAT3Ser727

C Capron, K Jondeau, L Casetti, V Jalbert, C Costa, E Verhoeyen, J M Massé, P Coppo, M C Béné, P Bourdoncle, E Cramer-Bordé and I Dusanter-Fourt

Cell Death Dis 2015 6: e1627; 10.1038/cddis.2014.596

Full Text

News and Commentary


Do not stress, just differentiate: role of stress proteins in hematopoiesis

C Boudesco, T Rattier, C Garrido and G Jego

Cell Death Dis 2015 6: e1628; 10.1038/cddis.2014.560

Full Text



Die for the community: an overview of programmed cell death in bacteria

N Allocati, M Masulli, C Di Ilio and V De Laurenzi

Cell Death Dis 2015 6: e1609; 10.1038/cddis.2014.570

Abstract | Full Text

The role of hypoxia-inducible factor-2 in digestive system cancers

J Zhao, F Du, G Shen, F Zheng and B Xu

Cell Death Dis 2015 6: e1600; 10.1038/cddis.2014.565

Abstract | Full Text

Original Articles


Targeting MKK3 as a novel anticancer strategy: molecular mechanisms and therapeutical implications

S Baldari, V Ubertini, A Garufi, G D'Orazi and G Bossi

Cell Death Dis 2015 6: e1621; 10.1038/cddis.2014.591

Abstract | Full Text

ING1b negatively regulates HIF1α protein levels in adipose-derived stromal cells by a SUMOylation-dependent mechanism

N Bigot, C Guérillon, S Loisel, N Bertheuil, L Sensebé, K Tarte and R Pedeux

Cell Death Dis 2015 6: e1612; 10.1038/cddis.2014.577

Abstract | Full Text

DAC can restore expression of NALP1 to suppress tumor growth in colon cancer

C Chen, B Wang, J Sun, H Na, Z Chen, Z Zhu, L Yan, S Ren and Y Zuo

Cell Death Dis 2015 6: e1602; 10.1038/cddis.2014.532

Abstract | Full Text

Macrophage peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor γ deficiency delays skin wound healing through impairing apoptotic cell clearance in mice

H Chen, R Shi, B Luo, X Yang, L Qiu, J Xiong, M Jiang, Y Liu, Z Zhang and Y Wu

Cell Death Dis 2015 6: e1597; 10.1038/cddis.2014.544

Abstract | Full Text

Bmi1 regulates auditory hair cell survival by maintaining redox balance

Y Chen, L Li, W Ni, Y Zhang, S Sun, D Miao, R Chai and H Li

Cell Death Dis 2015 6: e1605; 10.1038/cddis.2014.549

Abstract | Full Text

Inhibition of immunoproteasome reduces infarction volume and attenuates inflammatory reaction in a rat model of ischemic stroke

X Chen, X Zhang, Y Wang, H Lei, H Su, J Zeng, Z Pei and R Huang

Cell Death Dis 2015 6: e1626; 10.1038/cddis.2014.586

Abstract | Full Text

Candidate tumor suppressor B-cell translocation gene 3 impedes neoplastic progression by suppression of AKT

Y-C Cheng, P-H Chen, H-Y Chiang, C-S Suen, M-J Hwang, T-Y Lin, H-C Yang, W-C Lin, P-L Lai and S-Y Shieh

Cell Death Dis 2015 6: e1584; 10.1038/cddis.2014.550

Abstract | Full Text

MCL-1 and BCL-xL-dependent resistance to the BCL-2 inhibitor ABT-199 can be overcome by preventing PI3K/AKT/mTOR activation in lymphoid malignancies

G S Choudhary, S Al-harbi, S Mazumder, B T Hill, M R Smith, J Bodo, E D Hsi and A Almasan

Cell Death Dis 2015 6: e1593; 10.1038/cddis.2014.525

Abstract | Full Text

A G-quadruplex DNA structure resolvase, RHAU, is essential for spermatogonia differentiation

X Gao, W Ma, J Nie, C Zhang, J Zhang, G Yao, J Han, J Xu, B Hu, Y Du, Q Shi, Z Yang, X Huang and Y Zhang

Cell Death Dis 2015 6: e1610; 10.1038/cddis.2014.571

Abstract | Full Text

DRAM1 regulates apoptosis through increasing protein levels and lysosomal localization of BAX

J-J Guan, X-D Zhang, W Sun, L Qi, J-C Wu and Z-H Qin

Cell Death Dis 2014 6: e1624; 10.1038/cddis.2014.546

Abstract | Full Text

Loss of anchorage primarily induces non-apoptotic cell death in a human mammary epithelial cell line under atypical focal adhesion kinase signaling

F Ishikawa, K Ushida, K Mori and M Shibanuma

Cell Death Dis 2015 6: e1619; 10.1038/cddis.2014.583

Abstract | Full Text

Intracellular annexin A2 regulates NF-κB signaling by binding to the p50 subunit: implications for gemcitabine resistance in pancreatic cancer

H Jung, J S Kim, W K Kim, K-J Oh, J-M Kim, H J Lee, B S Han, D S Kim, Y S Seo, S C Lee, S G Park and K-H Bae

Cell Death Dis 2015 6: e1606; 10.1038/cddis.2014.558

Abstract | Full Text

PINK1-induced mitophagy promotes neuroprotection in Huntington’s disease

B Khalil, N El Fissi, A Aouane, M-J Cabirol-Pol, T Rival and J-C Liévens

Cell Death Dis 2015 6: e1617; 10.1038/cddis.2014.581

Abstract | Full Text

Potent and selective small-molecule MCL-1 inhibitors demonstrate on-target cancer cell killing activity as single agents and in combination with ABT-263 (navitoclax)

J D Leverson, H Zhang, J Chen, S K Tahir, D C Phillips, J Xue, P Nimmer, S Jin, M Smith, Y Xiao, P Kovar, A Tanaka, M Bruncko, G S Sheppard, L Wang, S Gierke, L Kategaya, D J Anderson, C Wong, J Eastham-Anderson, M J C Ludlam, D Sampath, W J Fairbrother, I Wertz, S H Rosenberg, C Tse, S W Elmore and A J Souers

Cell Death Dis 2015 6: e1590; 10.1038/cddis.2014.561

Abstract | Full Text

Celastrol induces apoptosis and autophagy via the ROS/JNK signaling pathway in human osteosarcoma cells: an in vitro and in vivo study

H-Y Li, J Zhang, L-L Sun, B-H Li, H-L Gao, T Xie, N Zhang and Z-M Ye

Cell Death Dis 2015 6: e1604; 10.1038/cddis.2014.543

Abstract | Full Text

A tight control of Rif1 by Oct4 and Smad3 is critical for mouse embryonic stem cell stability

P Li, X Ma, I R Adams and P Yuan

Cell Death Dis 2015 6: e1588; 10.1038/cddis.2014.551

Abstract | Full Text

MiR-34c suppresses tumor growth and metastasis in nasopharyngeal carcinoma by targeting MET

Y-Q Li, X-Y Ren, Q-M He, Y-F Xu, X-R Tang, Y Sun, M-S Zeng, T-B Kang, N Liu and J Ma

Cell Death Dis 2015 6: e1618; 10.1038/cddis.2014.582

Abstract | Full Text

Disrupted autophagy after spinal cord injury is associated with ER stress and neuronal cell death

S Liu, C Sarkar, M Dinizo, A I Faden, E Y Koh, M M Lipinski and J Wu

Cell Death Dis 2015 6: e1582; 10.1038/cddis.2014.527

Abstract | Full Text

Tamoxifen reduces fat mass by boosting reactive oxygen species

L Liu, P Zou, L Zheng, L E Linarelli, S Amarell, A Passaro, D Liu and Z Cheng

Cell Death Dis 2015 6: e1586; 10.1038/cddis.2014.553

Abstract | Full Text

Targeting heat-shock protein 90 with ganetespib for molecularly targeted therapy of gastric cancer

H Liu, J Lu, Y Hua, P Zhang, Z Liang, L Ruan, C Lian, H Shi, K Chen and Z Tu

Cell Death Dis 2015 6: e1595; 10.1038/cddis.2014.555

Abstract | Full Text

Long non-coding RNA CCAT1 promotes gallbladder cancer development via negative modulation of miRNA-218-5p

M-Z Ma, B-F Chu, Y Zhang, M-Z Weng, Y-Y Qin, W Gong and Z-W Quan

Cell Death Dis 2015 6: e1583; 10.1038/cddis.2014.541

Abstract | Full Text

The malignant phenotype in breast cancer is driven by eIF4A1-mediated changes in the translational landscape

A Modelska, E Turro, R Russell, J Beaton, T Sbarrato, K Spriggs, J Miller, S Gräf, E Provenzano, F Blows, P Pharoah, C Caldas and J Le Quesne

Cell Death Dis 2015 6: e1603; 10.1038/cddis.2014.542

Abstract | Full Text

miR-34a regulates cell proliferation, morphology and function of newborn neurons resulting in improved behavioural outcomes

C Mollinari, M Racaniello, A Berry, M Pieri, M C de Stefano, A Cardinale, C Zona, F Cirulli, E Garaci and D Merlo

Cell Death Dis 2015 6: e1622; 10.1038/cddis.2014.589

Abstract | Full Text

NAMPT inhibition sensitizes pancreatic adenocarcinoma cells to tumor-selective, PAR-independent metabolic catastrophe and cell death induced by β-lapachone

Z Moore, G Chakrabarti, X Luo, A Ali, Z Hu, F J Fattah, R Vemireddy, R J DeBerardinis, R A Brekken and D A Boothman

Cell Death Dis 2015 6: e1599; 10.1038/cddis.2014.564

Abstract | Full Text

PKR downregulation prevents neurodegeneration and β-amyloid production in a thiamine-deficient model

F Mouton-Liger, A-S Rebillat, S Gourmaud, C Paquet, A Leguen, J Dumurgier, P Bernadelli, V Taupin, L Pradier, T Rooney and J Hugon

Cell Death Dis 2015 6: e1594; 10.1038/cddis.2014.552

Abstract | Full Text

NF-κB-dependent and -independent epigenetic modulation using the novel anti-cancer agent DMAPT

H Nakshatri, H N Appaiah, M Anjanappa, D Gilley, H Tanaka, S Badve, P A Crooks, W Mathews, C Sweeney and P Bhat-Nakshatri

Cell Death Dis 2015 6: e1608; 10.1038/cddis.2014.569

Abstract | Full Text

Primary clear cell renal carcinoma cells display minimal mitochondrial respiratory capacity resulting in pronounced sensitivity to glycolytic inhibition by 3-Bromopyruvate

H Nilsson, D Lindgren, A Mandahl Forsberg, H Mulder, H Axelson and M E Johansson

Cell Death Dis 2015 6: e1585; 10.1038/cddis.2014.545

Abstract | Full Text

The BH3-only protein Bad is dispensable for TNF-mediated cell death

E Ottina, M Sochalska, R Sgonc and A Villunger

Cell Death Dis 2015 6: e1611; 10.1038/cddis.2014.575

Abstract | Full Text

Glutathione transferases P1/P2 regulate the timing of signaling pathway activations and cell cycle progression during mouse liver regeneration

J Pajaud, C Ribault, I Ben Mosbah, C Rauch, C Henderson, P Bellaud, C Aninat, P Loyer, F Morel and A Corlu

Cell Death Dis 2015 6: e1598; 10.1038/cddis.2014.562

Abstract | Full Text

Phosphorylation of the translation initiation factor eIF2α at serine 51 determines the cell fate decisions of Akt in response to oxidative stress

K Rajesh, J Krishnamoorthy, U Kazimierczak, C Tenkerian, A I Papadakis, S Wang, S Huang and A E Koromilas

Cell Death Dis 2015 6: e1591; 10.1038/cddis.2014.554

Abstract | Full Text

Endoplasmic reticulum stress induces ligand-independent TNFR1-mediated necroptosis in L929 cells

S Saveljeva, S L Mc Laughlin, P Vandenabeele, A Samali and M J M Bertrand

Cell Death Dis 2015 6: e1587; 10.1038/cddis.2014.548

Abstract | Full Text

Stromal SLIT2 impacts on pancreatic cancer-associated neural remodeling

V Secq, J Leca, C Bressy, F Guillaumond, P Skrobuk, J Nigri, S Lac, M-N Lavaut, T-t Bui, A K Thakur, N Callizot, R Steinschneider, P Berthezene, N Dusetti, M Ouaissi, V Moutardier, E Calvo, C Bousquet, S Garcia, G Bidaut, S Vasseur, J L Iovanna and R Tomasini

Cell Death Dis 2015 6: e1592; 10.1038/cddis.2014.557

Abstract | Full Text

Reactive oxygen species-mediated therapeutic response and resistance in glioblastoma

E Singer, J Judkins, N Salomonis, L Matlaf, P Soteropoulos, S McAllister and L Soroceanu

Cell Death Dis 2015 6: e1601; 10.1038/cddis.2014.566

Abstract | Full Text

Germ cell-specific Atg7 knockout results in primary ovarian insufficiency in female mice

Z-H Song, H-Y Yu, P Wang, G-K Mao, W-X Liu, M-N Li, H-N Wang, Y-L Shang, C Liu, Z-L Xu, Q-Y Sun and W Li

Cell Death Dis 2015 6: e1589; 10.1038/cddis.2014.559

Abstract | Full Text

Interaction of differentiated human adipocytes with macrophages leads to trogocytosis and selective IL-6 secretion

A K Sárvári, Q-M Doan-Xuan, Z Bacsó, I Csomós, Z Balajthy and L Fésüs

Cell Death Dis 2015 6: e1613; 10.1038/cddis.2014.579

Abstract | Full Text

BMCC1, which is an interacting partner of BCL2, attenuates AKT activity, accompanied by apoptosis

Y Tatsumi, R Takano, M S Islam, T Yokochi, M Itami, Y Nakamura and A Nakagawara

Cell Death Dis 2015 6: e1607; 10.1038/cddis.2014.568

Abstract | Full Text

Angelman syndrome-associated ubiquitin ligase UBE3A/E6AP mutants interfere with the proteolytic activity of the proteasome

V Tomaić and L Banks

Cell Death Dis 2015 6: e1625; 10.1038/cddis.2014.572

Abstract | Full Text

Genome-wide mRNA and miRNA expression profiling reveal multiple regulatory networks in colorectal cancer

R Vishnubalaji, R Hamam, M-H Abdulla, M A V Mohammed, M Kassem, O Al-Obeed, A Aldahmash and N M Alajez

Cell Death Dis 2015 6: e1614; 10.1038/cddis.2014.556

Abstract | Full Text

Dose-dependent effects of selenite (Se4+) on arsenite (As3+)-induced apoptosis and differentiation in acute promyelocytic leukemia cells

S Wang, Z Geng, N Shi, X Li and Z Wang

Cell Death Dis 2015 6: e1596; 10.1038/cddis.2014.563

Abstract | Full Text

CtBP maintains cancer cell growth and metabolic homeostasis via regulating SIRT4

L Wang, H Zhou, Y Wang, G Cui and L-j Di

Cell Death Dis 2015 6: e1620; 10.1038/cddis.2014.587

Abstract | Full Text

Age-related proteostasis and metabolic alterations in Caspase-2-deficient mice

C H Wilson, S Shalini, A Filipovska, T R Richman, S Davies, S D Martin, S L McGee, J Puccini, A Nikolic, L Dorstyn and S Kumar

Cell Death Dis 2015 6: e1597; 10.1038/cddis.2014.567

Abstract | Full Text

The conserved Trp114 residue of thioredoxin reductase 1 has a redox sensor-like function triggering oligomerization and crosslinking upon oxidative stress related to cell death

J Xu, S E Eriksson, M Cebula, T Sandalova, E Hedström, I Pader, Q Cheng, C R Myers, W E Antholine, P Nagy, U Hellman, G Selivanova, Y Lindqvist and E S J Arnér

Cell Death Dis 2015 6: e1616; 10.1038/cddis.2014.574

Abstract | Full Text

MicroRNA-141 inhibits tumor growth and metastasis in gastric cancer by directly targeting transcriptional co-activator with PDZ-binding motif, TAZ

Q-F Zuo, R Zhang, B-S Li, Y-L Zhao, Y Zhuang, T Yu, L Gong, S Li, B Xiao and Q-M Zou

Cell Death Dis 2015 6: e1623; 10.1038/cddis.2014.573

Abstract | Full Text

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