

Nature Physics July Issue

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Nature Physics


July 2016 Volume 12, Issue 7

Research Highlights
News and Views
Progress Article
Measure for Measure
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Focus on Topological matter
Topology has returned to prominence in physics thanks to the discovery of topological insulators — a class of materials that are characterized by topological properties. This Focus showcases the recent advances in realizing and exploiting topological phases in condensed matter and beyond.

Focus Topological matter



Focus on Topological matter
Topology on top   p615
Topology has journeyed from the purely mathematical arena to feature throughout physics.



Focus on Topological matter
Space, matter and topology   pp616 - 618
Manuel Asorey
An old branch of mathematics has paved the way for discovering new phases of matter.

Focus on Topological matter
A road to reality with topological superconductors   pp618 - 621
Carlo Beenakker and Leo Kouwenhoven
Topological matter can host low-energy quasiparticles, which, in a superconductor, are Majorana fermions described by a real wavefunction. The absence of complex phases provides protection for quantum computations based on topological superconductivity.

Focus on Topological matter
Topological mechanics   pp621 - 623
Sebastian D. Huber
Electronic topological insulators have inspired the design of new mechanical systems that could soon find real-life applications.

Focus on Topological matter
Quasiperiodicity and topology transcend dimensions   pp624 - 626
Yaacov E. Kraus and Oded Zilberberg
The topological state of matter depends on its dimension. Remarkably, topological properties of quasiperiodic systems are found to emerge from higher dimensions.

Focus on Topological matter
Topological states in photonic systems   pp626 - 629
Ling Lu, John D. Joannopoulos and Marin Soljačić
Optics played a key role in the discovery of geometric phase. It now joins the journey of exploring topological physics, bringing bosonic topological states that equip us with the ability to make perfect photonic devices using imperfect interfaces.



Digital science   p630
Mark Buchanan



Correction   p631

See also: Research Highlights by Fleet

Research Highlights


Complex networks: Same on the inside | Exoplanets: Waterworld of difference | Quantum simulation: The power of many | Topological phases: Impurities for sensors | Neutrino physics: Limits of coherence

News and Views


Magnetic adatoms: When Ising meets Majorana   pp633 - 634
Frédéric Mila
The topological degeneracy associated with Majorana edge states has been measured in a spin-1/2 chain of cobalt atoms, thereby opening new avenues in low-dimensional quantum magnetism.

See also: Letter by Toskovic et al.

Quantum dots: Nuclear spins get a comb-over   pp634 - 635
Jeroen Elzerman and Mark Buitelaar
A frequency comb technique used in NMR spectroscopy reveals the dynamics of the nuclear spin bath in self-assembled quantum dots.

See also: Letter by Waeber et al.

Star formation: Why dwarf galaxies come up short   pp636 - 637
Desika Narayanan
When it comes to star formation, dwarf galaxies perform very poorly. A possible explanation for this behaviour involves photoelectric electrons heating the star-forming gas.

Quantum measurement: Coping with pressure   pp637 - 638
James S. Bennett and Warwick P. Bowen
Radiation pressure noise from squeezed light constrains the precision of sensing devices such as improved gravitational wave interferometers.

See also: Letter by Clark et al.

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Progress Article


Focus on Topological matter
Topological quantum matter with ultracold gases in optical lattices   pp639 - 645
N. Goldman, J. C. Budich and P. Zoller
Using optical lattices to trap ultracold atoms provides a powerful platform for probing topological phases, analogues to those found in condensed matter. But as these systems are highly tunable, they could be used to engineer even more exotic phases.



Probing the Bose glass-superfluid transition using quantum quenches of disorder   pp646 - 649
Carolyn Meldgin, Ushnish Ray, Philip Russ, David Chen, David M. Ceperley et al.
Aspects of the disordered Bose-Hubbard model, such as the Bose glass-superfluid transition, are still incompletely understood, but this can now be probed in an ultracold atomic gas in an optical lattice using controlled quantum quenches of disorder.

How superfluid vortex knots untie   pp650 - 655
Dustin Kleckner, Louis H. Kauffman and William T. M. Irvine
The stability of a large class of elemental knots and links to so-called reconnections is studied numerically using the Gross-Pitaevskii model for a superfluid, demonstrating that they universally untie.

Atomic spin-chain realization of a model for quantum criticality   pp656 - 660
R. Toskovic, R. van den Berg, A. Spinelli, I. S. Eliens, B. van den Toorn et al.
Magnetic adatoms offer an appealing platform for building idealized spin models, but achieving sufficient control to do so is challenging. Now, arrays of Co atoms evaporated on a Cu2N/Cu(100) surface are shown to behave like a spin-1/2 XXZ Heisenberg chain.

See also: News and Views by Mila

Experimental signature of the attractive Coulomb force between positive and negative magnetic monopoles in spin ice   pp661 - 666
C. Paulsen, S. R. Giblin, E. Lhotel, D. Prabhakaran, G. Balakrishnan et al.
A magnetic analogue of the Poole-Frenkel effect shows that magnetic monopole quasiparticles in a spin ice behave similar to electrons in a semiconductor, with an attractive Coulomb force acting between positive and negative monopoles.

Dirac node arcs in PtSn4   pp667 - 671
Yun Wu, Lin-Lin Wang, Eundeok Mun, D. D. Johnson, Daixiang Mou et al.
A combination of detailed photoelectron spectroscopy measurements and numerical simulations reveal the presence of so-called Dirac node arcs in the electronic structure of PtSn4.

Electron viscosity, current vortices and negative nonlocal resistance in graphene   pp672 - 676
Leonid Levitov and Gregory Falkovich
In analogy to fluids, electric currents can exhibit viscosity — albeit with effects difficult to observe experimentally. Now, vorticity is reported as a signature feature of electron viscosity in graphene, which leads to negative nonlocal resistance.

Direct measurement of exciton valley coherence in monolayer WSe2   pp677 - 682
Kai Hao, Galan Moody, Fengcheng Wu, Chandriker Kavir Dass, Lixiang Xu et al.
Coherent valley exciton dynamics are directly probed in a monolayer transition metal dichalcogenide, providing access to the valley coherence time and decoherence mechanisms — crucial for developing methods for manipulating the valley pseudospin.

Observation of strong radiation pressure forces from squeezed light on a mechanical oscillator   pp683 - 687
Jeremy B. Clark, Florent Lecocq, Raymond W. Simmonds, José Aumentado and John D. Teufel
Non-classical states of light, such as squeezed states, are used in quantum metrology to improve the sensitivity of mechanical motion sensing, but conversely mechanical oscillations can enhance the measurement of squeezed light.

See also: News and Views by Bennett & Bowen

Few-second-long correlation times in a quantum dot nuclear spin bath probed by frequency-comb nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy   pp688 - 693
A. M. Waeber, M. Hopkinson, I. Farrer, D. A. Ritchie, J. Nilsson et al.
Using a frequency-comb nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy technique it is possible to probe the fluctuations in the nuclear spin bath of a self-assembled quantum dot and reveal long nuclear spin correlation times over one second.

See also: News and Views by Elzerman & Buitelaar

Collective magnetic response of CeO2 nanoparticles   pp694 - 699
Michael Coey, Karl Ackland, Munuswamy Venkatesan and Siddhartha Sen
The magnetic response of nanoparticles made from wide-bandgap oxides that don't contain any magnetic cations is somewhat of a mystery. Experiments with CeO2 suggest that the origin may be due to vacuum fluctuations.

Protein folding trajectories can be described quantitatively by one-dimensional diffusion over measured energy landscapes   pp700 - 703
Krishna Neupane, Ajay P. Manuel and Michael T. Woodside
Multidimensional protein-folding dynamics are often probed experimentally by projecting into a single dimension. Single-molecule experiments now verify the idea that folding can be understood in terms of one-dimensional diffusion over a landscape.

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Size-dependent protein segregation at membrane interfaces   pp704 - 711
Eva M. Schmid, Matthew H. Bakalar, Kaushik Choudhuri, Julian Weichsel, Hyoung Sook Ann et al.
Segregation between binding and non-binding proteins in the space between cells is critical for immune response. In vitro experiments show that size alone suffices to explain the exclusion of non-binding proteins from membrane interfaces.

Correlation between dynamical and structural heterogeneities in colloidal hard-sphere suspensions   pp712 - 717
Sebastian Golde, Thomas Palberg and Hans Joachim Schope
Experiments combining dynamic and static light scattering have probed a colloidal hard-sphere system for the formation of dynamical and structural heterogeneities, which play a role in both forms of solidification: crystallization and vitrification.



Corrigendum: Inertial-confinement fusion with lasers   p717
R. Betti and O. A. Hurricane

See also: Review by Betti & Hurricane



Erratum: Magnetic-confinement fusion   p717
J. Ongena, R. Koch, R. Wolf and H. Zohm

See also: Review by Ongena et al.

Measure for Measure


How wet can you get?   p718
Philip Ball
Some concepts are useful but difficult to quantify, as Philip Ball illustrates with the property of hydrophobicity.

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