

Exclusive survey: The future of work in America

The Brief July 05, 2016
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Exclusive Survey: The Future of Work in America
A new survey, sponsored in part by TIME, explores the mindsets of employers as new work arrangements are causing excitement and dismay

President Obama Will Stump for Clinton in North Carolina
President Obama will join Hillary Clinton on the campaign trail for the first time to make an affirmative case for her that some Democrats worry she hasn't made

NASA Spacecraft Juno Arrives at Jupiter
Braving intense radiation, the solar-powered NASA spacecraft reached Jupiter after a five-year voyage to begin exploring the giant planet

Why Kevin Durant's Decision Is Worth Cheering For
He joins a "superteam" in Golden State. We thought we hated superteams. Turns out they're not that bad

Meet the Young Economy Minister Who Could Be France's Next President
The 38-year-old Economy Minister is paving his way to France's presidency with bold reforms and a grassroots movement. But it won't be easy

The Racial Wage Gap Has Not Changed in 35 Years
And white men are still out-earning nearly everyone

This Might Be Another Reason Voters Are Angry
A source of anger in an election year

4 Ways to Stop Doubting Yourself
"The path out of the darkness isn't easy, but it is possible."

Britain's Tony Blair Faces Judgment Day on Iraq War
The former British prime minister's critics have been waiting seven years for an inquiry into the Iraq War, which is finally to be published this week. Critics hope the "Chilcot report" will contain revelations damaging enough to lead to impeachment

Latest Baghdad Bombing Underscores Iraq's Nightmare
A deadly bombing in Baghdad is raising memories of Iraq's sectarian civil war. The attack underscores the ongoing nightmare for Iraq as it continues to grapple with political divisions, struggling institutions, and vast threats to its security

Revelations About the Dhaka Attackers Are Not Surprising
As Bangladesh investigates the carnage at the Holey Artisan Bakery in Dhaka on July 1, many have been struck by the middle-class origins of some of the gunmen suspected of mounting the gruesome attack. But a recent study shows that this is not unusual

Siri is Finally Where She Belongs
Siri feels like a true personal assistant on the Mac


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