

Please read immediately

I debated waiting to send this email until after the holidays – but frankly, you can't afford to wait on this. CNBC says more Americans are now bullish about the stock market. In fact, we haven't seen this many people excited about stocks since 2019.

Dear Reader,

I debated waiting to send this email until after the holidays – but frankly, you can't afford to wait on this.

CNBC says more Americans are now bullish about the stock market. In fact, we haven't seen this many people excited about stocks since 2019.

That's the good news...

But as our good friends Joel Litman and Pete Carmasino just revealed on-camera... when you dig into certain companies' balance sheets and uncover the TRUTH...

It becomes clear that's NOT the full picture.

You see, some companies are poised to boom in 2025 (and some could go bust) – making the stocks you choose this year more important than ever.

But that's not all...

We're also heading into a critical investing window in the next 3 weeks...

One with a track record you need to see to believe (it goes back over the last century, like clockwork).

During this time, there's ONE very special group of stocks Joel and Pete have their eye on.

They say these stocks are the reason Wall Street's wealthy elite became that way in the first place... and that folks who own even one of them could watch them soar 3x to 5x, starting in the new year.

Now, Pete and Joel are sharing everything they know about these stocks... how to find them... and why you need to move your money before January 20.

They explain everything here, including the impact these stocks could have on your wealth over the next few years (and why you MUST take action in the next 3 weeks).


Brett Aitken
Publisher, Stansberry Research


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