

16th Annual GAIN Conference in Washington D.C. Opportunities in Germany for International Researchers

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16th Annual GAIN Conference in Washington D.C.
Opportunities in Germany for International Researchers
Dear colleague:

More than 70 German universities, research institutions, and funding agencies will present their programs and job offers at the 16th Annual GAIN Conference in Washington D.C., the largest German science and research career fair outside of Europe.

The opening day of the three day conference is open to international doctoral and postdoctoral students, as well as assistant professors seeking information on transatlantic careers and collaborations. Additionally, master’s students who are interested in pursuing a PhD in Germany are also welcome. This is a unique opportunity to talk to the leading experts of Europe’s largest economy and one of the leading powerhouses of international research and innovation. All disciplines are welcome.


Research in Germany: Opportunities for Postdocs, Young Investigators, and Junior Faculty in Germany

Friday, September 9, 2016

9:00 – 10:00 am

This workshop is targeted to doctoral and postdoctoral students, as well as assistant professors. It provides information on postdoctoral careers in Germany, how to set up a research team as junior faculty, as well as opportunities in non-university institutions and industry. All disciplines are welcome. Workshop is presented in English.

This session will cover funding schemes for international researchers from any country besides Germany. German scientists are encouraged to attend another concurrent session.


Andrew Tweedie, Talent Management, Employer Branding and Strategic Communication, Helmholtz Association

Dr. Cathleen Fisher, President, American Friends of the Alexander von Humboldt Foundation

Dr. Max Vögler, Director, German Research Foundation (DFG), North America Office, Washington D.C.

Career Fair:

Friday, September 9, 2016

9:00 – 11:00 am

Participants are also invited to attend our career fair with over 70 exhibitors from all areas of the German research landscape. Our experts are looking forward to meeting you at their booths.


This event is free of charge. However, prior registration is required. Please register here.

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