

America Has Too Much Milk and Is Dumping the Leftovers

Got Milk?
The U.S. Is Producing a Record Amount of Milk and Dumping the Leftovers
Dairy processing plants are so overwhelmed by surplus milk that some are resorting to pouring the excess into holes used for livestock manure.

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Number 1

Varoufakis Says He'll Quit If Greeks Endorse Austerity

Greece's finance minister has vowed to step down if voters choose to accept proposed bailout conditions in Sunday's referendum.

Number 2

How to Stay Online All the Time While You're Traveling

The strength of a hotel Wi-Fi signal can make or break your work trip. Our tips for staying connected.

Number 3

Cuba Is Now Airbnb's Fastest Growing Market

The San Francisco company is one step ahead of diplomatic relations and poised for an influx of American tourists to the island.

Number 4

Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness: How the 13 Colonies Rank Today

Does the promise of the Declaration of Independence hold true in 2015?

Number 5

How Freelance Diplomacy Bankrolled by Rockefellers Has Paved the Way for an Iran Deal

The unlikely coalition advocating for an Iran truce is bound together by millions of dollars.

Beat the Heat
Seven Amazing Ice Cream Sandwiches to Eat Right Now
New York's parlors are transforming classic ice cream sandwiches into culinary masterpieces.
Ice Cream Sandwiches

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