

It takes a village to save a lion

Help save big cats
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Help save big cats in the wild
Dear Friend,

Caring National Geographic supporters like you are helping to change the future for lions, tigers, cheetahs, and other big cats across the globe.

And one thing we've learned is that it really does take an international village of willing people to save even a single pride of lions.

Friend, I hope you will do what you can today to help save these magnificent big cats by making your tax-deductible gift online today.

Donate to save big catsOne example of the kind of the innovative conservation programs you would be supporting is in the Ruaha region of Tanzania, where our grantee Amy Dickman has pioneered a sustainable, conservation program that is saving lions.

Her premise is simple: To ensure their survival, lions must be more valuable alive than dead.

But it takes a village to make this happen:
  1. PEOPLE LIKE YOU – who are willing to provide the vital resources needed to test and implement new approaches to saving big cats.
  2. LION GUARDIANS – young, local men trained in conservation and employed to protect lions. These men also fulfill important leadership roles in their community and help their neighbors to see lions differently.
  3. HERDERS – too many big cats are lost to retaliatory killings when a local herder loses livestock to a predator. Amy's team works to help herders better protect their animals through early warnings, protective fencing, and specially trained guard dogs.
  4. LOCAL COMMUNITIES – when lions benefit the community – whether through new jobs or more revenue from tourism – local people no longer see big cats as a menace and instead become their champions.
  5. THE BEST SCIENTISTS – separating fact from fiction and using the best scientific practices and new technology to develop big cat conservation programs that work and are sustainable in the long term.
So Friend, please become our partner in big cat conservation by making your special gift online now.

You will be showing the world that lions and other big cats can be saved if enough caring people are willing to act now.

Amy states it so well, "There is something so magnificent about [the lions'] power, beauty, and sheer wildness, and I think it would be terrible if these animals died out in the wild."

By working together, we can make sure lions and other big cats survive for generations to come.

But it starts with you, Friend. Please act now.

Thank you for doing what you can to help.


Sarah StallingsSarah

Sarah Stallings
Director, Annual Giving

P.S. We will only succeed in saving our iconic big cats if enough people come together to act now. Please take the first step by making your tax-deductible gift today.

Photos by Michael Nichols/National Geographic

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