

Expires at Midnight - Only Hours Left to Make a Difference!

If you have not yet made your year-end contribution to NPG...

Now is the time!
Our Year-End Matching Campaign allows you to give a generous gift and know that you are doubling your impact at NPG in the final hours of 2022.

PLEASE ACT NOW to be part of this LIMITED TIME Matching Campaign - there are only HOURS left!  

If we receive your contribution by 11:59 PM on December 31st, our generous NPG benefactors will DOUBLE your gift!   
To all of you who have secured your 2023 NPG Membership - or made a year-end donation - we want to say thank you!

Without your support, our critical work would not be possible!
NPG, Inc. | www.NPG.org | npg@NPG.org
Recognized by the IRS as a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization, all contributions to NPG are tax-deductible to the fullest extent allowed by law.

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