

Don't let taxes on your trading hurt your bottom line


Hi Trader

Trader’s Accounting is holding a special webinar this week that every person serious about trading should attend because…

The IRS regards you as an investor, and this has terrible ramifications for taxes on trading.

As an investor, reporting your trading is complicated, and the taxes can be punitive.

Plus… your deductions are limited.

Attend this free seminar on Wednesday August 3rd, 2016 @ 6:00 EST, and discover:
• The burdens the IRS places on investors
• How this status effects your income
• How the status changes your deductions
• What you can do to escape this status
Tap here to register now

If you trade with an expectation of making a profit, knowledgeably dealing with your taxes can save you money and headache.

One thing that definitely makes a difference between the winners and losers is setup, planning, and procedures.

Discover how to maximize your trading profits like a pro with this special training.

Tap here to register now

Best wishes for your trading,

Geoff Bysshe

P.S. As a special bonus… If you attend this free seminar you’ll be entitled to a free 30 minute consultation from Trader’s Accounting!

Tap here to register now

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