

Class Bully Gets Exposed For Cheating and more...

Bullies are the worst. This particular scenario involving a class bully has that sweet, fairytale ending though. The bully gave their classmate a hard time for a monologue that took quite a bit of courage to present to the rest of the class. The thing ...
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Class Bully Gets Exposed For Cheating and more...

 In This Issue...

Class Bully Gets Exposed For Cheating

Bullies are the worst. This particular scenario involving a class bully has that sweet, fairytale ending though. The bully gave their classmate a hard time for a monologue that took quite a bit of courage to present to the rest of the class. The thing is, the bully very clearly took a shortcut on their own book report, and only watched the movie. So, their classmate asked just the kind of question that exposed the bully's cheating to the rest of the class. Everyone just needs to play nice. 


Text - r/pettyrevenge + Join u/georgiemaebbw • 30d 1 1 Nice "book" report class Bully. I'll expose your cheating. So this happened in the early 90's. I was in high school and there was a girl who decided I was easy pickings to bully, let's call her Becky. I was shy, naieve, didn't have the wit to say anything back. I didn't have a lot of friends (I spent most of my spare time reading in my bedroom). So she was constantly saying stuff derogatory to me within ear shot to hurt me.


Text - In English class, we had to pick a novel and do a presentation on it. I read "I know why the caged bird sings" by Maya Angelou. I did a monologue in first person. I thought it was great, it took A LOT of courage for me to do that monologue. I did ok. Teacher gave me a high score. Enter Becky. This was a year or two after the movie "Bram Stoker's Dracula" was released. Becky did her presentation on the book she read, "Dracula". It was very obvious that she didn't read the book, only watche


Text - At the end of the presentation, we were allowed to ask questions. She'd already planted questions with her followers, the Becky Posse. They asked, what she thought, would be great thoughtful questions that would show how well she knew and understood the movie, ahem, I mean book. I raised my hand, she rolled her eyes. "what did you think of the importance of 'The Bloofer Lady'?" (I know Lucy was the Bloofer Lady, but I didn't recall it being mentioned in the movie, only the book.)


Text - She went as white as Vampire Lucy, then as red with anger as Gary Oldman's armour. The teacher, having already known she was presenting the movie and didn't read the book, did a poor job at hiding her smirk. It was awesome. Becky stammered out a weak generic answer, having no clue who The Bloofer Lady was. Then sat down. I could feel the daggers in the back of my head. I didn't care. The knowing smirk of the teacher gave me so much empowerment. I never let anything Becky said after that g


Text - =Epilogue= She tired once more to intimidate me. She told a Posse follower, within ear shot of course, that she was going to beat me up after school. A boy (handsome, popular) informed her that I was a martial artist, who had won competitions. She huffled that she could still take me. I'm guessing she second guessed herself, and asked around and confirmed that I was indeed a martial artist. She never bothered me again.

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Double-Take Inducing Images of Warped Perspective

With a mirror here and a shadow there, just about any scene can take on new life as a double-take inducing photo of intriguing perspective. For whatever reason our brains are incredibly tempted to misfire and see 2-D buildings, giant sharks, and completely jacked dogs. Anything is possible in the land of skewed perspective.




Meal - A rare photograph of a female centaur



4. Tree face



Mammal - A XO R 8% 0 11:28 AM

6. Desktop or couch reflection?






9. Road to nowhere

Mountainous landforms


Gown - Get ti for le olksburu


Kayak - CANEL


Christmas - happy holidays GA yes my dad is in the picture even though it looks like he's part of the painting EG

13. spiders!

Sport venue

14. The mirror lean

Motor vehicle - guikan yap elemar lan 59 PG



16. no pants


17. Full or empty?



Land vehicle


Hair - Meta Jan Siebelink Vera




Player - 18 NORY KOZUç”°æ‹“ æ²» 主。 26




House - AMOO

24. The dog with the muscly back



Vacation - JOU

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Flat Earthers Debunk Themselves With An App


And just like that the flat earthers have struck gold again. Let's get a round of slow claps for this heroic feat. 

Submitted by: (via Wolfie6020)


Entitled Mom Demands Art for Cheap, Doesn't Get It

Sometimes entitled people have a hard time understanding that other people's time is valuable, or that they like to be paid for their work. In this case it was an entitled mom who thought she could get a wall painted for free just because this person did the same thing for a closer person. For another one, here's an entitled mom who lost it over some free seashells.


Text - Hey! This is that you were the one wno painted the lovely art in said room I showed it to my daughter and she really loved it. It would mean so much to her if you would be willing to paint one for her too I'm glad she liked it 1 And I would love to I hould have some time free next weekend if that works for you? This weekend would be even better I'm sorry but I have work this weekend Couldn't you do it after work? is really excited. I promised it would be done by the time she gets back fro


Text - I finish work at 7 and you live over an hour away So? Sol would be really tired by the time I get to yours But like I said next weekend I would be free would be really disappointed I'm sorry to hear that but I really can't do this weekend Fine just do it next weekend then Okay 2 How big did you want it And did you want a similar thing to the one I did for something else or


Text - Pics Yes exactly like But could you add extra vine things to the side ? 3 HELLO?? ? Sorry I was just feeding my cats But yes I can add the extra vines Did you want the same colours as well or did you want to change them to match the rest of Toom?


Text - Thank you so much No problem From what I can see it shouldn't take me much more than 6 hours but since 4 it would take be around three hours travel time I will have to break it up into two days if that is okay? No that is fine as long as you get it done Since I already have the paint I won't charge you for it But you will need to cover my time and fuel tho What no that's not right said you did hers for free I did but daughter and I did it for her birthday is my God


Text - Plus she only lives a few minutes away from me That's not fair Do you still want it FINE How much £165 should cover it That's ridiculous! Way too much It would cost me about £65 just on travel cost alone £100 is for my time Il do £65 And that's be being nice That should be more than enough just to paint some flowers on the wall


Text - I'm sorry I really can't do it for £65 Your so selfish You know I'm a single parent and you try and charge me £165 for painting a wall It is because I know your a single parent I didn't charge you for the paint aswell With the paint it would have been closer to £200 Bullshit Your just being a bitch £65 final offer No were done here

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Tagged: wtf , art , selfish , lol , ridiculous , entitled , dumb , painting , mom

Uncle Bankrupts Previous Mean Employer

Oh man, this guy literally brought the walls in around his previous employer, until he'd basically starved him of hiring opportunities. This revenge seems cold and calculated, and like it wasn't rushed. Patience can absolutely pay off in the long run. 


Text - r/ProRevenge + Join u/bleedybutts • 2y Uncle bankrupts his previous employer Not sure if this is petty or pro or whatever. You be the judge My uncle is an Indian doctor. In the 90s there was a massive doctors shortage in Australia so the government gave him citizenship. Unfortunately you still had to sit 3 expensive exams to work as a doctor in Australia. These exams cost thousands of dollars, only happened twice a year, had limited sitting spots/times and had arbitrary pass/fail marks. S


Text - He decided since he was already pushing 40 + had a family, he would apply to become a GP (family physician) instead of applying to be a surgeon like most of his teachers had suggested. At the time many desperate foreign doctors where applying for GP residency. They would essentially get treated like crap. They would be forced to work unpaid overtime. They would not be given proper study time or leave to sit mandatory exams. They would pocket the meals/ accommodation/study/leave allowances


Text - When my uncle graduated, he applied for GP training in a practice that is located within an Indian ethnic enclave so that he would have access to religious food/ schools etc for the kids. Sure enough this practice engaged in all of the above fuckery. My uncle would work every single Saturday shift. During his dedicated 'study' time he would have to come into work. He got reprimanded for not overcharging patients in line with their framework. Worst of all, when my aunt was really sick and


Text - My uncle bided his 3 years and as soon as his documentation came through making him a GP, he quit that instant. He went down to the local bank and got a loan to open up his own practice. All his old patients quickly moved with him to the new practice. The first year he struggled but his practice quickly became known and word spread. Surprise, surprise foreign trained doctors actually work well and care about their patients if you actually care about them and give them appropriate wages/li


Text - Within 5 years his old teachers practice went from hiring 6 doctors, 4 nurses and 6 trainees to just 1 doctor (his old teacher) and no one else. His old teacher tried to sell up his practice to other doctors but no one would purchase it given how successful my uncle's 3 surrounding practices were. He then tried to sell it to my uncle who refused to buy even at a ridiculously low sale price. Instead he waited for the bank to re-possess his old teachers clinic and then purchased it for a bi


Text - Edit 1: Thanks for all the comments and the gold. Im happy my uncle has brought happiness/justice (+/- lady) boners to you all. He is such a generous guy in real life. Im sure he'd be really happy if he knew what reddit even was. As for a follow up. He didnt even expand any further apart from those 3 clinics. Im pretty sure the land value of the clinics is worth more than the doctors business in them nowadays. Sorry if I didnt read comment. There are so many discussions your going on. For

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Tagged: satisfying , job , revenge , work , doctor , awesome , Reddit , win

Petty Injustices that People are Still Salty About

As an adult, you have to deal with some pretty disappointing garbage, but for some reason the real stuff that keeps you up at night, seething with rage, is the thought that in 4th grade you got pinned with calling another kid a butthead when in fact it was actually Dylan. We all just have stuff we're still salty about.


Text - BZUKAjoe 2.7k points · 1 day ago S I found a bongo next to the trash at my old apartment and it was a perfect time capsule of the 90's. it had grateful dead stickers, a smiley face holographic sticker, a pot leaf sticker, and alien. i'm telling you if someone made this as a prop for a movie about the 90's, I would have told them that it's too on the nose. When i came home from work the first thing my GFs friend said was "You're welcome" and I was like "What?". She had peeled off ALL of th


Text - guitarkow 55.2k points · 1 day ago · edited 18 hours ago ¡2 e & 9 More In elementary school, there was a pencil machine in the front lobby where you could get pencils for 25 cents. There were also "special" pencils that had stars on them. If you got one of these special pencils, you could take it into the office and get a prize. One day, I decided to get a pencil. I put in my quarter and out popped TWO pencils. And one of them was a special pencil! I went into the office and told the lady


Text - MadamNerd 45.7k points · 1 day ago · edited 20 hours ago The fact that I spelled "mayonnaise" correctly in my fourth grade class spelling bee, but the teacher claimed I didn't and dismissed me. I had won in the third grade, and proceeded to win in the fifth and sixth grades as well. The unfair disqualification in fourth grade ruined what would have been a four year streak.


Text - Ben-Dough-Ver 40.6k points · 1 day ago 2 & 7 More My sister got a brand new car for her 16th birthday...I got $20.


Text - JustOurThings 34.5k points · 1 day ago G 8 That my 6th grade teacher refused to believe I had no idea the dude sitting behind me was copying my answers on the test


Text - Randomcomment23 22.7k points · 1 day ago Coming second in a school trivia competition 21 years ago. I had the correct answers on 2 questions that would have sent us to the national champs and was vetoed by the other 3 shitheads on my team.


Text - forgetful-giraffe 21.0k points · 1 day ago edited 16 hours ago I was at a house party in college and we had to take off our shoes. Some bitch walked home in my leather knee high boots and I've never gotten over it.


Text - Redwood_soft_boy 20.5k points · 1 day ago When I had to get photos printed for a university project so I went to a printer shop and they charged me £2 extra for a DVD with my photos on even though I told them I didn't want the DVD so I didn't get it but they still charged me anyways and threw away my receipt before I could look at it. So with my new photos I went to hand in my project, only to be told that we were doing a peer review of them.. no-one in my group did the project and couldn


Text - Gloomy_CowPlant 20.4k points · 1 day ago · edited 18 hours ago G S On a fourth grade math test we had to make a shape that had only four sides, one set of parallel lines, and only ONE right angle (there were probably more requirements but I cant remember) I remember almost crying at my desk and spending 20 minutes on that one question while constantly telling my teacher that it wasnt possible but according to her it was. And the next day we went over the answer key, and the answer had two


Text - Portarossa 20.4k points · 1 day ago 2 I've mentioned this before, but when I was about eight or nine, we had a big project in school which ended with us writing a story. I spent fuckin' hours on this thing. It was going to be the best book ever. It was only a matter of time before it was snapped up by some publisher and then it would be the talk of the Scholastic Book Fair, no doubt in my mind. It absolutely had to be in by the time school finished for Christmas, so my teacher could mark


Text - whatnofood 18.6k points · 1 day ago A child in my child's class at school told their teacher that their mom was taking them out of school for the day of their birthday and so they would be absent on that day. The teacher admonished the child and told them that if they weren't present the following day that there would be hell to pay. The child was rightly upset and decided to go into school, they hadn't taken down their homework properly and so did three different pages of work. It was th


Text - justsomeguynbd 18.1k points 1 day ago Twenty years ago I had three friends show up at my house and when they left my wallet with $80 in it was missing. One of the guys felt bad and gave me $20 back. Three years after that we are in the BK drive thru and he whipped out my wallet. Still salty. His FB friend request has just been sitting there for like two years.


Text - TZH85 17.2k points · 1 day ago · edited 22 hours ago I'm 35 now. When I was 14 or 15, my mom stormed into my room one evening and accused me of smashing a glass and getting rid of the evidence. It was one of these retro coke glasses. I swore I didn't break any glass - and if I did, why would I hide such a small accident? But my mom didn't believe me. She was so mad and accused me of lying. She wouldn't even say why I was her prime suspect. Somehow it just had to be me. Anyway, I got into


Text - scottevil110 16.7k points · 1 day ago When I was 10, I (the goody two-shoes nerd) was sat in the back of the bus, next to the class trouble- maker, because we had assigned seats (thanks to him). He took apart someone's science fair project that was being kept back there, and threw a piece out the window. When someone tattled on him, he blamed it on me, and since the teacher couldn't prove one way or another, they just punished both of us, despite 15 kids coming to my defense. Fuck schools


Text - PMmeYOURtitsFORmemes 16.1k points · 1 day ago · edited 14 hours ago I once returned a wallet to a police station like 15 years ago. They laughed cause there was money in it still. They then asked for my address so they could mail me a little something to commemorate the good deed. Never got anything. :(I just wanted to hang it on my fridge.


Text - Bells87 15.1k points · 1 day ago That my managers wouldn't let me have a weekend off for what would have essentially been my honeymoon because "It's small business Saturday and you need to be here." I gave them over a month's notice and Small Business Saturday lasted all of an hour. Thank God, I don't work there anymore.


Text - pinkmonocle47 13.4k points · 1 day ago My brother eating the remainder of my birthday cake behind my back a couple of years ago. After the celebrations I put what was left in the freezer to have some other time as a nice treat (birthday cake being a novelty). The fucker demolished every last bit of it. This wasn't just a little slice of cake leftover, at least half of the cake remained until he got his mitts on it. Was absolutely fuming.


Text - AtheistCreationist 12.3k points ·1 day ago · edited 21 hours ago Came second in food tech competition. Made a lovely main course then Langues du chat biscuits with lemon posset for dessert. I made this dessert because the judges prior to this day told us "don't make a cake for dessert" Guess what won first place? A fucking cake.


Text - brc_pb 11.0k points · 1 day ago my mum ate a candy I saved for after school. it happened 20 years ago


Text - Mekisteus 10.9k points · 1 day ago · edited 22 hours ago The question in second grade math: "Joe read two-fifths of his book and Sue read one quarter of her book. Who read more pages?" "It depends on how big their books are" is absolutely the correct answer and shouldn't have been marked wrong. And you fucking know it, don't you, Mrs. Kay? Don't you?!


Text - tres_chill 9.7k points · 1 day ago In a 5th grade science test the question was, "Are there any stars in the solar system." I answered, "Yes". Teacher marked it wrong. I went up afterwards and said, "What about the Sun?" He said, he meant that all the other stars are not in our solar system and kept it marked wrong. Although I am harboring this for 50 years now, he was all-around one of the best teachers I ever had and just passed away a week or so ago. But damn, that should have been mar


Text - Davran 8.9k points · 1 day ago I worked at McDonald's in high school. I trained maybe half a dozen other people who started there after I did and was never promoted to crew trainer for that sweet $0.15 an hour raise. I wouldn't really be salty about it if they hadn't promoted TWO people I trained to crew trainer, and one of them again to manager.


Text - mario_almada 7.3k points · 1 day ago When my son was in Cub Scouts and it was our first time going to the Pinewood Derby. My son worked hard on his car and for a 7 year old, it was decent. We show up and not a single kid built those cars, it was pretty much a "dad competition". My son came in dead last and I was sad for him because his friends literally said that their dads all built their cars. So for the next 4 years my son picked the design and color scheme, and I built them while at w


Text - kuroishi_x 5.2k points · 1 day ago · edited 18 hours ago a In fourth grade English class (EU) I've used the word "gross" in a random sentence we had to write. The teacher argued that it isn't a real word, I said that it is, that I saw it a few times in video games and movies and she said that they aren't a reliable source. I said to her that I'm gonna show it in the dictionary, but she instead grabbed me by the arm and took me out of the classroom and locked the door. To this day I am sti


Text - gspi1005 3.0k points · 1 day ago Avatar, the giant international blockbuster, used the papyrus font as it's logo.


Text - disgruntled_joe 2.8k points · 1 day ago Skittles changing green from lime to apple

Submitted by:


Mechanic Won't Do His Job, Man Takes Revenge

This guy's a genius. To make matters even better, it sounds like him and the mechanic ended up sorting out their differences and actually working well together. Love to hear that. 


Text - r/ProRevenge + Join u/Viper896 • 3y Oh, it's not your job? It is now. My brother has finally convinced me (after years of trying) that I should write about and post my story here on O r/ProRevenge. I don't follow this subreddit regularly but he is an avid follower and stated my story is worthy. So l'm here to see if he was right. Intro and Backstory My dad was a mechanic for 20+ years, and for as long as I can remember, I drove him nuts because I would go around the house with a screw dri


Text - computers and electronics, which led me to be "that kid" in High School who changed his grades, crashed the school districts servers, and used the NET SEND command with great success. I would spend my weekends either with my grandparents and uncle working on science projects or dragging my dad outside to help me fix my car (which consisted of him telling me that he would help once I got it taken apart). Those "figure it out" lessons were the probably the greatest gift he could've given me


Text - Commo vs. Mechanics As anyone else that was in the US Army can attest to, every Monday is/was "Motor pool Maintenance", which essentially means, go make sure all the Tanks, Bradley Fighting Vehicles (BFV), or anything else with a motor works the way it should. This included testing all the radios and communication equipment as well. If it didn't work, we filled out the maintenance forms with the correct shop and have them fix it. All the issues would later be consolidated into a report th


Text - I ran my shop using the same approach my dad taught me, which was "figure it out" and don't come to me with a problem unless you have a solution. One Monday morning shortly after taking charge of the commo shop, one of my soldiers came to me with a problem he couldn't figure out and asked if I could come help him. I agreed and followed him over to the BFV that was giving him problems. After a few hours of troubleshooting we finally traced the problem to the BFV's slipring. We double and t


Text - So, I went to the mechanics to get there help so we could fix the problem. This is when I learned the mechanics didn't like the commo shop. I was essentially told by the motor chief to f-off and the slipring is a commo issue and it's the commo shop's job to fix it, not theirs. I was pissed at the response and tried to insist we needed his help. However, I was promptly shut down and told to pound sand. At this point, I was beyond pissed, I tried the official way, I even swallowed my pride


Text - Once I got back to the motor pool, I had my guys locate every extension cord they could find around the office because I could only find one in my garage and help me run power out to the BFV that we were going to have to fix ourselves. Meanwhile, I also had 2 of the guys run to the HQ and find me two of largest empty coffee cans they could find. Tended up having to tell them twice because the first time they thought I was joking.. they couldn't understand why I needed a coffee can of all


Text - When they returned with coffee cans I had everything in place. I had power, compressed air, tools, and a place to neatly put all of the bolts, nuts, and washers I was about to remove. Under normal circumstances I would only remove the things that absolutely had to be removed, the fewer things to put back together, the better. But these weren't normal circumstances, and I had absolutely no intention of putting anything back together. It was about lunch time and I decided my way of fixing t


Text - For the next few hours I proceeded to dismantle every single bolt I could find. I removed seats, interior plates, shelves, pretty much anything that wasn't electrical or commo related got removed. I would then place all of the newly removed hardware in the coffee can. By the time I reached the turret I had filled up both coffee cans with nuts, bolts and washers so I had to go find something else to start putting this stuff in, luckily we had Zip-Lock bags by the dozen laying around the of


Text - Everything that I had taken out of the BFV was then gently and neatly stacked in the interior of the BEV. I put the lids on the coffee cans, zipped up the bags, pulled out my trusty sharpie, and wrote "bolts" on each of them. Once everything was tidied up, I went off to find the owner of the BFV and let him know his commo issue was fixed but he should probably have a mechanic look at his BFV because I had to disassemble some (and by some I meant "most") of the vehicle in order to get to t


Text - I knew he was about to storm into my shop in a fit of rage, so I got up and decided it was probably best to meet him outside in motor pool. As soon as I reached earshot distance he started screaming and demanding I put the vehicle back the way I found it. However, I was having none of that, I simply shook my head and told him "It was a "mechanical issue" now and it wasn't my job, I asked for your help in the beginning and was told no because it wasn't your job. I'm just a commo guy I didn


Text - TL; DR – Needed help from Mechanics to replace a Commo part in a tracked vehicle, mechanic told me it wasn't his job, so I took the entire vehicle apart, fixed my part and made the reassembly his job. Edit: Formatting and grammar Update: Thanks everyone for the upvotes and gold. I never really thought my post would have received this much attention.

Submitted by:


Girlfriend Complains About Looks, Man Suggests Surgery

The folks of Reddit have spoken and are in collective agreement that this dude was out of line. Not only did he suggest that his girlfriend use makeup, but he also threw out a bit about her getting very serious surgery on her face. That's just making her insecurities all the worse, man. 


Text - Text - 61 1 AITA for suggesting to my girlfriend she start wearing makeup again? Asshole My (24M) girlfriend "Maya" (26F) is the most beautiful woman on Earth, literally perfect from top to bottom. She was drafted by a really big modeling agency in LA while we were in college (how we met) and she made an unbelievable amount of money, enough to pay off all her student loans and buy us a house. We also have a 1yo son.


Text - Text - Like I said, I love everything about this woman – the way she dresses and does her hair, her perfume that smells amazing, and the confidence in how she carries herself is just so attractive. She's also incredibly smart, much smarter than me. Last year, though, Maya's parents died in an unexpected accident, and while it wasn't surprising to me that she was grieving at first, I was, however, surprised at just how bad it was, and before you call me TA for saying that, I had reason for


Text - Text - The main issue here is normally when Maya is upset about something, she will dress up and do her hair and makeup and go out to make herself feel better, but since the pandemic started, she hasn't been able to go out, and so she stopped doing her makeup entirely. She'll still braid her hair and wear nice outfits around the house, but I am concerned about her not doing her makeup.


Text - Text - Another concerning thing, too is she basically stopped eating. Once I realized that she wasn't eating any of the lunches I was packing for her work, I started making more heavy dinners every night like pastas, jambalaya, enchiladas, etc. otherwise she will try to live off nothing but peanut butter and celery. I can't make her eat at work, but I can at least make sure she eats dinner every night.


Text - Text - This all came to a head just a few hours ago - I made her steak and potatoes, and as we were eating, she started talking about how she wanted to get cosmetic surgery to get rid of the bags under her eyes. I told her she could always just start wearing makeup again, because she knows how to conceal that issue, anyway, right? I also suggested that if we were gonna pay for plastic surgery, why not something like the "mommy makeover" package l've heard about, because that would actuall


Text - Text - Maya just got really quiet, and after a really long and awkward silence, she told me she wanted to go to bed. After putting our son to bed, she went into our room and locked the door. When I knocked, she yelled at me to leave her alone, so I went to sleep in the guest room. When I tried to get her to eat this morning, she just snapped at me to leave her alone, and then went for a walk. I need to know, AITA?


Text - RB1327 • 1d • Pooperintendant [67] YTA. She sounds depressed. She needs therapy, not jambalaya or makeup. Reply 718 ...


Text - Text - bobi2393 • 1d • Asshole Enthusiast [6] 1 Award Lol, YTA bud. Your headline buried the lede; suggesting "mommy makeover" surgery to your partner is a sensitive topic at best, and suggesting it to someone in the midst of depression, who already sounds like she's suffering from insecurity...hoo boy! The only mitigating factor in your favor is that you might be so idiotic that it's hard to hold you fully accountable for your insensitivity. Reply 878


Text - athshe2 • 1d • Partassipant [2] YTA. You didn't just suggest she wear makeup again. You suggested she have a much more serious plastic surgery than what she suggested. She's obviously feeling concerned about her weight and you just validated all her insecurities. Reply 3.3k ...


Text - Text - niccagetheelephant8 • 1d • Certified Proctologist [25] YTA but I am concerned about her not doing her makeup. Makeup takes a long time to do. It is completely understandable for her to not wear makeup if she cant go anywhere in it any way. Her not eating, however, is concerning. She is grieving. Even if somone didnt have a good relationship with their parents they may still be incredibly upset about their death. Everyone reacts differently and it seems like her grief may be causing


Text - Text - dz89d61 • 1d • Asshole Enthusiast [6] YTA and not even for the reason you think. Instead of trying to make her feel better about the one issue she confined in you she wants to fix through cosmetic surgery, not only did you suggest she covers it up confirming her insecurity but you also added to it by pointing out other things she could fix Reply 1 75 ...


Text - Text - wonderouscamille • 1d YTA-You tanked your relationship, and what you said was shitty and cruel. I think your heart is a tiny bit in the right place, especially since your trying to get your girlfriend to eat. However, that should be your only priority not suggesting a mommy makeover and that she wears makeup. She opened up to you about her insecurity and you told her forget about that worry getting other parts of her body done. Even if she hadn't tragically lost both parents and ha


Text - Text - ogdeloon • 1d • Asshole Enthusiast [7] YTA. "I want to get surgery that will make it look like l'm wearing makeup." "But you could just wear makeup?? Hey! You could get a tummy tuck, lip filler, boob job..stares into distance, thinking about boob job..god honey, now wouldn't that really make you feel about your body?" ^ this is how it played in my head. Reply 1 21 ...


Text - Text - minimalminutiae • 1d • Partassipant [4] YTA. It sounds like your gf is depressed, and what's ~concerning- is that instead of trying to talk to her about what's going on in terms of her mental health, you're instead more concerned about making sure she maintains her physical looks. Reply 1 42 ...


Text - Text - throwaway0413589874 • 1d • Partassipant [1] Dude YTA 1. Her and her parents had a bad relationship but she is still entitled to grieve, as she is grieving the possible future relationship she could have had with them. 2. Hey I've been working from home for 6 months and wear PJs all day and don't brush my hair or wear a bra. Why does she have to wear makeup? 3. Being stuck inside does take a toll on someone's mental health, and on top of grieving more than likely makes it worse. 4.


Text - Text - calyxium • 21h YTA - You didn't say "hey why don't you try wearing makeup again to make yourself feel better?" Your girlfriend expressed an insecurity about a physical flaw she feels she has and you basically said "Oh no you should fix this WAY BIGGER flaw instead!" You did a lot of work to convince us you think she's beautiful. Time to apologise and go convince her. Her not wearing makeup and eating less could be a sign that she's struggling with depression but it could also just


Text - Text - nattiey2002 • 22h ΥΤΑ I really wanted to be for you because I understand the makeup part... it's not about her looking better to you, it's about how she perceived herself that you're worried over But homie.. a mommy makeover vs a little eye work?! Yikes friend. You might have to start thinking about what you want custody arrangement to look like Reply ...


Text - Text - LitChick2000• 22h ΥΤΑ And you are shallow AF. Never mind you saying how much you love her. Actions you describe are not loving. Your are objectifying her. She lost her parents. Just because they weren't talking for some time, doesn't mean that both parties didn't care for one another, or that she did not want to re- establish a healthy relationship with her parents. Sudden loss of loved ones like this is absolutely devastating. Reply ... >>


Text - Text - sthetic • 21h • Partassipant [2] YTA. She became so upset at her parents' death that she stopped wearing makeup. Therefore, if she starts wearing makeup again, she will stop being sad about the death of her parents???? Is that your logic? The loss of appetite and self-care is a SYMPTOM of her depression. You're just focused on concealing the symptom. She needs grief counselling or something. Reply ...


Text - Text - ursadminor • 21h YTA. She was talking about one insecurity, you reinforced it and added a new one ("yeah you have bags but why don't you just wear make up to fix it? The real problem is that tummy!"O). Plus, please bear in mind that damaged familial relationships can still leave you shattered when the person dies. You can suffer guilt, grief for the relationship you could have had, confusion about how to feel etc. Plus if your child is only 1, you might want to consider if post nat

Submitted by:

Tagged: aita , FAIL , mean , ridiculous , brutal , Reddit , surgery

Business Associate Won't Pay Personal Loan, Gets House Taken

It's stories like this that can make people feel like the only people they can trust are themselves. This guy was borrowing money from tons of people, with what would seem to be no genuine intention of actually paying them back. Unfortunately, this guy's tactics didn't get the guy to reconsider his approach to life and finances. Oh well. 


Text - r/ProRevenge u/TheBreakUp2013 • 4h + Join Business Associate Won't Pay His Personal Loan, So I Take His House This happened 13 years ago, but the details remain as clear as the average post-COVID day is long. For background, l'm an attorney and have experience in commercial lending. A business associate who had struck out on his own real estate development company approached me about borrowing a substantial sum of money (low 6-figures). I had it, but was hesitant. He was trustworthy, but


Text - So, I asked for additional collateral. I put in the note that he would give me a mortgage on his commercial land and a mortgage on his $3 million house. I also put in that he would sign a quit claim deed to me on his house, but I wouldn't record it until he defaulted. He did all that I asked. For information, a quit claim deed transfers an interest in property like a regular deed, just without warranties regarding title, etc.


Text - So the time came to pay off the loan (it was short term - 2 months), and he didn't have the money. I was understanding, but only gave him another week. In that week, I asked around and it turns out he borrowed substantial money from others and was living a high lifestyle off of the borrowed money while nominally keeping his development projects afloat. When a week came and he still didn't have the money, he gave me the sales pitch. He also told me he wouldn't be able to pay back all inter


Text - As you can imagine, that set off a $hit storm. His lender on the house freaked out on him, he freaked out, and I got my money back, my interest, all of my costs, and a little bit extra for my time in less than 24 hours. Of course, I released the deed on his house as well. I was fortunate to get my money back. A lot of his other lenders, who didn't have my background and ability to navigate the situation, ended up with nothing. A few years later he ended up in prison for financial fraud. I

Submitted by:


Photographer Offers Free Shoot, Still Isn't Enough

These choosing beggars just keep on coming with their unyielding, wildly irrational demands. This time we've got a particularly gnarly choosing beggar with formidable levels of entitlement that managed to pitch a fit about a free photo shoot. I mean, come on. Check out another choosing beggar case with this choosing beggar who wouldn't pay for a site to get developed because it was free to visit.


Text - Hi how are you? I really like you images and l'd love if we could do a collab? Hi, thanks for reaching out ! I'm glad that you like my iamges ! Are there any specific shots that you were looking for? I currently have a special for 3 looks and 9 edited images for $175! Lmk if that's someting you'd be interested in


Text - Oh really? I was mostly looking for something that I wouldn't have to pay for, which is why I said collab! I currently don't have funds and would appreciate if we could just work something out and both be happy! Got it. I'm not doing free shoots at the moment as I'm very busy. But you seem to be genuine so I just thought of something. I got this camera from my grandfather that has been sitting here for a while and I think this is going to be a great


Text - opportunity for me to test it out and maybe we could do a trade as you mentionned ? I also have this really cool backdrop that I wanted to use...So let's say we do a TFP shoot where I try y new backdrop and new camera on you (probably an all white outfit would work for what I have in mind; can be a dress, a wedding gown or anything, just white ) and we do 1 or 2 additional looks where you get to pick whatever outfit/image style that you want, free of charge 9 ! How does that sound?


Text - Hmmmm. I am not really into being used as a "test out" sorry! this soudn like something you'd hire a model for and pay them? so I got a ! Since you're trading with 2 "free looks" | can make you pay me just half of what you'd pay a regular model if you were yo hire them for your test needs! better deal And for the white outfit that you wanted I could find one online and send you the price for it? or also I could rent my mom's wedding dress and have you pay a very low fee


Text - for it ? l'd be honored to wear my mom's wedding gown ona shoot! I think that you misunderstood the word "test". I'm not using you at all, I'm actually doing you a favor since you're the one needing pictures. That "test" as you mentioned can be done anytime and I also can do it without a model. Why would I pay you if you were the one who brought up the "trade" part ? And also l'm not providing any funds for the white outfit, as I said it could be anything white,


Text - if you don't have someting white send me your measurements and l'll try to see what I can get from a friend of mine who is a stylist ! I also have a local make up artist who I work with, she only charges $45/ hour for a shoot if that's someting that you'd be interested in ( ar your own cost of course) if not you can just do makeup for a natural look! hope that that's more understandable!


Text - Wow ! You seem to be veery demanding for what you call a "trade". I have to pay for my make up too? Is this a modern type of slave labour ! Come on man, now why don't we just put the tst thing aside to make things less complicated because you said that that's something that you don't need a model for ? You could just do the shoot for free and I can bring all 3 looks of my choice? I don't have too many outfits, so having your styist friend would also be appreciated !


Text - As for make up, how about you choose the make up that tou want for me ( not too muc make up of course) and you get to pay the Make up artist, since you're gonna pick up artist, since you're gonna pick the one I should have? I think thi will make things easier Did you just said my that I was too demanding after all these things that you want done at no charge lol?


Text - You know what I don't think that this is going to work! I'm pretty sure that are other photographers out there who'd be willing (maybe) to prove what you're looking for, but not me! I'm gonna pass on this "trade"! Good luck Really ? I need these pictures and you should help me! You know that I will look beautiful in all of them and that'd be great for you! Hello?


Text - Can you please respond rather than leaving me on seen? Never mind ! It's your loss anyway! Just know that if ou get any negative review, you know where it's coming from Unprofessional Aa :)

Submitted by:


Twitter Thread: Science Professor Obsessively Ranks Gummy Bears

Just when we thought we'd seen it all we come across an extensive, impressively obsessive ranking of gummy bears from a science professor that managed to take this admirably seriously. 


Confectionery - Scott Barolo Follow @sbarolo 12 flavors? Let's see what this is all about MADE IN THE USA Albanese Worlds Best FAT FREE • GLUTEN FREE. LOw SODIUM 217 12 FLAVOR™ GUMMI BEARS


Text - Scott Barolo Follow @sbarolo Nutrition facts don't care about your nutrition feelings on, 1Apple, About 3 Seiviiyo por vormamTI it, Lime, Serv. size About 8 pcs (30g) De Amount per serving Calories 90 % Daily Value* 0% mies Total Fat 0g you urely at's Now Saturated Fat 0g 0% Trans Fat 0g Cholesterol Omg 0% go nd Sodium 10mg 0% em Total Carbohydrate 21g 8% Dietary Fiber 0g Total Sugars 13g 0% Includes 13g Added Sugars 25 Protein 1g Calcium Omg O% Potas Omg 0% Vit. D Omcg 0% Iron Oma 00/


Text - Scott Barolo Follow @sbarolo Take that, freedom haters MADE IN THE USA se


Text - Scott Barolo Follow @sbarolo I can't open the bag. Damn you, American craftsmanship


Rock - Scott Barolo Follow @sbarolo Are there really 12? Let's get sorting


Scott Barolo Follow @sbarolo Welp. I can only distinguish 11 colors of gummi bears ..... ... D H. ....


Text - Scott Barolo Follow @sbarolo Alexa, compose a strongly worded letter to the Albanese Confectionary Group of Merrillville, Indiana


Vegan nutrition - Scott Barolo Follow @sbarolo Backtracking for a moment: I must applaud the nerve of a company that can straight up STEAL the term "gummi bears" and then turn around and trademark “12 Flavor" like nothing happened 12 FLAVORTM GUMMI BEARS FAT FREI


Green - Scott Barolo Follow @sbarolo @Snacktator and @BiotechMongoose feel that the two cyan-ish bears are in fact different. I don't see color so you can judge for yourself e druwn in the bs whee be pertainly ar good as the fineted product found on page 7 ..........


Text - Scott Barolo Follow @sbarolo They may have a point. But the proof is in the tasting. One is probably Scope- flavored and the other one Tide


Text - Scott Barolo Follow @sbarolo Several sharp-eyed viewers have checked the photo on the packet and pointed out that I have been ROBBED of a purple gummi bear. The good news is, I don't have to taste two different flavors of cyan. Now let's design the experiment


Text - Scott Barolo Follow @sbarolo St. Haribo, forgive me


Text - Scott Barolo @sbarolo Follow Okay now. The 12 flavors are listed on the packet: 12 FLAVOR™H GUMMI BEARS Cherry, Strawberry, Mango, Lemon, Pineapple, Orange, Green Apple, Watermelon, Pink Grapefruit, Lime, Blue Raspberry, Grape Albanese Yes, we know these gummies are beautiful, but before you base this new relationship purely on looks, know that it's what's on the inside that matters. Now that you've been introduced, go ahead, tear open the bag and find out why our fans call them the "Worl


Text - Scott Barolo Follow @sbarolo Let's form an initial hypothesis. Here are my guesses from visual cues alone:


Gummy bear - be drawn in the box where Row A interset be-certainly as good as the finished product found on page 73. 4 ime Lemon watermelon. Margo Gireen Ã…pple ........ **.... ...


Gummy bear - E Pineapple Blue Raz G Pink Cherry. Grype- fruit. Strae berry Oranje *.**.. ......................... ............ .... . ......


Text - Scott Barolo Follow @sbarolo Purple is obviously grape (data not shown)


Text - Scott Barolo Follow @sbarolo Now let's factor in SMELL


Text - Scott Barolo Follow @sbarolo Starting at the one o'clock posiition and moving clockwise. The bears I have marked "lemon" smell like... a freakin gummi bear


Text - Scott Barolo Follow @sbarolo Yeah, they all basically smell the same, except the ones I marked “Lime" may be Green Apple. And it's possible that "Lemon" is really Mango. On to the other senses


Text - Scott Barolo Follow @sbarolo TOUCH: they are all gooey and gross. SOUND: they all make a sticky sound when I pull them off the paper. No help there


Text - Scott Barolo Follow @sbarolo It's head chompin' time :D


Text - Scott Barolo Follow @sbarolo l'll start with the ones I guessed are Blue Raspberry. I'm not so sure about Raspberry, butI am definitely getting strong notes of Blue. I'll stick with Blue Raz E


Green - watermelon. Green Ã…pple Pin Blue Raz


Text - Scott Barolo Follow @sbarolo "Cherry" is 100% cherry. “Cherry Ludens Cough Drop" would be more accurate but that wasn't one of the options


Red - Blui Raz cherry...


Text - Scott Barolo Follow @sbarolo "Strawberry" could be strawberry. Yes. Yes it's strawberry. No time for self- doubt now Scott, you only have one bear in that color. The margin for error is razor thin and the stakes have never been higher


Red - Blue Raz Pin cherry...Gr frui Strae berry 0


Food - Scott Barolo @sbarolo Follow And now we venture into the oranges and yellows. This is where all hell breaks loose Pink


Gummy bear - Scott Barolo @sbarolo Follow "Orange" is orange!!! I'm gonna get an A I'm gonna get an A Pink å·· Oranje


Text - Scott Barolo Follow @sbarolo Really I would call this "Clementine" but I'm at the mercy of the unimaginative flavor namers of the Albanese Confectionery Group, if that is indeed their real name. Bunch of hacks


Text - Scott Barolo Follow @sbarolo "Pink Grapefruit" tastes like either pink grapefruit, or the inside of a mailbox. The winning streak continues


Gummy bear - Pineappl Pink Gryper fruit .....


Scott Barolo Follow @sbarolo Oh dear. Lemon-Mango-Pineapple, the Bermuda Triangle of ursine fruit flavors. Will I capsize on their rocky shoals? One thing is for sure: I would never ever EVER cheat 4 5 Lemon Marys ........


Text - Scott Barolo @sbarolo Follow Oh no. I blew it. “Pineapple" is clearly lemon. No no no no no Pineapple


Text - everest @everestpipkin i should have stopped there. i could have gotten out. but ... i had a bone to pick with my backstabbing second in command. and i had her login information


Text - everest @everestpipkin i set up an AIM date. i had them set up the shop. i logged into her account. i made the deal. i left her with nothing


Text - everest @everestpipkin and thats when she took 2 and half years of internal conversations, forum posts, text documents, and AIM chats to neopets support and got them to freeze every single account i had ever touched, including my paypal account which i never successfully recovered (being eleven)


Text - everest @everestpipkin every account, that is, but one. it wasn't my main account, but i rather liked it. it had a good username. i played games on it! i had pets on it that were mine


Text - everest @everestpipkin and its that account that i email neopets support about every couple of years, hoping maybe they've forgotten my crimes.


Text - everest @everestpipkin and its that account that i found today in the 5 gb of neopets passwords. and, in some horrible, final twist of justice, that account which has had its password changed


White - everest @everestpipkin the end


Text - Scott Barolo Follow @sbarolo What the hell, these bears are rigged


Text - Scott Barolo Follow @sbarolo I can still save it. I can still get a B. There's no way Mango would be the lightest-yellow one, that would make no sense. Right? RIGHT??


Text - Scott Barolo Follow @sbarolo "Mango" is mango. That means "Lemon" must be pineapple. I advance to the next round, bruised but unbroken Maryo


Gummy bear - Scott Barolo Follow @sbarolo Pineapple has a certain summery, water- from-a-rubber-garden-hose quality that is not really doing it for me tbqh. Or maybe that's the umami of failure I detect 4 Lemon PINEAAPLE


Gummy bear - Scott Barolo Follow @sbarolo l'll be honest, I was so distracted by my humiliation at the hands of the yellow bears that I forgot to pay attention to the taste of this one. I'm going back in for the bottom half. Why did I start this foolish quest 3 Lime


Text - Scott Barolo Follow @sbarolo | *think* it's lime. I mean, it tastes like a Bounce dryer sheet. That's gotta be lime, right? Moving on


Text - Scott Barolo @sbarolo Follow I mean, what is the point of so-called "gummi bears" anyway. What does that even MEAN. Stupid bears wapecmelor GREEN APPLE


Text - Scott Barolo Follow @sbarolo I expected trouble from the yellow bears, but I never thought l'd get pantsed by the greenies. Final score: 7 correct out of 11 (64%). Barely passing. I won't be the valedictorian of Gummi High, but l'll get to go to prom


Green - wage cmelon GREEN APPLE Was ATER- MELON ...


Text - Scott Barolo Follow @sbarolo Flavors ranked best to worst: Mango Watermelon (Jolly Rancheresque) Strawberry Blue Raspberry Pineapple (I forgive you) Green Apple Lemon Lime Cherry Punk Grapefruit (not a typo) Orange Grape (AWOL so l'm mad at you)


Text - Scott Barolo Follow @sbarolo Gummiscopes V ARIES: strawberry O TAURUS: pineapple I GEMINI: green apple O CANCER: pink grapefruit 2 LEO: mango m VIRGO: cherry 2 LIBRA: watermelon m. SCORPIO: blue raz X SAGITTARIUS: lime n CAPRICORN: lemon AQUARIUS: grape PISCES: orange


be-certainly as good as the finished pru 4 Lime Deimon PINEAPLE wapecmelon GREEN APPLE Marys MELON Blux Raz F .......…….S.…..... .. :..........


Gummy bear - Pink Grope fruit. cherry. Strae berry Oranje 24 GAMES WORLD OF PUZZLES april 2019

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Professor's Greek Beach Tale is a Crazy Close Call

Apparently the moral of this story is that tight pants can save your life? Maybe it's an exception to the rule. Either way you wouldn't expect this from an 80 year old history professor. For some more close calls, here's a dad whose instinct save his daughter, as well as some creepy paranormal stories from night shifters.


Text - kvinnfolk wanna hear a wild story? my brother's history professor is closing in on 80 and basically lives at the university. one night my brother visited him for a meeting, and it came up that my brother was gonna be performing as a court jester at the castle the following day. and his professor busts out: "ah, that reminds me of my youth!" he then proceeded to tell the tale of when he and his friends went backpacking to greece back in their early 20s. then one day they found themselves c


Text - after a week or so they gained some traction, and a gang of young greek men walked up to them like "hey y'all are cool as hell, can we join y'all for drinks tonight?" and my brother's professor was like "of course! y'all have to wear these revealing outfits and do somersaults with us tho" and the greek gang said "sounds dope. y'all are invited to live with us for however long y'all want." anyhow, they proceeded to live like this for the better part of 3 months, doing shows, drinking, and


Text - half a year later my brother's professor gets contacted by the greek police. they ask him about the months they spent in greece, and then informs him that their greek friends have been convicted of serial homicide and robbery. that the group of young greek men had joined up with several tourist groups for several years "for drinks", and then killed and robbed them all, terrorising the beach city for several years. with one exception, of course, because "this one group of swedish acrobats

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Martial Arts Academy Skillfully Shuts Down Helicopter Parent

People that go out of their way to leave blatantly false reviews are the absolute worst. They're consciously working to bring down perfectly good business' reputations. It's garbage. Fortunately, this martial arts academy was ready to address the lies with pure masterful class. 


Text - 2 reviews 2 weeks ago Horrible experience! My son (3 years old) has been going there now for three months and everything was going great. He loved the coaches and was really enjoying himself. Then out of nowhere the Main Guy Bob pulls me to the side and tells me that my son has been disruptive the last few weeks. My son is 3 years old and at times doesn't put his %100 effort but he was never disruptive. He was acting like every other child his age. It's unfortunate that this place claims


Text - opposite. Bob pulled my son off the mat and started to yell at my husband and very dramatically said to him he will no longer be able to come to the facility... he did all of this right in front of my three year old. His little heart is broken because we really enjoyed coming here. They really need to look in to retiring Bob from the 3-6 year old class because he doesn't know how to work with kids in the age range. The general manger is a nightmare too. Don't waste you time or money bring


Text - American Top Team (Owner) 2 weeks ago There's quire few inaccuracies in your post and feel a response is warranted. First, we try our best to work with every person that walks through our doors. Be it child, teen, adult or pro. Bob (the instructor) had to spend time out of every class with your child because he didn't want to take part in the beginning portion of the drills. Instructors can only do so much to motivate a student to participate. Bob explained prior to that day's class that


Text - the know. Class begins and the same routine happens. Bob takes your child off the mat and explains you need to take your son home, as previously discussed. Your husband, who has never been here before or saw a class, yells at Bob that he needs to show patience with your son. That is exactly what Bob and the other instructors have done the entire time – which is work around and try different things. Bob and your husband adjourned to the office where they spoke, along with another staff mem


Text - plenty of people who were witness to Bob being patient and polite throughout. You wanted to speak to someone and left a message on the GM's vm , which you spoke to the following morning. It was explained in a polite manner that this isn't working out for your son or us, and we feel the best thing would be to move on. We can revisit at a later date and would keep the door open for your son to come back. The bottom line is, he wasn't ready for the class.


Text - There was no arguing. We simply explained what we thought was best at this time. Again, the door was open for your son to return at a later date. We said we'd refund you the month, which we immediately did. You then called back an hour or so later and said you wanted to speak to someone above the GM and if not, you'd tell all your friends how Bob yells at the kids and put it on social media. As the staff member (different staff mem- ber) was trying to relate a story about her own kids, yo

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Tumblr Thread: Women Should Rule The World

This fun Tumblr thread shines light on the inner workings of Shakespeare's comedies. The deeper point of the thread would seem to suggest that when equality is achieved, the rest of the show flourishes. Check out some more gold from Tumblr with this thread about how the infamous Violet Beauregarde got robbed.


Text - e penfairy Women have more power and agency in Shakespeare's comedies than in his tragedies, and usually there are more of them with more speaking time, so l'm pretty sure what Shakespeare's saying is "men ruin everything" because everyone fucking dies when men are in charge but when women are in charge you get married and live happily ever after zetsubouloli I think you're reading too far into things, kiddo. Take a break from your women's studies major and get some fresh air. penfairy Ri


Text - was promoting this new way of life which had never been promoted before. The dogma, thanks to the church, had always been "durr hburr women are evil sex is bad celibacy is your ticket to salvation." All that changed in Shakespeare's time, and thanks to him we get a view of the world where marriage, women, and sexuality are in fact the key to salvation. The difference between the structure of a comedy and a tragedy is that the former is cyclical, and the latter a downward curve. Comedies w


Text - or if they are morally sound, they are disenfranchised and ignored, and refused the chance to contribute to the society in which they live. Let's look at some examples. In Romeo and Juliet, the play ends in tragedy because no-one listens to Juliet. Her father and Paris both insist they know what's right for her, and they refuse to listen to her pleas for clemency. Juliet begs them - screams, cries, manipulates, tells them outright / cannot marry, just wait a week before you make me marry


Text - disempowered character, but if Hamlet had listened to her, and not mistreated her, and if her father hadn't controlled every aspect of her life, then perhaps she wouldn't have committed suicide. The final scene of carnage is prompted by Laertes and Hamlet furiously grappling over her corpse. When Ophelia dies, any chance of reconciliation dies with her. The world collapses in on itself. This society is unsustainable. King Lear - we all know that this is prompted by Cordelia's silence, her


Text - society cannot renew itself. Now we come to the comedies, where women do have the most control over the plot. The most powerful example is Rosalind in As You Like It. She pulls the strings in every avenue of the plot, and it is thanks to her control that reconciliation is achieved at the end, and all end up happily married. Much Ado About Nothing pivots around a woman's anger over the abuse of her innocent cousin. If the men were left in charge in this play, no-one would be married at the


Text - wives, Flastaff learning his lesson for trying to seduce married women, and a daughter tricking everyone so she can marry the man she truly loves. A Midsummer Night's Dream? The turmoil begins because three men are trying to force Hermia to marry someone she does not love, and Helena has been cruelly mistreated. At the end, happiness and harmony comes when the women are allowed to marry the men of their choosing, and it is these marriages that are blessed by the fairies. What of the roman


Text - end. In all of these plays, without the influence of the women there is no happy ending. The message is clear. Without a woman's consent and co-operation in living together and bringing up a family, there is turmoil. Equality between the sexes and trust between husbands and wives alone will bring happiness and harmony, not only to the family unit, but to society as a whole. The Taming of the Shrew rears its ugly head as a counter- example, for here a happy ending is depen- dent on a woman


Text - To teach both sexes due equality And as they stand bound, to love mutually. The Taming of the Shrew and The Tamer Tamed were staged back to back in 1633, and it was recorded that although Shakespeare's Shrew was "liked", Fletcher's Tamer Tamed was "very well liked." You heard it here folks; as early as 1633 audiences found Shakespeare's message of total female submission uncomfortable, and they preferred John Fletcher's interpretation and his message of equality between the sexes. So yes.

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Multi-Flavored Moments of Failure and Chaos

As we barrel our way through life, we're bound to run into unfortunate moments of failure and chaos. It's usually best to try to take these things in stride, and when we can, quietly blame someone else. Sometimes our failures are a little bit our fault, like these impressively unprofessional "not my job" moments.


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Tagged: chaos , error , FAIL , messes , mistakes , lol , dumb , funny , stupid

Self-Defeating "You Had One Job" Moments

Sure, we'd like every sign, product and advertisement to be functional and efficient, but this is the real world, and things don't work out the way we'd like them to. Sprinklers spray right into garbage cans, shirts say the wrong thing, and people make ironic mistakes. People's laziness can result in some impressively unprofessional "not my job" moments.


Text - $18" $39 $39 $39 $23 $43 Never run out of ink. $189 $419 $45 $399 $399 $439










Supermarket - € 19,99 €9,99 erw € 0,99 € 1,29




Floor - Krik Olra Razalas 2d • Do I need an electrician or a plumber.


Stuffed toy


T-shirt - He's my She's my KING QUEEN


T-shirt - THIRTEEN 12


Wood - CRAPHIC DESIGN DEPARTE IVE rtape souwAaNi w apco




Product - Hamilton Beach Smooth Touch Can Opener | Model# 76606 ***** 1,094 reviews 2 of 5




Floor - NOTICE To use the diabled lift, please come upstairs to the buffet & notify a member of staff so that we can turn the power on. Thank You


Computer keyboard


Display case - MAS


Property - suez






Text - Emergency Phone is Out of Service Please do not have an emergency at this location


Room - Well, I just wanna say that I'm a huge fan.


Basketball court



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