

Scientific Reports Earth Sciences Table of Contents e-alert: 5 July 2016

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  05 July 2016   
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Earth & Environmental Sciences

Comparative Study of Carbon Materials Synthesized “Greenly” for 2-CP Removal


Ying Ma, Nan Lu, Ying Lu et al.


Carbon nanotubes (CNTs), graphene (GA) and carbon nanospheres (CNSs) were prepared respectively using grass (Festucaarundinace) as the sole carbon resource by solvothermal method …


Surviving but not thriving: inconsistent responses of zooxanthellate jellyfish polyps to ocean warming and future UV-B scenarios


Shannon G. Klein, Kylie A. Pitt, Anthony R. Carroll


Complex changes to UV radiation at the Earth’s surface are occurring concurrently with ocean warming. Despite few empirical tests, jellyfish are hypothesised to be increasing in …


More than carbon sequestration: Biophysical climate benefits of restored savanna woodlands


Jozef I. Syktus, Clive A. McAlpine


Deforestation and climate change are interconnected and represent major environmental challenges. Here, we explore the capacity of regional-scale restoration of marginal …


DNA barcoding identifies a cosmopolitan diet in the ocean sunfish


Lara L. Sousa, Raquel Xavier, Vânia Costa et al.


The ocean sunfish (Mola mola) is the world’s heaviest bony fish reaching a body mass of up to 2.3 tonnes. However, the prey M. mola consumes to fuel this prodigious growth …


Effects of landscape anthropization on mosquito community composition and abundance


Martina Ferraguti, Josué Martínez-de la Puente, David Roiz et al.


Anthropogenic landscape transformation has an important effect on vector-borne pathogen transmission. However, the effects of urbanization on mosquito communities are still only …


Habitat use of bats in relation to wind turbines revealed by GPS tracking


Manuel Roeleke, Torsten Blohm, Stephanie Kramer-Schadt et al.


Worldwide, many countries aim at countering global climate change by promoting renewable energy. Yet, recent studies highlight that so-called green energy, such as wind energy, …


New insights in Microbial Fuel Cells: novel solid phase anolyte


Tonia Tommasi, Gian Paolo Salvador, Marzia Quaglio


For the development of long lasting portable microbial fuel cells (MFCs) new strategies are necessary to overcome critical issues such as hydraulic pump system and the …


Ultradispersed Cobalt Ferrite Nanoparticles Assembled in Graphene Aerogel for Continuous Photo-Fenton Reaction and Enhanced Lithium Storage Performance


Bocheng Qiu, Yuanxin Deng, Mengmeng Du et al.


The Photo-Fenton reaction is an advanced technology to eliminate organic pollutants in environmental chemistry. Moreover, the conversion rate of Fe3+/Fe2+ and utilization rate of …


Disproportionality in Power Plants’ Carbon Emissions: A Cross-National Study


Andrew Jorgenson, Wesley Longhofer, Don Grant


Past research on the disproportionality of pollution suggests a small subset of a sector’s facilities often produces the lion’s share of toxic emissions. Here we extend this idea …


First physical evidence for forested environment in the Arctic during MIS 3


Pertti Sarala, Minna Väliranta, Tiina Eskola et al.


Old sedimentological and geochronological records can be preserved underneath the central parts of the continental ice sheets under non-erosive, cold-based subglacial conditions. …


Grazing effects on ecosystem CO2 fluxes differ among temperate steppe types in Eurasia


Longyu Hou, Yan Liu, Jiancai Du et al.


Grassland ecosystems play a critical role in regulating CO2 fluxes into and out of the Earth’s surface. Whereas previous studies have often addressed single fluxes of CO2


Quantitative and compositional responses of ammonia-oxidizing archaea and bacteria to long-term field fertilization


Chao Xue, Xu Zhang, Chen Zhu et al.


Archaeal (AOA) and bacterial (AOB) ammonia-oxidizer responses to long-term field fertilization in a Mollisol soil were assessed through pyrosequencing of amoA genes. Long-term …


Soil bacterial endemism and potential functional redundancy in natural broadleaf forest along a latitudinal gradient


Yuguang Zhang, Jing Cong, Hui Lu et al.


Microorganisms play key roles in ecosystem processes and biogeochemical cycling, however, the relationship between soil microbial taxa diversity and their function in natural …


Decadal drought deaccelerated the increasing trend of annual net primary production in tropical or subtropical forests in southern China


Wantong Wang, Jinxia Wang, Xingzhao Liu et al.


Previous investigations have identified that the effects of climate change on net primary production (NPP) of global forests have varied both spatially and temporally, and that …


A high-resolution palaeoenvironmental record from carbonate deposits in the Roman aqueduct of Patara, SW Turkey, from the time of Nero


Cornelis Passchier, Gül Sürmelihindi, Christoph Spötl


An inscription on the supporting wall of the inverted siphon of the aqueduct of the ancient Roman city of Patara, SW Turkey, explains how the wall collapsed during an earthquake …


Climate change and the loss of organic archaeological deposits in the Arctic


Jørgen Hollesen, Henning Matthiesen, Anders Bjørn Møller et al.


The Arctic is warming twice as fast as the global average with overlooked consequences for the preservation of the rich cultural and environmental records that have been stored …


Nitrogen deposition may enhance soil carbon storage via change of soil respiration dynamic during a spring freeze-thaw cycle period


Guoyong Yan, Yajuan Xing, Lijian Xu et al.


As crucial terrestrial ecosystems, temperate forests play an important role in global soil carbon dioxide flux, and this process can be sensitive to atmospheric nitrogen …


Tsunami-generated magnetic fields may constrain focal mechanisms of earthquakes


Issei Kawashima, Hiroaki Toh


A geomagnetic observatory named SFEMS is being operated on the deep seafloor in the northwest Pacific since August, 2001. SFEMS is capable of measuring both scalar and vector …


Mantle Subduction and Uplift of Intracontinental Mountains: A Case Study from the Chinese Tianshan Mountains within Eurasia


Jinyi Li, Jin Zhang, Xixi Zhao et al.


The driving mechanism that is responsible for the uplift of intracontinental mountains has puzzled geologists for decades. This study addresses this issue by using receiver …


Nitrous Oxide Production in Co- Versus Counter-Diffusion Nitrifying Biofilms


Lai Peng, Jing Sun, Yiwen Liu et al.


For the application of biofilm processes, a better understanding of nitrous oxide (N2O) formation within the biofilm is essential for design and operation of biofilm reactors …


Vulnerability of the peatland carbon sink to sea-level rise


Alex Whittle, Angela V. Gallego-Sala


Freshwater peatlands are carbon accumulating ecosystems where primary production exceeds organic matter decomposition rates in the soil, and therefore perform an important sink …


Ecological determinants of mean family age of angiosperm trees in forest communities in China


Hong Qian, Shengbin Chen


Species assemblage in a local community is determined by the interplay of evolutionary and ecological processes. The Tropical Niche Conservatism hypothesis proposes mechanisms …


Disturbance-specific social responses in long-finned pilot whales, Globicephala melas


Fleur Visser, Charlotte Curé, Petter H. Kvadsheim et al.


Social interactions among animals can influence their response to disturbance. We investigated responses of long-finned pilot whales to killer whale sound playbacks and two …


Historical and contemporary factors generate unique butterfly communities on islands


Raluca Vodă, Leonardo Dapporto, Vlad Dincă et al.


The mechanisms shaping island biotas are not yet well understood mostly because of a lack of studies comparing eco-evolutionary fingerprints over entire taxonomic groups. Here, …


Nitrogen and phosphorus uptake rates of different species from a coral reef community after a nutrient pulse


Joost den Haan, Jef Huisman, Hannah J. Brocke et al.


Terrestrial runoff after heavy rainfall can increase nutrient concentrations in waters overlying coral reefs that otherwise experience low nutrient levels. Field measurements …


Projected asymmetric response of Adélie penguins to Antarctic climate change


Megan A. Cimino, Heather J. Lynch, Vincent S. Saba et al.


The contribution of climate change to shifts in a species’ geographic distribution is a critical and often unresolved ecological question. Climate change in Antarctica is …


Optofluidic UV-Vis spectrophotometer for online monitoring of photocatalytic reactions


Ning Wang, Furui Tan, Yu Zhao et al.


On-chip integration of optical detection units into the microfluidic systems for online monitoring is highly desirable for many applications and is also well in line with the …


Steady State Ocean Response to Wind Forcing in Extratropical Frontal Regions


Meghan F. Cronin, Tomoki Tozuka


In regions of strong sea surface temperature (SST) gradients, the surface “geostrophic” currents have a vertical shear aligned with the surface density front defined by the …


Fabrication of magnetic water-soluble hyperbranched polyol functionalized graphene oxide for high-efficiency water remediation


Lihua Hu, Yan Li, Xuefei Zhang et al.


Magnetic water-soluble hyperbranched polyol functionalized graphene oxide nanocomposite (MWHPO-GO) was successfully prepared and applied to water remediation in this paper. …


A fossil Diploglossus (Squamata, Anguidae) lizard from Basse-Terre and Grande-Terre Islands (Guadeloupe, French West Indies)


Corentin Bochaton, Renaud Boistel, Fabrice Casagrande et al.


Today, Diploglossine lizards (Anguidae) are common on the Greater Antillean Islands (West Indies), where they are represented by many endemic species. However these lizards are …


Quantifying the effect of organic aerosol aging and intermediate-volatility emissions on regional-scale aerosol pollution in China


Bin Zhao, Shuxiao Wang, Neil M. Donahue et al.


Secondary organic aerosol (SOA) is one of the least understood constituents of fine particles; current widely-used models cannot predict its loadings or oxidation state. Recent …


Allometric biomass partitioning under nitrogen enrichment: Evidence from manipulative experiments around the world


Yunfeng Peng, Yuanhe Yang


Allometric and optimal hypotheses have been widely used to explain biomass partitioning in response to resource changes for individual plants; however, little evidence has been …


Label Distribution in Tissues of Wheat Seedlings Cultivated with Tritium-Labeled Leonardite Humic Acid


Natalia A. Kulikova, Dmitry P. Abroskin, Gennady A. Badun et al.


Humic substances (HS) play important roles in the biotic-abiotic interactions of the root plant and soil contributing to plant adaptation to external environments. However, their …


The impact of individual and combined abiotic factors on daily otolith growth in a coral reef fish


Amelia S. Wenger, James Whinney, Brett Taylor et al.


Coral reefs are increasingly subjected to both local and global stressors, however, there is limited information on how reef organisms respond to their combined effects under …


Can the co-cultivation of rice and fish help sustain rice production?


Liangliang Hu, Jian Zhang, Weizheng Ren et al.


Because rice feeds half of the world’s population, a secure global food supply depends on sustainable rice production. Here we test whether the co-cultivation of rice and fish …


Formation and characteristics of biomimetic mineralo-organic particles in natural surface water


Cheng-Yeu Wu, Jan Martel, Tsui-Yin Wong et al.


Recent studies have shown that nanoparticles exist in environmental water but the formation, characteristics and fate of such particles remain incompletely understood. We show …

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