

Scientific Reports Chemistry Table of Contents e-alert: 05 July 2016

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  05 July 2016   
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Chemical Sciences

Revealing the morphological architecture of a shape memory polyurethane by simulation


Jinlian Hu, Cuili Zhang, Fenglong Ji et al.


The lack of specific knowledge of the network structure in shape memory polymers (SMPs) has prevented us from gaining an in-depth understanding of their mechanisms and limited …


Programmed activation of cancer cell apoptosis: A tumor-targeted phototherapeutic topoisomerase I inhibitor


Weon Sup Shin, Jiyou Han, Rajesh Kumar et al.


We report here a tumor-targeting masked phototherapeutic agent 1 (PT-1). This system contains SN-38—a prodrug of the topoisomerase I inhibitor irinotecan. Topoisomerase I is a …


Mechanism of sodium chloride in promoting reduction of high-magnesium low-nickel oxide ore


Shiwei Zhou, Yonggang Wei, Bo Li et al.


Sodium chloride has been proved that it is an effective promoter for the reduction of high-magnesium, low-nickel oxide ore. The aim of current work is to clarify the promotion …


Soft magnetic memory of silk cocoon membrane


Manas Roy, Amarish Dubey, Sushil Kumar Singh et al.


Silk cocoon membrane (SCM), a solid matrix of protein fiber, responds to light, heat and moisture and converts these energies to electrical signals. Essentially it exhibits …


The normal modes of lattice vibrations of ice XI


Peng Zhang, Zhe Wang, Ying-Bo Lu et al.


The vibrational spectrum of ice XI at thermal wavelengths using the CASTEP code, a first-principles simulation method, is investigated. A dual-track approach is constructed to …


Determination of nicotine in tobacco products based on mussel-inspired reduced graphene oxide-supported gold nanoparticles


Yanqiu Jing, Xiuxiu Yuan, Qiu Yuan et al.


Polydopamine functionalized reduced graphene oxide-gold nanoparticle (PDA-RGO/Au) nanocomposites were successfully prepared by a simple and mild procedure. The PDA-RGO/Au …


Partially ordered state of ice XV


K. Komatsu, F. Noritake, S. Machida et al.


Most ice polymorphs have order–disorder “pairs” in terms of hydrogen positions, which contributes to the rich variety of ice polymorphs; in fact, three recently discovered …


Limited Quantum Helium Transportation through Nano-channels by Quantum Fluctuation


Tomonori Ohba


Helium at low temperatures has unique quantum properties such as superfluidity, which causes it to behave differently from a classical fluid. Despite our deep understanding of …


Polysaccharide Nanoparticles for Efficient siRNA Targeting in Cancer Cells by Supramolecular pKa Shift


Ying-Ming Zhang, Yang Yang, Yu-Hui Zhang et al.


Biomacromolecular pKa shifting is considered as one of the most ubiquitous processes in biochemical events, e.g., the enzyme-catalyzed reaction and protein conformational …


A dinuclear ruthenium(II) complex as turn-on luminescent probe for hypochlorous acid and its application for in vivo imaging


Zonglun Liu, Kuo Gao, Beng Wang et al.


A dinuclear ruthenium(II) complex Ruazo was designed and synthesized, in which oxidative cyclization of the azo and o-amino group was employed for the detection of hypochlorous …


Responsive Guest Encapsulation of Dynamic Conjugated Microporous Polymers


Lai Xu, Youyong Li


The host-guest complexes of conjugated microporous polymers encapsulating C60 and dye molecules have been investigated systematically. The orientation of guest molecules inside …


Corrosion Behavior of Ti60 Alloy under a Solid NaCl Deposit in Wet Oxygen Flow at 600 °C


Lei Fan, Li Liu, Zhongfen Yu et al.


The corrosion behavior of Ti60 alloy covered with a solid NaCl deposit in wet oxygen flow at 600 °C has been studied further by SEM, EDX, XPS, XRD, TEM and EPMA analysis. The …


Chemically driven negative linear compressibility in sodium amidoborane, Na(NH2BH3)


Ewelina Magos-Palasyuk, Karol J. Fijalkowski, Taras Palasyuk


Over the past few years we have been witnessing a surge of scientific interest to materials exhibiting a rare mechanical effect such as negative linear compressibility (NLC). …


Growing Ultra-flat Organic Films on Graphene with a Face-on Stacking via Moderate Molecule-Substrate Interaction


Ti Wang, Tika R. Kafle, Bhupal Kattel et al.


The electronic properties of small molecule organic crystals depend heavily on the molecular orientation. For multi-layer organic photovoltaics, it is desirable for the molecules …


Synthetic small molecule GLP-1 secretagogues prepared by means of a three-component indole annulation strategy


Oleg G. Chepurny, Colin A. Leech, Martin Tomanik et al.


Rational assembly of small molecule libraries for purposes of drug discovery requires an efficient approach in which the synthesis of bioactive compounds is enabled so that …


Site-specific covalent modifications of human insulin by catechol estrogens: Reactivity and induced structural and functional changes


Ming-Chun Ku, Chieh-Ming Fang, Juei-Tang Cheng et al.


Proteins, covalently modified by catechol estrogens (CEs), were identified recently from the blood serum of diabetic patients and referred to as estrogenized proteins. …


Metal-Free C–H Alkyliminylation and Acylation of Alkenes with Secondary Amides


Pei-Qiang Huang, Ying-Hong Huang, Hui Geng et al.


Carbon–carbon bond formation by metal-free cross-coupling of two reactants with low reactivity represents a challenge in organic synthesis. Secondary amides and alkenes are two …


Soot Combustion over Nanostructured Ceria with Different Morphologies


Wen Zhang, Xiaoyu Niu, Liqiang Chen et al.


In this study, nano-structure ceria with three different morphologies (nanorod, nanoparticle and flake) have been prepared by hydrothermal and solvothermal methods. The ceria …


Observation of number-density-dependent growth of plasmonic nanobubbles


Takashi Nakajima, Xiaolong Wang, Souvik Chatterjee et al.


Interaction dynamics of laser pulses and nanoparticles are of great interest in recent years. In many cases, laser-nanoparticle interactions result in the formation of plasmonic …


Modelling how incorporation of divalent cations affects calcite wettability–implications for biomineralisation and oil recovery


M. P. Andersson, K. Dideriksen, H. Sakuma et al.


Using density functional theory and geochemical speciation modelling, we predicted how solid-fluid interfacial energy is changed, when divalent cations substitute into a calcite …


Formation of a series of stable pillar[5]arene-based pseudo[1]-rotaxanes and their [1]rotaxanes in the crystal state


Ying Han, Gui-Fei Huo, Jing Sun et al.


A series of mono-amide-functionalized pillar[5]arenes with different lengths of N-ω-aminoalkyl groups as the side chain on the rim were designed and synthesized, which all formed …


Ti-O-O coordination bond caused visible light photocatalytic property of layered titanium oxide


Xingang Kong, Chaobin Zeng, Xing Wang et al.


The layered titanium oxide is a useful and unique precursor for the facile and rapid preparation of the peroxide layered titanium oxide H1.07Ti1.73O4·nH2O (HTO) crystal with …


Analyzing the performance of fluorescence parameters in the monitoring of leaf nitrogen content of paddy rice


Jian Yang, Wei Gong, Shuo Shi et al.


Leaf nitrogen content (LNC) is a significant factor which can be utilized to monitor the status of paddy rice and it requires a reliable approach for fast and precise …


In-situ Isotopic Analysis at Nanoscale using Parallel Ion Electron Spectrometry: A Powerful New Paradigm for Correlative Microscopy


Lluís Yedra, Santhana Eswara, David Dowsett et al.


Isotopic analysis is of paramount importance across the entire gamut of scientific research. To advance the frontiers of knowledge, a technique for nanoscale isotopic analysis is …

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