

Webinar Today: Community Resilience Estimates

Join us to learn how to use this tool to identify at-risk neighborhoods in your community
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Join Us Today for a Webinar on Community Resilience Estimates

Join us today at 2 p.m. ET for a webinar introduction to the Census Bureau's Community Resilience Estimates—one of the most accurate tools available to identify a community's ability to endure, respond and recover from the impact of disasters.

These estimates are a powerful way to assess the impact of COVID-19 on vulnerable populations within every neighborhood in the United States and help plan for future health and weather-related disasters.


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Let us show you how to find and use Census Bureau data for your everyday needs, whether it's informing your business plan, supporting grant proposals and research projects, developing apps, urban development planning and services, and more. We can teach you how to get what you need from Census Bureau data for your projects.

To request a free workshop or training for your organization, send us an email at census.askdata@census.gov.

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About Census Partnerships

From corporations to policymakers, foundations and non-profits to software developers, the U.S. Census Bureau partners across sectors and industries to help America work better through data. Together, we harness the power of our data, support each other's missions, and co-create solutions to increase data use and participation in Census Bureau surveys and programs. Connect with the partnerships team at census.partners@census.gov to learn more.

This is an official email from the U.S. Census Bureau. If you have any questions or comments, please contact us (http://www.census.gov/about/contact-us.html).  

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