

Roommate Complains Herself Into A Corner and more...

College can be a time for self discovery, as well as realizing who you never want to live with or see again for the rest of your life. This particular roommate thought they could get out of a moving fee by having a feud with their roommate, and they ...
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Roommate Complains Herself Into A Corner and more...

 In This Issue...

Roommate Complains Herself Into A Corner

College can be a time for self discovery, as well as realizing who you never want to live with or see again for the rest of your life. This particular roommate thought they could get out of a moving fee by having a feud with their roommate, and they ended up backing themselves into a corner. For another roommate revenge story, here are nurses who took revenge on their roommate.


Text - r/MaliciousCompliance · Posted by u/zardkween 3 days ago Don't touch MY stuff oc M In college, I had a randomly assigned roommate that I did not get along with at all. Our personalities were just on two opposite ends of the personality spectrum and we clashed. The only things we had in common were that we went to the same college and lived in the same apartment. That's it. Anyways, it was a nightmare living situation. The apartment had four rooms and two bathrooms. She and I shared the sa


Text - After over 8 months of just pure passive aggressiveness towards each other (like, I would put sticky notes on her days old dirty dishes and she would put my wet laundry on the floor), she decided to report me to apartment management for "bullying" her. Honestly, we were doing it to each other. However, the apartment management took pity on her because I was tall and athletic and she was 6 inches shorter than me and very thin. She claimed I "physically intimidated" her and she was scared t


Text - The warning stated that we were not to touch any of each others personal belongings without written permission. First infraction was a $250 fine. Second infraction was a $500 fine. And a third infraction would result in eviction. I was so scared walking out of the office because I could not afford those fines and she had the biggest smile on her face. I knew that she would immediately report me. I went back to the apartment and she left for work. I was mortified. Then I realized she made


Text - So, I immediately emptied out everything that was mine in our shared bathroom (shower curtain, toilet paper, rug, towels, soap). I grabbed my magnetic whiteboard and listed out everything in the kitchen that belonged to me (plates, cups, mugs, pots, pans, silverware, coffee maker, toaster, pot holder, towels, literally listed every single item) and said that she is not allowed to use any of it without my written (no texts) permission. I also drew some eyes to remind her that everyone was


Text - Later, she came home from work and had a meltdown. She screamed!!! Not any words, just a blood curdling scream!!! In the following couple of days, her father came to the apartment to threaten me that they were getting a lawyer (lol), she bought her first roll of toilet paper and a plastic shower curtain, but it was too much for her to handle. She went back to the main office to report my "bullying" once again and was instead told she could either deal with it or pay $500 to move to a new

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Tagged: rules , fine , story , roommates , funny , college , win

Muhammad Ali Dodges 21 Punches In 10 Seconds


Imagine how frustrated and utterly exhausted the other guy must've been. He might as well have thrown in the towel after not being able to land all those punches. 

Submitted by: (via Viet Nam Nguyen)


Guy's Birthday Trick Is More Relevant Than Ever


It doesn't look like many of us will be encouraging each other to blow out candles any time in the near future, so this man brings his own candle deactivation technique to the table.

Submitted by: (via Vindog Unleashed)

Tagged: cool , candles , germs , technique , slap , funny , Video

High Potential Video Games That Failed Completely

Someone on AskReddit got a thread going about various video games that had all the promise in the world, and ended up bombing completely. Sometimes video games just flop, and the hype ends up being just that - hype. 


Text - GamestingWeasly • 8h 2 Awards Does anyone remember Nether? It was a survival game with strange monsters in a large city where players had to find equipment to survive. It was well recieved in the first few weeks but the dev's never added anything. The game died out pretty quick after that. Reply 5.0k ...


Text - DesertRobot111 • 11h 1 Award Yall remember Brink Reply 1 5.3k ... +3


Text - Pingasterix • 5h Yandere simulator had the potential to be the hitman of anime games but the developer blew the patreon money on a sex doll and added it as a character. All the drama as well Reply 3.8k ...


Text - WulfRanulfson • 10h Messiah. The world is in conflict, some form of rebellion. You are a fallen cherub in your raw form everone wants to kill you... However, you can possess and control people getting all their attributes. Anyone. So you jump into a rioter then when the cops come jump in to one fight the rioters then go back to HQ jump into the captain to get to restricted areas etc... It was amazing and ambitious but it was before it's time.


Text - Alvsolutely • 8h CUBE WORLD. The recent update that came out just completely shattered every last hope I had for the game. God, such a good game but such a bad dev. Reply 5.9k ...


Text - Jomaahh • 10h Duke Nukem It was supposed to have been an awesome return of the guy, devs brought the character straight into the pooper. Reply 1.9k ...


Text - Arctic_Taco • 11h 1 Award As much as I love dayz and still play it, DayZ standalone. Reply 4.5k ...


Text - Some_Drummer_Guy • 9h World War 3. That game had a horrible launch that it never recovered from. It got so bad that it was recently acquired by (or merged with) another company to try and revive it and fix all the issues. Too little too late, if you ask me. Apparently they're taking it off the Steam store and it's going F2P at some point. It had potential to be a juiced up modern Battlefield game, and when there was a player base for a short time, it did feel like a juiced up Battlefield


Text - Plauge-Wulf • 10h 3 Awards I gotta say Fallout 76, it was an ambitious attempt but i feel it was designed as a cash grab rather than a functioning game. A multiplayer rpg set in the fallout universe could have worked but i feel like they didn't have enough care to make it fun and engaging Heard it got a bit better but im not sure... still it could have been amazing Edit: used Then instead of than Reply 1 4.2k ...


White - atinew • 8h Mario Party for switch Reply 1.0k ...


Text - PeacefulAnxeity • 10h Lawbreakers could and was amazing for that little time Reply 574 ...


Text - greycastaway • 7h Battleborn. Just awful timing with overwatch so close. Fun gameplay and funny dialogue. Reply 329 ...


Text - ravenholm462• 9h For me it was Loadout. Really unique and fun, fast paced and with an artstyle that could have been timeless. I really miss that game. There's an active effort to recreate it and I really hope it works out. Would pick it up again in a heartbeat. Reply 1.8k ...


White - oxidra • 8h Warcraft 3 Remake... Reply 518 ...


Text - maate911 • 8h 1 Award Battlefield V. Finally a WW2 themed multiplayer game with tanks planes and everything. But boy they ruined it completely Reply 840


White - sourkreeem • 10h Hello Neighbor Reply 2.7k •..


Text - GoldenEagleBaron • 10h 2 Awards Anyone remember Evolve?


Text - dersue • 8h Ghost Recon Breakpoint I was looking forward to it, but turns out it's almost impossible to play alone. It's designed for multiplayer, but sadly I have no one to play it with. Wish there was an option for AI Players (like in wildlands) Reply 214 ...


Text - blitztein- • 8h 2 Awards The Plants Vs. Zombies franchise as of now


Text - HyperNathan • 10h Sonic the Hedgehog 2006 Reply 1.1k ...


Text - keithwaits • 10h Too Human, I allready loved it for what it was, but it could have been so much more. Reply 211 ...

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Tumblr Thread: Barista Is Living Definition Of Chaotic Good

Some people just seem impossibly happy. It's like no matter how many curveballs the world tosses their way, their positive never falters. Take this barista for instance: clearly the barista is at complete peace with where they've found themselves in lives, and thus proceeded to have some fun with their job, and definitely not waste time taking it too seriously. Those drink nicknames are gold. 


Text - kingoftheunderground I work at a coffee shop and have gotten all my co-workers to start calling lattes "hot milkybois" kingoftheunderground I also got everyone to refer to the salted caramel blended drink as “the big salty" and I consider it one of my greatest accomplishments


Text - kingoftheunderground Oh yeah and any time someone orders a hazelnut latte with almond milk (which specifically is a weirdly popular drink) I say "one HOT NUT latte coming right up!" My coworkers have not latched on to this one like they did with the others for some reason. kingoftheunderground I forgot to mention I also pronounce "hot chocolate" like "hot cocklate"... because l'm awful.


Text - cakesoup please give us updates kingoftheunderground Our largest drink size is affectionately referred to as “Texas Size" so sometimes when I hand it out in the drive-thru I like to say, "Here's that TEXAS SIZE [drink] for ya, YEEEEHAW!" And some people look at me as though I have just made their entire day while others look like they they could not possibly get away from me soon enough. Both reactions are equally satisfying.


Text - kingoftheunderground I made this into a game except when I hand out the Texas- size drinks I say “Can I get a YEEHAW?" And the guests always look mortified but occasionally one of them will let out a terrified "yeehaw" and all my coworkers cheer and then we keep a running tally of how many yeehaws we each get on the back of a pastry bag. smallest-feeblest-boggart op will not die of natural causes that-bitch-hanzo That's the most interesting comment anyone has ever left on one of my posts

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Evangelists Get Out-Religioned By Dad

Man, you don't hear stories like this every day. Usually it's just the evangelists knocking on a bunch of people's doors and annoying them as they try to dispense their precious pamphlets. In this case, the evangelists met their match, and then some. They literally end up being chased away. Way to go Dad. 


Text - r/tifu u/Insanim8er • 20h + Join O 1 9 1 1 1 Tifu by allowing my dad to answer my front door to some evangelists. L This wasn't today. It was about 11 years ago, but it's one of those stories that l'll probably tell at my dad's funeral. At the time I owned a 4 plex that I was remodeling. I moved into one of the units while doing the work. It's located on one of the main street in a busy historic neighborhood in walking distance to a lot, so there's a lot of foot traffic, cars, restaurants


Text - My dad was in town staying with me a few days to help do some work. It was morning. I'm in the kitchen making breakfast when there is a knock on my front door. My dad, still wearing his PJ bottoms and a robe with crazy curly puffy morning hair opens the door. On my porch stood a few people, 4. They were well dressed and an even mix of both woman and a men. They looked like they were heading to church. That's because they were. They were Jehovah's Witnesses who decided to make some rounds


Text - However, my family is religious. My dad is 7th day Adventist. He reads the Bible religiously. And he loves getting into conversations about religion any chance he can. He's also one of those types of people that gets VERY "passionate," or overly excited, about things he believes in and preaches about. Basically, He gets very loud and very animated, and unfortunate for these people, he is very knowledgeable and passionate of the Bible. When he gets this way, people get taken aback, or plai


Text - These poor souls had no idea they had just knocked on Pandora's box. A woman begins by introducing the group and explaining their mission. Basically they just wanted to hand out a pamphlet and invite people to their church or arrange time to discuss their religion. As soon as she offers my dad the pamphlet he starts: Dad: "I'm going to stop you right there. I understand these pamphlets cost you money to print, so I wouldn't want you to waste one on me, so you can keep that. I am a devout


Text - At this point he's calm and collected and not intimidating or excited, but then comes the question accompanied by the beginning of his "manic "passionate" mode." Dad: "Do you believe in the Bible?" The response was Yes Dad: "Do you believe in the 10 commandments?!" The response was Yes Dad: "You're lying! If you believe in the Bible and the 10 commandments, why do you not honor the Saturday Sabbath?"


Text - – side note, 7th day Adventist's believe the Bible refers to Saturday as the true sabbath not Sunday. - He then goes into scripture about the sabbath and how the Bible says the true Sabbath is on Saturday and not Sunday as most believe...etc. And he's full blown manic at this point. The people were taken aback and responded with something, I don't remember tbe response. But it wasn't good enough for my dad. Dad: "DO YOU BELIEVE IN THE COMMANDMENTS?!!" Now the group realizes they stepped o


Text - They're not even acknowledging him at this point. They just want to be as far away as possible. My dad half way closed the door and frantically looks for his slippers and bible. By the time he gets them they're on the sidewalk. He runs outside to the end of my walk-remind you still in his PJ pants, Robe and crazy morning hair and a VERY busy area-literally screaming at them while waving his bible around as they start moving much faster this time, "DO YOU BELIEVE IN THE 10 COMMANDMENTS????


Text - I'm inside absolutely dying because I know him. I know how he is and gets. I could tell they were terrified of him because he was acting nuts. To me, it was absolutely hysterical seeing them almost at a full run trying to get away from my dad while he's running towards them screaming at the top of his lungs in his PJ and Robe with messy hair waving his bible in the air screaming, "DO YOU BELIEVE IN THE TEN COMMANDMENTS?!?!?" AlIl while surrounded by a very busy area. My dad calmly walks b

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Brash Dudes Engaging In Risky Maneuvers

This wouldn't be the human experience if people didn't take risks. Some, if not most or all of these particular risks are needless and stupid, but hey, it's hard to stop people from doing stupid risky junk. Every day there are people risking their necks for no good reason, and we get unapproved safety failures that OSHA wouldn't like.








Motor vehicle - RITE AID PHARMACY Drive Thru Photo Food Mart




Architecture - LO


Facial hair - DRIVEN








Impact driver




Land vehicle - VALERO 36S9 OVTINO UTS Hisen 4- FH 61-200 46




Red - HIL I

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Tagged: risk , wtf , FAIL , ridiculous , dumb , idiots , unsafe , safety , stupid

Demanding Customer Wastes Their Own Time for Four Cents

Sure, if the hill you're willing to die on costs four cents out of the charity bin, go ahead and die on that hill. Customers sometimes make demands with stupid implications, like this customer who wanted a pound of chicken wings and got less wings or this guy who demanded to ride in a go kart with no engine.


Text - r/MaliciousCompliance · Posted by u/Wraith347 7 hours ago Cuss me out over pennies? Oh, you'll get your pennies. oc M Longtime lurker, so I thought I'd share my favorite story from my time in foodservice, years and years ago. I was a shy, quiet 15-year-old when I first started working at a certain fast food restaurant in my small town. Then I encountered the general public. Many of the morning rush customers were super kind regulars who I got to know and liked. But then there was Penny Gu


Text - Penny Guy was not a regular. He placed his order with no initial sign of anything out of the ordinary. His change came to twenty-nine cents. "No pennies," he said gruffly. "You don't want your pennies, sir?" I confirmed. This was not unusual. We had a charity donation box right by the cash register where customers often left unwanted change, or had us deposit it. "Don't give me any damn pennies." The guy was glowering at me now. "Of course, sir." I handed him his quarter. I dropped the pe


Text - I was caught off guard. "I'm sorry sir, but I can't give back extra change. We donate what customers don't want, and it all goes to Charity. I apologize for the confusion." My drawer had to be correct at the end of the day, so this was absolutely true. Well, that was not all right. He went on a very loud tirade about how cheap our restaurant was and how ridiculous it was to round down. He called me a cheap-ass bitch. Then he demanded his pennies back. “YOU WON'T RIP ME OFF LIKE THIS!! GIV


Text - I put on my sweetest smile. "Only the store manager has the keys to the donation box. Give me just a minute and I'll go get her." At this point, one of the regulars behind Penny Guy speaks up. "Don't make her do that. Here's your pennies." He offers PG some pennies from his own pocket. Penny Guy's face flushes and he mumbled about it being the principle of the thing. My coworker was managing the line so I decided that this man was going to get his pennies. It took a minute to explain what


Text - Every now and then, when a new customer came to the till, I'd look over at Penny Guy and assure him, "Don't worry sir, the manager will be here shortly to return your four pennies from the donation box." This earned him a few looks while he waited. When my manager finally came to the front, we opened the donation box while the busy store watched. We counted out four pennies and handed them back over to a now very red- faced and much quieter man. "I'm so sorry for the confusion," I told hi


Text - Every now and then, when a new customer came to the till, I'd look over at Penny Guy and assure him, "Don't worry sir, the manager will be here shortly to return your four pennies from the donation box." This earned him a few looks while he waited. When my manager finally came to the front, we opened the donation box while the busy store watched. We counted out four pennies and handed them back over to a now very red- faced and much quieter man. "I'm so sorry for the confusion," I told hi

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Choosing Beggar Leaves Fake Bad Review, Restaurant Owner Responds

People that take the time and energy to leave fake bad reviews are the absolute worst. Just picturing someone putting in the extra effort to try and make someone else's life more miserable can get the blood boiling. Fortunately, this restaurant owner handled the situation in glorious fashion. 


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Apparently A Huge Portion of Scots Wikipedia Articles Were Written As a Joke

In what has been described as possibly more damage done to the Scots language than by anyone else in history, it turns out tens of thousands of Wikipedia articles supposedly in the Scots language were done by a random kid as a joke. It's wild that anyone would be so committed to this, but also insane that it could go on for so long. What a time to be alive.


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Tagged: scottish , wtf , scots , prank , joke , wikipedia

Quick Tumblr Post On Great American Road Trip

This quick and entertaining gem from Tumblr highlights some notable moments that anyone might be apt to encounter if they were to take the "great American road trip." The one thing they needed to include was all that empty space. 


Text - things you will see on a road trip across america -so much desert that you will get scared |-seriously from california to new mexico is terrifying like it's eight straight hours of pale red desert and the sky is so large that everything, even your car, even your hands, looks like a tenuously small and fragile diorama placed on an endless pale red table and left there to dissolve.


Text - -a gas station that for some reason has large dinosaurs made out of scrap metal. they are 1000% awesome. sometimes they move. take a million pictures. -a fruit stand that sells the best fruit you have ever eaten. later you won't quite remember which fruit. strawberries, maybe? peaches? -small black birds, subtly different in every state. some have gold eyes and some are a little iridescent and some are black from beak to toes. the sparrows they compete with for crumbs look exactly the sam


Text - -a completely empty rest stop. no one eats at the concrete tables. no one plays in the tiny strip of grass or gravel. you will find a small and beautiful stone. -a hawaii license plate, somewhere around ohio. i still don't know how they get |the cars across the ocean. i don't know why anyone would leave hawaii for ohio. i don't know why anyone lives in ohio. -an incredibly weird duck. you had no idea ducks could look so incredibly weird, and you wish you were still ignorant of how incredi

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Brutal Junk Kids Said to Adults

Untethered by the chains of shame, kids say some extremely brutal stuff to the people around them. It can be insulting, straight up psychopathic, and at worst, hauntingly accurate. Kids are mostly weird and dumb, and they often have stupid beliefs, but damn if they aren't sometimes savagely on the money.


Text - scheffj 209 points · 18 hours ago Nana says 'George Bush Sr. and I only have one thing in common, we both hate broccoli.' My daughter responds, ' one day soon, you will have two things in common.'


Text - _Fengo 208 points · 18 hours ago My 6 year old cousin, 4 at the time, told me "you wear pajamas in the day because you're a disaster."


Text - amalgamas 4.2k points · 23 hours ago Little girl was dressed as a fast food worker for Halloween was being given shit by her aunt for her "low choice" and that she needed to aim higher if she wanted to succeed, whole thing was really demeaning and weird. Girl fired back with: I'm only 12, what's your excuse for being poor then?


Text - sabsteve 4.1k points · 21 hours ago My 11 year old sister to one of my friends: "Hey, did you know that if you were to eat a bee, you would have more brains in your stomach than in your head." A conversation I overheard between my father and sister: My father: "Can your little legs carry your big smart mouth?" My sister: "can your legs carry your big stomach?"


Text - kay37892 3.0k points · 21 hours ago The other day my 6 year old daughter was sitting next to me and looked me right in the eye and said “why do you have a mustache?" I'm a woman, by the way.


Text - Zenmedic 2.1k points · 20 hours ago I was at a public safety education event for grades 5/6 representing EMS. I was showing a kid some of the advanced things we do and her teacher asked "So, would you want to be a Paramedic?" Her repl.."No, I'm going to study business, I want to be able to pay my bills". Still kinda stings.


Text - Stny3012 274 points · 19 hours ago When I was 4-5 years old I was sitting in my step mom's lap in the car (good ole 90's when car safety was less of a concern) and I was slapping her leg, uncovered because of her shorts. I said, "it ripples like a pool!"...I did not realize until I was older why she was so offended.


Text - PhreedomPhighter 2.1k points · 23 hours ago My 8 year old niece-in-law was talking to my brother and me. Since her aunt was dating my brother she asked me who my girlfriend was. I said I didn't have one. She said "Oh... some people are just supposed to be alone, I guess." Gee, thanks.


Text - AsakOpt3r 2.0k points · 22 hours ago My ex was a heavy dude. He changed his shirt in front of his 4 year old nephew, who looked at his belly confused and genuinely asked him if his stomach was his butt.


Text - Taggy2087 284 points · 20 hours ago My friend when he was about 4 was in trouble so he had to be in the kitchen with his mom where she could see him. He was bored and wanted to play but she wouldn't let him so he looked at her and said in his sweetest voice "mom if you're here, who's running hell?" Still the most savage burn I've seen in a while.


Text - Rachael1188 2.0k points · 21 hours ago My 5 year old niece told my mom to calm her tits.


Text - goodworkingorder 1.2k points · 21 hours ago · edited 12 hours ago In a busy store, kid maybe 4 years old getting ignored. "Dad. Dad. Dad. Daddy. Dad. Daddy. DADDY. DADDY. DAD. DADA! DADDY! DADDY! DADA! DAD! DAD!" 5 seconds later a great shout comes out this kid. "STEEEEEEVE!" That got dad's attention, he jumped 3 inches.


Text - ShinitaiMeiko 1.1k points · 22 hours ago Halloween was comming soon, my sister was talking to one of my 5yo cousings. "Hey honey! What do you think your mommy should dress like for halloween? A princess?". The kid smiled: "She's waaay too ugly for a princess! Mommy should be a witch!" We kept quiet for the rest of the day. Mommy never knew.


Text - gigidy1010191 984 points · 22 hours ago My sister who is 10 walked upto me yesterday- looked my dead in the eye and said "Jessie- you're a whore". Completely outta nowhere.


Text - LaunchesKayaks 978 points · 21 hours ago My sister looked at me and said, "you look like you're pregnant, but you're not"


Text - hjnatt 753 points · 18 hours ago I'm a high school teacher. Once a student came up to me and said "Ms. has anyone told you that you look nice today?" I said "Aww. Thank you! They haven't." She then said "Good. I wanted to make sure no one was lying to you." And walked away.


Text - KingwoodSloth 750 points · 20 hours ago My son. Asian store. About 6 years ago. "Daddy it smells in here" me shushing him trying to get him to shut up. He continues " it smells worse than you". Mind you, he has no concept for inside voice.


Text - demonardvark 742 points · 22 hours ago was chilling at a wedding, the bridesmaids were sitting there with the 5 year old flower girl. one of the bridesmaids said she wished she would be the next to get married and the flower girl said "no becky you are too ugly to get married". i burst out laughing.


Text - shroom2021 721 points · 20 hours ago When I was around 4 or 5 we went to Canada to attend my grandfathers funeral. It was a long time coming so my grandmother had been handling it well. We stayed up there for about 2 weeks after since it was summer and we usually spent august up there anyways, but this time as we were pulling out of the driveway to head back south I leaned out the window and shouted "Bye Grandma! Love you! Don't die now!"


Text - Kramanos 616 points · 22 hours ago My 7 year old: "Dad, you're going to be 40 soon. That's old." Me: "Are you going to put me into a retirement home when I turn 40?" 7yo: "No, you'll still have to work 25 more years before you can retire." oof


Text - Jahnknob 545 points · 20 hours ago My little sister..maybe 4 yrs old tops in the elevator at my grandparents retirement home. Little old lady gets off the elevator and looks back at sis; "Bye bye sweet heart". Sis, "Bye bye scum bucket". Elevator door closes.


Text - KenComesInABox 548 points · 18 hours ago Giving my 11 year old nieces advice before they start middle school, telling them how mean other tweens can be and that I'm there for them if they need support. One of them responds "you must have been a real loser in middle school" THANKS


Text - frittermo 492 points · 21 hours ago My mom had my younger sister a lot older than she had me and my other siblings, there is an 18 year difference between us. My mom always talks about how old she is (usually in a joking sense when its hard to get up from the couch). They stopped by to visit me the other day and as my mom got up from the chair, she goes "ugh, I'm getting old!". My sassy 8 year old sis goes, "the only thing getting old is you saying you're old." She's too funny.


Text - MrsBanhammer 401 points · 18 hours ago My daughter is a genius and on the spectrum... this has led to some hilarious (in hindsight) encounters. My mother-in-law was spending time with the little one to get to know her better (she was an unplanned life happens adoption and will be our only child.) They were folding clothes in my MIL's Living room when the otherwise silent all day 3yr old turns to her and says: “My panties are too small to fold." she held up my MIL's underwear she had been


Text - thefreshestpeach 356 points · 18 hours ago I was playing "the floor is lava" with my then 4yr old niece. I pretended to start drowning in lava reaching my hand out to her yelling, "Please help me". My niece pops her head over the edge of the couch, looks straight into my eyes and whispered, "No one is going to save you." I drowned, "died", and never played lava with her again.


Text - BigBucs731 318 points · 18 hours ago Standing behind a lady with her son about 5-6 years old. It was Christmas time and mother told kid to stop acting up or Santa wasn't coming this year. Kid: "Fuck Santa Claus. I'm sick if hearing about that son of a bitch." I fucking lost it..


Text - celerybration 299 points · 21 hours ago I was visiting a high-end resort town last month and heard a mother on the sidewalk say "I wish I could retire here" and her son (8-ish?) laughed and said "you're never going to retire."

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Senior Manager Gets Employee Fired, Employee Turns The Tables

There's nothing we love more than seeing an employee get their righteous vengeance. The one thing this employee needs to do is keep a wary eye out for that manager on down the road. Outside of that, good riddance, Eva. 


Text - r/ProRevenge u/merk35802• 3h + Join 2 Senior manager gets me fired. I turn things around and get her job and salary, plus see her break down and then let her know exactly how I got my revenge. I was hired by a company as an assistant manager, a job I was well qualified for. The owner is rarely on-site as he owns several businesses. The company is run by a GM, who hired me, but who works mostly second shift and who I therefore would have little daily contact with since I was hired for firs


Text - I was assigned to Eva for training. Eva was a manager and had been with the company five years. I trained with her for a few days and then I was on my own, though she and I had overlapping shifts and would see each other a few days a week. We were friendly but not close. After a few months I was doing well at my job, and had even gotten some new procedures adopted to help boost sales. Eva began to act resentful. She would correct me for small things and took any opportunity to remind me t


Text - One day at shift end, GM asks to talk. Tells me it's not working out, says I'm still making mistakes at six months that I shouldn't be. I ask for examples. A few of them were petty matters Eva had mentioned, but most of them were just not true. I tried to argue but it was clear that I was set up. I decided to reach out to the owner since I had nothing to lose. He was sympathetic but said he relies on GM to run the business and had to support her decision. Then he mentioned that if things


Text - I started searching her online info. In less than an hour I had uncovered gold thanks to one of those pay services - about three months prior, Eva was arrested and charged with DWI in a neighboring state. The court records showed she had a hearing coming up in a few weeks. That was enough to get her fired. It affects a professional license she and I had to have as management. Per state law, license holders must report criminal charges to the licensing board, and in the case of a DWI arres


Text - That alone was sweetly satisfying revenge, but what happened next was the icing on the cake. I got to work extra early, met with owner and GM and we all agreed to start fresh. Cool. It was still an hour before opening and I was in the back of the place when I heard the front door chime. When I came out a few minutes later, Eva was there, tears flowing, begging the owner for her job back. She obviously didn't know I was there, because when she saw me her whole body seized and her shocked e

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Tagged: employee , job , revenge , work , Reddit

Tumblr Thread: The Expressionless Penguin from Wallace and Gromit

Wallace and Gromit is a highlight of many childhoods, and many of us remember the cold, black eyes of this goddamn penguin. Just walking around, doing stuff like a sociopath. This thread goes into some of the reasoning why the the thing, down to its character design, radiated pure malice. Here are some more Tumblr nuggets to chew on.


Bird - plastic-tulips Follow how the FUCK did they make that penguin from wallace and gromit look so evil like it's literally just a plasticine penguin but it somehow radiates Pure Malice look at it


Text - truly character design at its finest hextrudedcubes Follow Part of the reason that Wallace and Gromit is so successful is that every single character is just so expressive. The people's lips move like half a foot every frame. Gromit has basically only his eyebrows, and he has more personality than two average real people. The Moon Machine was up there with the rest of them, and it didn't even have a face.


Text - The penguin, on the other hand, never expressed anything at all. It's designed almost explicitly with purpose of not expressing anything. It's practically featureless, with only the bare minimum of detail necessary to tell you it's a penguin. It has a face, but it never uses it. It has no sclera, meaning it stares straight ahead at all times. It actively repels most attempts to ascribe any emotion to it - at best, you can feel that it is coldly satisfied, perhaps detachedly frustrated. I'


Text - It's like Aardman found a tiny crack in the likability curve, far away from the uncanny valley but a hell of a lot deeper, and decided to build a penguin there. vaguely-concerned Follow They were like 'l will show you fear in a handful of penguin-shaped play dough' and we all had to pay the price

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Deceptive Insults That Sound Like Compliments

Someone on AskReddit got a thread going about various tricky insults that sound like compliments. If someone says something to you with a strange smile on their face that makes it look like they're getting away with something, it could very well be a clever insult masked as a compliment. 


Text - LucyVialli • 5h You're very brave to wear that colour! Reply 5.9k ...


Text - mauve_but_dope • 5h "You're pretty for a _" I hate the specifiers. Like can't I just be pretty instead of being pretty for my race, interests, or other thing. Reply 3.7k ...


Text - Lulu_42 • 4h 1 Award It's a good thing you're pretty! Reply 10.8k ...


Text - d_010719 • 3h "You look HEALTHY because you GAINED weight!" or "You're getting thin, you should eat more!" Says my Aunt whom I have not seen in five years. (It's a culture thing, I guess?) Reply 1.0k ...


Text - CaptainShitHead1 • 4h 6 Awards You're on top of the bell curve Reply 9.3k ...


Text - rinaazul • 3h "Wow, I am so impressed, I didn't think you were capable of that." Reply 163 ...


Text - nihasraja • 5h 1 Award Add to any compliment to turn it into an insult. Reply 1.8k ...


Text - juicynade • 4h You look like you're easy to draw Reply 437 ...


Text - matnolasco • 4h Calling someone "champ" in Australia Reply 182 ...


Text - frauerpower • 3h 2 Awards "I love how you'll just wear anything" Reply 11.3k ...


Text - daystooshort • 3h 2 Awards "You were so pretty as a child" Reply 850


Text - Benson_Jefferies • 3h Saying "you're really good at that" to anything someone's failing at. Reply 32 ...


Text - PleasantUnicorn • 3h 1 Award Anything compliment with the word 'actually' in it. "You're actually quite pretty" "You're actually smart!" Reply 1 7.9k ...


Text - atticuslodius• 5h You are as smart as you are handsome... works better if they are dog ugly :) Reply 905 ...


Text - coprolite_hobbyist • 3h Saying something you did was 'clever'. Not that you are clever, just a specific action you performed. What it means is that I think you are pretty dumb, but you unusually did something intelligent unintentionally. Reply 28 ...


Text - thebalance32• 4h 1 Award I heard when the seventh episode of Star Wars came out, George Lucas gave a fairly backhanded compliment to the movie: "The public will love it" Reply 7.3k ...


Text - -ED9AR- • 4h 1 Award "See you later." "Not if I see you first!" I didn't realize for the longest time that the phrase actually meant if that person saw you first they would find a way to avoid you so you don't see them. Reply 1 5.0k ...


Text - skidils • 6h May you have an interesting life Reply 40 ...


Text - PGMG17 • 5h No matter what people say about you, I think you're okay... Reply 1.2k ...


Text - Limefrickingreen • 5h 2 Awards Bless your heart. Reply 2.2k ...

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Bats Filmed Upside Down Have Goth Club Vibe


Just a bunch of bats standing around, minding their own business, wondering why you're there looking at em.

Submitted by: (via Mian Ramay)

Tagged: bats , lol , goofy , silly , funny , upside down

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