

Your Signature is Needed: Stop billions of your tax dollars from going to fossil fuel companies


URGENT ACTION NEEDED: Friend, stop YOUR TAX DOLLARS from funding BILLIONS in new subsidies to Big Oil and Gas!

Greedy fossil fuel companies like Shell burn gas captured from landfills and factory farms. Now, they're claiming these gases are "renewable" in order to funnel taxpayer money meant for green hydrogen energy to fossil gas projects with sham offsets!

The U.S. Treasury can STOP Big Oil from receiving benefits meant to support clean energy – but there are just a FEW DAYS LEFT to send in your comments before it's too late! Please, Friend, don't let your tax dollars support greenwashing pollution from landfills and factory farms! Send your message now! >>

This new proposal to fund fossil gas under the pretense of "clean" hydrogen won't do anything to reduce emissions or move us closer to saving our planet. In fact, it will only further entrench the domination of giant fossil fuel corporations as our planet bakes.

You've seen the headlines, Friend. Storms, fires, droughts, and floods – the climate crisis is intensifying natural disasters, and it will only get worse if we don't fight back. Ensure your taxpayer dollars are supporting clean energy, not lining the pockets of fossil fuel billionaires! Tell the U.S. Treasury and IRS to OPPOSE using funds meant for clean energy to support fossil gas!

Standing with you,
Sarah Lutz
Climate Campaigner,
Friends of the Earth 


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