

Scientific Reports Earth Sciences Table of Contents e-alert: 03 May 2016

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  03 May 2016   
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Earth & Environmental Sciences

Solar pacing of storm surges, coastal flooding and agricultural losses in the Central Mediterranean


David Kaniewski, Nick Marriner, Christophe Morhange et al.


Storm surges, leading to catastrophic coastal flooding, are amongst the most feared natural hazards due to the high population densities and economic importance of littoral …


Impacts of Typhoon Soudelor (2015) on the water quality of Taipei, Taiwan


Hoda Fakour, Shang-Lien Lo, Tsair-Fuh Lin


Typhoon Soudelor was one of the strongest storms in the world in 2015. The category 5 hurricane made landfall in Taiwan on August 8, causing extensive damage and severe impacts …


Effects of cyclone-generated disturbance on a tropical reef foraminifera assemblage


Luke C. Strotz, Briony L. Mamo, Dale Dominey-Howes


The sedimentary record, and associated micropalaeontological proxies, is one tool that has been employed to quantify a region’s tropical cyclone history. Doing so has largely …


A study of organic acid production in contrasts between two phosphate solubilizing fungi: Penicillium oxalicum and Aspergillus niger


Zhen Li, Tongshuo Bai, Letian Dai et al.


Phosphate solubilizing fungi (PSF) have huge potentials in enhancing release of phosphorus from fertilizer. Two PSF (NJDL-03 and NJDL-12) were isolated and identified as


Ecological restoration alters microbial communities in mine tailings profiles


Yang Li, Zhongjun Jia, Qingye Sun et al.


Ecological restoration of mine tailings have impact on soil physiochemical properties and microbial communities. The surface soil has been a primary concern in the past decades, …


Cellulose and hemicellulose decomposition by forest soil bacteria proceeds by the action of structurally variable enzymatic systems


Rubén López-Mondéjar, Daniela Zühlke, Dörte Becher et al.


Evidence shows that bacteria contribute actively to the decomposition of cellulose and hemicellulose in forest soil; however, their role in this process is still unclear. Here we …


Transformation seismology: composite soil lenses for steering surface elastic Rayleigh waves


Andrea Colombi, Sebastien Guenneau, Philippe Roux et al.


Metamaterials are artificially structured media that exibit properties beyond those usually encountered in nature. Typically they are developed for electromagnetic waves at …


Microbial communities and arsenic biogeochemistry at the outflow of an alkaline sulfide-rich hot spring


Zhou Jiang, Ping Li, Joy D. Van Nostrand et al.


Alkaline sulfide-rich hot springs provide a unique environment for microbial community and arsenic (As) biogeochemistry. In this study, a representative alkaline sulfide-rich hot …


Modeling of Nitrous Oxide Production from Nitritation Reactors Treating Real Anaerobic Digestion Liquor


Qilin Wang, Bing-Jie Ni, Romain Lemaire et al.


In this work, a mathematical model including both ammonium oxidizing bacteria (AOB) and heterotrophic bacteria (HB) is constructed to predict N2O production from the nitritation …


Solar-light photocatalytic disinfection using crystalline/amorphous low energy bandgap reduced TiO2


Youngmin Kim, Hee Min Hwang, Luyang Wang et al.


A generation of reactive oxygen species (ROS) from TiO2 under solar light has been long sought since the ROS can disinfect organic pollutants. We found that newly developed …


Detection and quantification of water-based aerosols using active open-path FTIR


Oz Kira, Raphael Linker, Yael Dubowski


Aerosols have a leading role in many eco-systems and knowledge of their properties is critical for many applications. This study suggests using active Open-Path Fourier Transform …


Zn/Cd ratios and cadmium isotope evidence for the classification of lead-zinc deposits


Hanjie Wen, Chuanwei Zhu, Yuxu Zhang et al.


Lead-zinc deposits are often difficult to classify because clear criteria are lacking. In recent years, new tools, such as Cd and Zn isotopes, have been used to better understand …


Neonicotinoids target distinct nicotinic acetylcholine receptors and neurons, leading to differential risks to bumblebees


Christopher Moffat, Stephen T. Buckland, Andrew J. Samson et al.


There is growing concern over the risk to bee populations from neonicotinoid insecticides and the long-term consequences of reduced numbers of insect pollinators to essential …


COD capture: a feasible option towards energy self-sufficient domestic wastewater treatment


Junfeng Wan, Jun Gu, Qian Zhao et al.


Although the activated sludge process, one of the most remarkable engineering inventions in the 20th century, has made significant contribution to wastewater reclamation in the …


Low level off-road vehicle (ORV) traffic negatively impacts macroinvertebrate assemblages at sandy beaches in south-western Australia


Rebecca Davies, Peter C. Speldewinde, Barbara A. Stewart


Off-road vehicle use is arguably one of the most environmentally damaging human activities undertaken on sandy beaches worldwide. Existing studies focused on areas of high …


Effect of different levels of nitrogen on rhizosphere bacterial community structure in intensive monoculture of greenhouse lettuce


Jian-Gang Li, Min-Chong Shen, Jin-Feng Hou et al.


Pyrosequencing-based analyses revealed significant effects among low (N50), medium (N80), and high (N100) fertilization on community composition involving a long-term monoculture …


Effect of electrode position on azo dye removal in an up-flow hybrid anaerobic digestion reactor with built-in bioelectrochemical system


Min-Hua Cui, Dan Cui, Hyung-Sool Lee et al.


In this study, two modes of hybrid anaerobic digestion (AD) bioreactor with built-in BESs (electrodes installed in liquid phase (R1) and sludge phase (R2)) were tested for …


Integral Light-Harvesting Complex Expression In Symbiodinium Within The Coral Acropora aspera Under Thermal Stress


Sarah L. Gierz, Benjamin R. Gordon, William Leggat


Coral reef success is largely dependent on the symbiosis between coral hosts and dinoflagellate symbionts belonging to the genus Symbiodinium. Elevated temperatures can result in …


Long-Range Interactions Restrict Water Transport in Pyrophyllite Interlayers


Piotr Zarzycki, Benjamin Gilbert


Water diffusion within smectite clay interlayers is reduced by confinement and hence is highly determined by the interlayer spacings that are adopted during swelling. However, a …


Chaotic time series prediction for prenatal exposure to polychlorinated biphenyls in umbilical cord blood using the least squares SEATR model


Xijin Xu, Qian Tang, Haiyue Xia et al.


Chaotic time series prediction based on nonlinear systems showed a superior performance in prediction field. We studied prenatal exposure to polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) by …


Comparing watershed black locust afforestation and natural revegetation impacts on soil nitrogen on the Loess Plateau of China


Zhao Jin, Xiangru Li, Yunqiang Wang et al.


This study examined a pair of neighbouring small watersheds with contrasting vegetations: artificial forestland and natural grassland. Since 1954, afforestation which mainly …


Biochar affects carbon composition and stability in soil: a combined spectroscopy-microscopy study


Maria C. Hernandez-Soriano, Bart Kerré, Peter M. Kopittke et al.


The use of biochar can contribute to carbon (C) storage in soil. Upon addition of biochar, there is a spatial reorganization of C within soil particles, but the mechanisms remain …


Model-Based Feasibility Assessment of Membrane Biofilm Reactor to Achieve Simultaneous Ammonium, Dissolved Methane, and Sulfide Removal from Anaerobic Digestion Liquor


Xueming Chen, Yiwen Liu, Lai Peng et al.


In this study, the membrane biofilm reactor (MBfR) is proposed to achieve simultaneous removal of ammonium, dissolved methane, and sulfide from main-stream and side-stream …


Comparative study on catalytic hydrodehalogenation of halogenated aromatic compounds over Pd/C and Raney Ni catalysts


Xuanxuan Ma, Sujing Liu, Ying Liu et al.


Catalytic hydrodehalogenation (HDH) has proved to be an efficient approach to dispose halogenated aromatic compounds (HACs). Liquid-phase HDH of single and mixed …


The role of fluid pressure in induced vs. triggered seismicity: insights from rock deformation experiments on carbonates


Marco M. Scuderi, Cristiano Collettini


Fluid overpressure is one of the primary mechanisms for tectonic fault slip, because fluids lubricate the fault and fluid pressure reduces the effective normal stress that holds …


Direct observations of ice seasonality reveal changes in climate over the past 320–570 years


Sapna Sharma, John J. Magnuson, Ryan D. Batt et al.


Lake and river ice seasonality (dates of ice freeze and breakup) responds sensitively to climatic change and variability. We analyzed climate-related changes using direct human …


Significant accumulation of nitrate in Chinese semi-humid croplands


Junyu Zhou, Baojing Gu, William H. Schlesinger et al.


Soil nitrate is important for crop growth, but it can also leach to groundwater causing nitrate contamination, a threat to human health. Here, we report a significant …


Salinity shapes microbial diversity and community structure in surface sediments of the Qinghai-Tibetan Lakes


Jian Yang, Li’an Ma, Hongchen Jiang et al.


Investigating microbial response to environmental variables is of great importance for understanding of microbial acclimatization and evolution in natural environments. However, …


Preparation of Nickel Cobalt Sulfide Hollow Nanocolloids with Enhanced Electrochemical Property for Supercapacitors Application


Zhenhua Chen, Zhanghui Wan, Tiezhu Yang et al.


Nanostructured functional materials with hollow interiors are considered to be good candidates for a variety of advanced applications. However, synthesis of uniform hollow …

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