

Foreign Service Regional Medical Officer/Psychiatrists: Now Accepting Applications

  Diplomacy Heals Communities - Bureau of Medical Services  
  Foreign Service Regional Medical Officer/Psychiatrists
Now Accepting Applications
  The U.S. Department of State is currently accepting applications for Foreign Service Regional Medical Officer/Psychiatrists (RMO/P).

As a Foreign Service Regional Medical Officer/Psychiatrist, you will provide primary psychiatric care to U.S. diplomats and their families and engage with foreign audiences to promote peace and prosperity around the world. You'll travel and explore new cultures while creating solutions for unique healthcare challenges. And with the U.S. Department of State, you may experience living and working abroad in developing areas where access to medical care and facilities is limited. You will use your medical background to advance U.S. interests abroad as you encounter endless opportunities to maximize your potential and elevate your career.

In return for your service, you'll have access to continued medical training and career development programs, health and medical coverage, federal retirement benefits, and generous paid leave. Benefits also include an annual Physicians Comparability Allowance (PCA) of $14,000 to $30,000. When serving overseas, you'll receive paid housing or an appropriate housing allowance and paid education for dependent children K through 12.

Please read the entire vacancy announcement to ensure you meet all of the requirements for this position before applying. Submit your completed application by May 25, 2021.

If you are interested in learning more about general opportunities and the Foreign Service lifestyle, please contact a Diplomat in Residence closest to your location.
Apply Today!
Emily, Regional Medical Officer/Psychiatrist

Emily, Regional Medical Officer/Psychiatrist

Thomas, Regional Medical Officer/Psychiatrist

Thomas, Regional Medical Officer/Psychiatrist

  Applicants must be U.S. citizens, at least 20 years old to apply and at least 21 years old to be appointed. By law, all career candidates must be appointed to the Foreign Service prior to the month in which they reach age 60, except for preference eligible veterans. Applicants must also be available for worldwide service and be able to obtain all required security, medical and suitability clearances.

If you have any questions or would like to search for topics of interest, please visit our forums or FAQs at careers.state.gov/med.
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  U.S. citizenship is required. An equal opportunity employer.  

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