

Gordon Ramsay Tries His First Girl Scout Cookie and His Critique is Exactly What You Expect From Him and more...


Gordon Ramsay Tries His First Girl Scout Cookie and His Critique is Exactly What You Expect From Him and more...

 In This Issue...


A Conspiracy Theorist "Solved" the Unsolved Murder of JonBenet Ramsey, She's Actually Katy Perry!


In 1996, the death of a little girl named JonBenet Ramsey became a highly publicized tragedy. The still unsolved nature of the case has invited a lot of speculation about who really killed her and why. 

Conspiracy theorist Dave Johnson claims that JonBenet Ramsey is, in fact, Katy Perry. In the video he says, "Nobody died, nobody got hurt. That sacrifice was in name only, and that was to get something, and that something was to become a star. JonBenet became Katy Perry, and that's a fact."

via KTBS

Wouldn't that be nice? 

Of course, this doesn't address the fact that Katy Perry is six years older or that Patsy Ramsey, JonBenet's mother, died of ovarian cancer in 2006 and her father remarried. 

Actually, this is all based on the idea that Katy Perry and her parents look kind of like JonBenet Ramsay and her parents. And if you don't examine ANY other facts or think about it too critically, I guess Johnson is right. 

But he probably isn't. 

Submitted by: (via Dave Johnson)


Cat Ownership in a Nutshell

Warning: NSFW language

Submitted by: (via burnie)

Tagged: twitter , Cats , Video

Vegans Did Not Take Kindly to Gordon Ramsay's Joke on Twitter

gordon ramsay twitter vegans Vegans Did Not Take Kindly to Gordon Ramsay's Joke on Twitter

Someone on Twitter asked Gordon Ramsay if he's alergic to anything. His response made a lot of people mad:

via GordonRamsay

It may be a fitting joke for a chef but it wasn't very nice. Not surprisingly, vegans responded with disappointment.  

via CatgalllnamjoonsbbygirlKatePow3ll

Some people were more upset that the joke just wasn't that clever: 

via nucleartesla

But it's ok guys, because he apologized and clarified that it was just a joke. 

via GordonRamsay

via Arka48x

Good one, Ramsay. 

Submitted by: (via gordonramsay)

Tagged: twitter , jokes , Beef , vegetarian

The Imperial March in a Major Key is Full of Pep and Hope


There are tons of examples of how creepy music can be when put into a minor key, but what happens when you change one of the most recognizable villainous songs into a major key?

Submitted by: (via Muted Vocal)


If It Ain't Broke, It Is Now


Submitted by: (via FailArmy)

Tagged: ouch , FAIL , compilation , broken , Video

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