

Time to Bust Out the Bell-Bottoms

Wealth Daily

Time to Bust Out the Bell-Bottoms

Dear Reader,

When I tell you that it might be time to break out the old bell-bottoms and polish up your disco moves, it’s not because we’re about to experience a period of stagflation. We are. But that’s not the only resemblance this era bears to the 1970s.

So buckle up. Because we’re about to go on a somewhat deep dive into a fuel source that hasn’t been this popular since bell-bottoms were in style: uranium. And I’m going to explain why I’m so bullish on its future and why you should be investing in uranium too. Plus, I’ll also include a little free bonus report at the end to help get you started with one of the best uranium investments you can make.

investing in uranium

So let’s get started and talk about why everyone should be investing in uranium…

The Biggest Conference in History

First, let’s preface this by giving you an example of just how popular nuclear energy has become over the past few years. You see, the World Nuclear Association recently wrapped up its annual get-together in London. And for the first time in history, it was completely sold out.

investing in uranium conference

The biggest names in the nuclear and uranium game are all fired up because at the COP28 conference, those elites that meet to decide what the rest of us need to do have set a goal of tripling global nuclear capacity by 2050. Because they want carbon-free energy. And we’re going to need a whole lot of it to keep the lights on 24/7 for a growing global population.



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Profit From Uranium Demand

And that push to grow our global nuclear energy production can already be witnessed around the world. Demand is growing and it’s growing fast. The heavyweight in the fight is definitely China…

It's recently approved 11 more reactors, bringing its total new builds to 46 in just the past five years. By 2030, China’s fleet will dwarf the rest of the world with 102 reactors, gulping down 56 million pounds of uranium annually — double what they’re consuming now. But it's not stopping there…

The Chinese plan on cranking out even more reactors over the next five years, with a goal of tripling demand to 90 million pounds annually. That’s not a typo. And that’s a lot of uranium.

They're also pushing ahead with their shiny new toy, the small modular reactor (SMR), which is basically a nuclear reactor that’s about as meltdown-proof as you can get. These little reactors can pop into coal-fired plants, which is part of China's plan to switch from coal to uranium. This is a massive shift, folks.

But China isn’t the only player stepping into the ring. Russia’s got a plan to double its nuclear capacity by 2042. India? Its tripling its capacity by 2031.

The U.S. has also woken up to the nuclear game, extending the life of aging reactors, restarting some that were shut down, and planning a tripling of its nuclear capacity by investing in SMR production as well.

It’s like I said, nuclear power is having its biggest comeback since bell-bottoms in the '70s, and all this growth means one thing — uranium demand is about to shoot through the roof.

Right now, there are 439 reactors running, with another 64 under construction and hundreds more in the planning stages. These reactors will need a steady diet of uranium to keep them humming, and today’s supply is already struggling to keep up.

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Invest in Uranium Supply

We’ve already got problems on the supply side, and they’re about to get worse. That’s thanks to both the growing demand and a lack of new supply coming online.

investing in uranium shortage

You see, uranium mining is tough. And there’s only one new mine currently under development right now. It’s in Niger, a country controlled by a military junta. That's not a great look.

And the biggest miner in the world, Kazakhstan, which produces around 40% of the total global supply, keeps cutting back production and reducing its estimates of future growth. On top of that, it just hit the world markets with a big middle finger by slapping a heavy tax on its exports.

If that’s not enough, several major uranium projects have been canceled or delayed. We’re talking about nearly a billion pounds of uranium supply that’s been wiped off the table. Western utilities, especially in the U.S. and Europe, have been caught snoozing while China and Russia have been buying up all the uranium they can get their hands on.

To make things even spicier, the U.S. recently put a ban on Russian uranium imports, and the Department of Energy is scrambling to build up a strategic uranium stockpile. This is going to lead to higher prices across the board.  

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The Bottom Line on Investing in Uranium

The bottom line here is that demand for uranium is outpacing supply by a country mile. And it’s about to pull ahead even further.

For energy companies, this might be bad news. But for investors, it’s music to our ears…

Rising demand and tight supply mean that prices are likely to keep climbing for years to come. And investing in uranium now could set you up for the kind of gains you’ve only ever dreamed of before.

The bull market for uranium is here and it’s got serious legs. And if you’re looking to play the long game, then I want to direct you to a report my colleague recently put together.

You remember that Russian uranium ban I mentioned? Well, it’s set to go into effect very soon. And right now, a bulk of the world’s refined uranium comes from Russia. You need to refine uranium before you can use it as fuel. And you have to refine it even more before you can use it in those small modular reactors everyone is pouring money into.

And there’s only one company in the United States that’s got a license to produce the refined uranium those reactors need to give us that carbon-free energy everyone wants. It’s also the only company with a production facility set up, tested, and ready to start cranking out refined uranium to fill the gap as the Russian supply drops out of the U.S. market.

And if I were to wager a guess, I’d say that 90% of investors have no idea this company even exists. Let alone that it was once the world’s biggest supplier of refined uranium for nuclear reactors.

So check out our free report and learn more about one of the best ways to start investing in uranium and the long-term bull market that’s coming our way.

I’ll be back soon with more ways to maximize your profits.

To your wealth,


Jason Williams

follow basic @TheReal_JayDubs

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After graduating Cum Laude in finance and economics, Jason designed and analyzed complex projects for the U.S. Army. He made the jump to the private sector as an investment banking analyst at Morgan Stanley, where he eventually led his own team responsible for billions of dollars in daily trading. Jason left Wall Street to found his own investment office and now shares the strategies he used and the network he built with you. Jason is the founder of Main Street Ventures, a pre-IPO investment newsletter; the founder of Future Giants, a nano cap investing service; and authors The Wealth Advisory income stock newsletter. He is also the managing editor of Wealth Daily. To learn more about Jason, click here.

Want to hear more from Jason? Sign up to receive emails directly from him ranging from market commentaries to opportunities that he has his eye on. 

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