

Why more work is needed on mental health

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June 1, 2021
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Brands can increase word-of-mouth marketing by providing excellent customer experiences, working with trusted influencers, incentivizing user reviews and engaging the most active customers with tailored campaigns, brand ambassador programs and giveaways, writes PR Soprano co-founder Efrat Vulfsons. "Ultimately, word-of-mouth marketing will depend on 'brand champions,'" Vulfsons writes.
Full Story: Business 2 Community (5/27) 
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Connecting & Collaborating
Gucci, Marc Jacobs and Valentino are among the growing group of high-end brands using gaming platforms and metaverses such as Animal Crossing and Roblox to engage with fans, offering everything from customizable avatars to themed rooms with shoppable merchandise. BETC Etoile Rouge's Fabien Le Roux says the key to success is being authentic and enhancing a community's shared experiences.
Full Story: The Drum (free registration) (5/28) 
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Why more work is needed on mental health
A few agency executives talk about how, despite an increase in mental health support and policies from agencies, the reality of workloads and client expectations means the root causes of mental health problems are not being addressed. Seb Joseph explores the issue, noting, "[P]rogress is being made, but it must be faster if the current toils of agency execs are anything to go by."
Full Story: Digiday (tiered subscription model) (6/1) 
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CBD brand Truly Beauty has fine-tuned its livestreaming strategy since the onset of the pandemic and is focusing on engaging with its 1.5 million TikTok followers twice each week with plans to go live every weekday, said social and marketing manager Tyler Moore. Moore noted the platform has become one of the brand's "top revenue drivers," with employee content, flash sales and exclusive, limited-time discount codes resonating most with viewers.
Full Story: Glossy (tiered subscription model) (5/27) 
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LeadsRx marketing attribution starter kit
Enterprise marketers utilize multi-touch attribution to improve their marketing performance. This collection of resources by LeadsRx will help you deploy attribution properly and maximize return on ad spend. Get your copy
Most Read by Marketing Decision Makers
2021 Social Ad Report: Top Advertisers on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter
In our Q1 2021 social report, we use historical trend data from Pathmatics Explorer to unearth the strategies of the top 10 advertisers across Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter, including the key creative, messaging, and flighting trends that brought these brands to the top. Get it now.
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Why marketers are extending their TV strategies
As video viewing habits evolve, marketers must adapt to reach their audience. People are spending more time on social media while they watch TV, and want an experience that's complementary to what they're watching on the big screen. Learn how to drive a deeper connection and extend your brand's reach with Twitter Amplify.
Inside Oreo's #ProudParent activation
People love when brands make them feel seen. And heard. So when Oreo wanted to show their committment to LGBTQ+ causes, they used Twitter's slate of video ad products to reach people where the conversations were happening. Find out how Oreo turned their powerful message into a worldwide phenomenon.
Platform News
Gyanda Sachdeva, vice president of product management for LinkedIn, says that the platform can present a "safe and trusted platform" for brands to engage with users. She adds that LinkedIn will continue focusing on helping business-to-business marketers evaluate and demonstrate returns and expand engagement through tools such as events and other "growth opportunities."
Full Story: AdExchanger (tiered subscription model) (6/1) 
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Microsoft Audience Network's new Facebook Import enables US marketers, as well as those in six other countries, to import Facebook Audience Network campaigns. Potential import elements include as many as 10,000 campaigns per account, along with advertising groups, bids, budgets, images and targeting by location and demographic.
Full Story: MediaPost Communications (free registration) (5/28),  Search Engine Land (5/28) 
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Develop a Business Case for Programmatic
Looking for ways to reach your audience and escape the noise of walled gardens? StackAdapt has the answer. Programmatic is the solution you need if you are hitting a wall with your current campaigns. Download this eBook to learn more.
Social Shareable
A video on Twitter of a parrot named Tico singing along to a classic rock song with his owner Frank on electric guitar has attracted 3.7 million views. Frank and Tico have more than 129,000 subscribers to their YouTube channel and have appeared on shows such as "The Kelly Clarkson Show."
Full Story: News India Times (6/1) 
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Real reviews from real customers will always be more credible to consumers than paid advertising.
Efrat Vulfsons, co-founder of PR Soprano, writing for Business 2 Community
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