Discover a forgotten 162 year-old secret capable of delivering 25,733%... 31,657%... and 19,575% gains from today's MOBILE MEDIA GOLD RUSH! It's why we just spent considerable resources, and leveraged our access to some of the most powerful players in Silicon Valley -- to zero in on the 3 little- known companies Apple can't live without... - Not-yet-public companies like Facebook and Twitter will also rely on these critical "pack mule" businesses in the months and years ahead
- Google's acquisition of Motorola Mobility in August signals "the first shot of the war"... and the little company revealed ahead could be the next headline acquisition
- These 3 little-known stocks provide you bedrock value and historic upside access to the exploding mobile media bonanza
To make sure you understand the scale of this opportunity and can make an informed decision, let me tell you the story of Vancouver Joe Brooks. Wednesday September 7, 2011 Fool HQ, Alexandria, VA Dear Fellow Investor, Let's go all the way back to the summer of 1897... Joe was a tough and boisterous man. He arrived in Skagway, Alaska on one of the first boats. He pushed his team of 17 mules into the water and swam ashore with them. Joe then made a fateful decision. One that would make him one of the richest men of the era. He decided not to follow the tens of thousands of prospectors into the gold fields. Opting instead to charge them to transport their goods around the Alaskan peninsula. Soon, his mule team numbered over 300. And he was making as much as $5,000 a day! And routinely buying drinks for everyone at the bar. Levi Strauss made the very same decision. That's right. Blue jean maker, Levi Strauss... Back in the early 1850s, the California gold rush was in full swing. The 24-year-old German immigrant left New York for San Francisco with canvas to make and sell tents and wagon covers to the miners. Before long, he was making pants out of the sturdy fabric. And a century and a half later, Levis is one of the most recognizable brands in the world. This secret also built fortunes for individual investors during the personal computer revolution of the late 1980s and '90s... When everybody and their brother knew personal computers would make investors rich, right? So how would you have fared if you simply started "digging for gold", buying shares of the biggest, most recognizable computer makers of the day? I'm talking about "no brainers" like Compaq... Commodore... Packard Bell... and IBM... A few stocks did pretty well: IBM went from around $24 a share in 1990 to over $170 today... Others did OK for a while: Compaq was a great stock during the 1990s before slumping and being acquired by HP in 2002. Others didn't do so well: Commodore, maker of the world's best-selling desktop, went bankrupt in 1994... And Packard Bell, largest supplier of IBM-compatible PCs in the early 1990s, teased investors with plans to go public but was eventually acquired by NEC. Now let's back up. And instead suppose you were able to look behind the scenes. And zero in on the little-known infrastructure firms set to cash in, the "pack mule" and "blue jean" businesses. Companies like (all adjusted for stock splits): - American Power Conversion Corp. -- $0.12 a share in 1988... paid shareholders $31 a share in 2007 for a staggering 25,733% return!
- EMC -- a $0.07-a-share stock in January 1990... was worth as much as $99 by 2000... and is today a $47 billion company, earning investors 31,657%!
- Cisco – an $0.08 a share stock in spring 1990... has made investors over 19,575%!
(These may look like risky penny stocks. But keep in mind those early prices are adjusted for multiple splits. In fact, just ahead you'll discover why these kinds of investments often have much of the risk already squeezed out!) And the list goes on and on: Oracle went from $0.50 a share in 1990 to $41 by 2000, and is a $140 billion company as I write this... Microsoft, from $0.62 a share in 1990 to $58.37 10 years later... and is of course worth over $214 billion today... What do all these companies have in common? First, in 1990, not 1 investor in 5 could tell you what these companies did. They weren't talked about at parties. And these companies and their CEO's weren't on the covers of magazines... That's because these businesses provided the unglamorous equipment and services to keep PCs protected during power outages and voltage spikes (think pack mules)... They sold data storage, modems, and routers (think blue jeans)... Even the personal computer's operating system was a little-understood, underappreciated internal system in 1990. Yet these companies came together to form the backbone of the PC movement and the Internet. Here's another way of thinking about it. These were the behind-the-scenes businesses that massive customer-facing companies (the stocks that were talked about at parties) simply couldn't live without... And these little known stocks made fortunes for a handful of investors. I'm talking about investors who routinely reject conventional wisdom, and rarely bother with the same methods everybody else is using. Do you have what it takes to grow rich this way? I'm talking about stepping away from the crowd in pursuit of rare, and in some instances, life-changing investment returns: - Recognizing transformative technologies coming online as we speak LIKE CONSUMER GENOMICS that could allow children born in 2011 to have an average life expectancy of 100 years...
- Seeing breakthroughs that could safely extract the NATURAL GAS UNDER THE MARCELLUS SHALE -- enough to power every bus and truck in this country for a century...
- Understanding the MOBILE MEDIA REVOLUTION that's helping create democracies in the Middle East, and changing the entertainment and communication landscape...
And most important, investing in these momentous shifts in an intelligent and highly informed manner with all the resources of The Motley Fool behind you. If so, I'm looking forward to introducing you to someone I feel very fortunate to know, especially in times like these! He's a legendary "rule breaking" investor who has directed members of our group to fully documented gains of 1,069%... 1,157%... 1,456%... 1,481%... and 1,794% -- all in the last nine years. Let me introduce you to David Gardner... Maybe you recall David getting a lot of attention in the financial press back in the 1990s for recommending shortly after its initial public offering... David Gardner, the original information-age bull on America, has directed his readers to huge gains on Netflix (up over 1,481%), Priceline (up 1,794%), and (up 6,491%), to name just a few. | If you bought... and held... shares of until today, with shares trading above $200 -- you'd be up over 6,300%. That's a "64-bagger" in less than a decade and a half... Which is to say, you would've made 64 times your original investment! Not bad, right? Here's the sweet spot in all this going forward: David recognizes we're experiencing another tech boom. Yet this one is much stealthier than the bull market of the 1990's... That's because right now, behind the scenes, American companies are quietly stacking up piles of cash, improving their margins, and innovating like never before in history. And the potential for individual investor profits is staggering! It's the reason for this email today. It's also why we just went to considerable expense to create three hot-off-the-press special FREE reports that position you to cash in during the months and years ahead. Beginning with the opportunity to get rich from what could be the world's first trillion-dollar company. I'm talking about Apple, of course. And it's a superb investment (just like IBM was in 1990)... Did you know Apple gadgets control 80% of mobile video? It's true! iPads are already 7% of the global PC market... Smartphones are now a two-horse race, Apple vs. Android... Of course Apple became the stuff of legend years ago. And it continues to dazzle. There's never been a large company growing at the rate Apple is growing. Not Exxon. Not Wal-Mart. And not Microsoft or Cisco... You'll do pretty well with shares of Apple, no question. But the SERIOUS MONEY will be made by the investors who understand the behind-the-scenes players... the companies Apple can't live without... the companies that are right now forming the backbone of the global mobile media revolution. I'm talking about the NEXT Microsoft... and the NEXT Cisco! If this sounds like something you might be interested in, please allow me a proper introduction. My name is Mark Brooks. I'm the publisher of The Motley Fool's flagship newsletter service, Motley Fool Stock Advisor. This is the now legendary investment advisory service that features the personal stock recommendations of Motley Fool Co-founders David and Tom Gardner... You may recognize David and his brother, Tom, as the two maverick brothers who flipped the Wall Street establishment upside down in the early 1990s. By putting on jester caps and speaking out against conflicted financial services... shady corporate accounting... and any and everything that tilted the playing field against individual investors like us. In fact, a former chairman of Merrill Lynch once described the Gardner brothers as "thoroughly dangerous"... Because they were behind the simple notion that nobody is better suited to manage your money than you are! And you know what? Over the past nine years, while the S&P 500 has barely returned anything at all, both David and Tom's recommendations have soared: David's AVERAGE recommendation is up 106%... and Tom's is up over 51%... all while the S&P 500 is up a paltry 9% for the same period. - Quality Systems, one of the market's top 10 performing stocks of the last decade, UP 1,584% since Tom recommended it...
- Marvel Entertainment JUMPED 1,456% after David's recommendation, and the company has since been bought out by Disney...
- Amazon shares have SKYROCKETED, handing members of our group profits of more than 1,069%... Netflix stock UP 1,481% since David recommended buying shares in 2004... Priceline shares have made Stock Advisor members over 1,794%...
But I didn't email you to chirp about our past. Instead, I'm getting in touch to lay bare the details of our brand-new report, "Apple's Core: The 3 Little-Known Companies Apple Can't Live Without"... Apple Core #1: A "pack mule" business that produces the essential component used to make lithium ion batteries for smartphones, iPads, and laptops... It's essential to mobile devices because lithium is the lightest metal on earth. And can store three times the energy of most other competing materials... And Apple can't live without it. Plain and simple. In fact, according to Eric Doyle at eWeek, Apple's "dependence on these compact power cells for its MacBooks, iPad, iPod and iPhone means that it has to guarantee its supply lines in the face of increasing competition from other manufacturers." "Greedy Apple has charged out to buy up lithium-ion polymer batteries, leaving its rivals hungry for power" -- eWeek, June 27, 2011 | Here's the upshot here: The little known company featured in the report I want to send you has pricing power and influence over lithium that's been described as similar to the power OPEC has over oil production. Holy cow! Yet, you might be thinking this is a massive company, right? With millions of shares trading hands each day. But it's not. It's a thinly traded stock. And I doubt no more than one investor in 100 has heard of it. Earnings are projected to jump around 40% this year. Thanks to soaring global demand for the lithium ion batteries powering mobile devices from Indiana to Egypt. Take a look... The New York Times reports, "Demand for Lithium is Poised to Take Off'... Credit Suisse, in a recent report, predicts a 10.3 percent annual growth in demand for lithium until 2020. "You could probably go further out than that and see similar growth rates," John P. McNulty, a co-author of the Credit Suisse report, said. "It's going to be a big industry." And here's the great news in this for YOU: David projects this company can maintain outstanding revenue growth and margins for a long, LONG time. Meaning, if you decide to scoop up shares today, you could position yourself for a decades-long string of profits -- just like those early "pack mule" businesses of the 1990s! So you're probably wondering just how David uncovers investments like these... David discovered long ago that in order to find companies that will deliver truly life-changing investment returns, you have to break the rules and go against much of what passes for "wisdom" on Wall Street. Here's an example... David recommended shares of Marvel Entertainment (later acquired by Disney) to Stock Advisor members at a time when analysts, investors, and even Marvel's competitors simply didn't understand the potential for a company that owned thousands of comic book characters and stories... The investing masses couldn't see Marvel was moving into position to rake in unexpected and large sums of cash by licensing its characters. First on the big screen with blockbusters like Spider-Man... The Hulk... X-Men... Fantastic Four... and Iron Man... And then the recurring revenue from DVDs, video games, cable television licensing, action figures, games, costumes -- the list goes on and on. David Gardner again caught onto the blockbuster potential way ahead of the masses. And those who followed David's first Marvel recommendation are up over 1,400%. In other words, if you invested $10,000 back in the summer of 2002 -- you'd be sitting on more than $150,000 right now! And this isn't get-rich-quick hyperbole. Our members really do make these kinds of gains! Just take a look at the box on the right. Apple Core #2: The little-known company with a massive intellectual property footprint across the mobile communications sector... This company doesn't make cellular handsets. It doesn't provide telecommunications services. It doesn't create the software that controls all the features you see on the latest generation mobile devices... Instead, the company featured in the exclusive report I want to send you develops and patents the technology on which more than a billion cellular phones, PDAs, and other mobile devices rely... It's focusing on solving the problem of an impending bandwidth crunch as the world migrates to wireless communications. And the technology behind their vision of a "network of networks" is breathtaking. Right now, as we speak, Apple, Google and Microsoft (three tech giants with, combined over $140 billion in cash on their balance sheets) are fighting to LOCK UP these technologies for themselves... That's why on August 15th, Google acquired Motorola Mobility. And Motorola Mobility's shareholders saw their shares surge over 60% from the deal! And we think Apple Core #2 could be the next headline making acquisition -- and it could be announced at any moment! At the heart of this is an intellectual property play. The kind that has made fortunes for Stock Advisor members in the recent past. Like when David recommended shares of Marvel LONG before Disney came along and acquired the company. (That's David for you -- consistently ahead of the pack!) So while David is a legendary growth investor always on the lookout for the next big thing, his brother, Tom, relies on more traditional analysis. Tom puts pencil to paper and zeroes in on overlooked assets. And even finds hidden liabilities the companies themselves often don't recognize. Here's another distinct advantage of investing with David and Tom Gardner in your corner: they routinely talk to some of the most informed and powerful people in the world of business, finance and technology... Like Jeff Bezos, CEO of FedEx CEO Fred Smith... Netflix CEO Reed Hastings... Vanguard founder John Bogle... former eBay CEO Meg Whitman... Wharton finance professor Jeremy Siegel... Whole Foods CEO John Mackey... Nobel Prize-winning economist Vernon Smith... Electronic Arts CEO John Riccitiello... and the list goes on and on... And they use this insight and access to ferret out the most profitable investments for individual investors like you and me! We're talking stocks like the 3 featured in this hot-off-the-press FREE report: Apple Core #3: One American printed circuit board maker has a unique and cozy business relationship with Apple... hardly anyone recognizes this dynamic... but soon you will, and you'll be positioned to cash in! Here's the scoop: printed circuit boards are used in nearly every electronic device. They provide the base to support and connect other higher-tech electronic components so our gadgets can whiz, whirl, flash, and tweet. For the most part, these circuit boards are cheap and commoditized. But this little California firm has carved out a niche by providing slightly more specialized circuit boards for iPhones, iPads, and computer networking equipment... This company's end markets are projected to grow well over 10% a year through 2014. And recently demand has been so strong this company is looking to add to its already announced facility expansion... In other words, there's never been a better time for you to get invested in this "blue jean" –type fortune maker. And the best way I know to get you started is to send you the LIMITED-RUN SPECIAL REPORT with all the specifics... Why is this a limited opportunity? Well, out of respect for our paying members... many of whom may continue to increase their positions in these three stocks in the coming weeks and months... we're committed to not overexposing these still little-known opportunities in the short term. That's why this special bundle is only available to the first 10,000 responders. So if you're interested, or think you might be interested, I urge you not to delay! "Apple's Core: 3 Little-Known Companies Apple Can't Live Without" -- YOURS FREE! During the gold rushes, first in California then in Alaska, average prospectors didn't make much. However, entrepreneurs who sold straightforward goods and services built incredible fortunes... And later, the same thing happened for investors with the vision to understand the real opportunity in the PC revolution... Think about it this way. Those investors didn't need to be right about who would prevail, IBM or Apple... Commodore or Packard Bell... to grow rich as PCs began to make their way into homes, then connect to the Internet and evolve. Just as you don't need to be right about who will win the iPhone vs. Android war. Or the coming Google+ vs. Facebook showdown. All you need to do is look behind the scenes and understand which little businesses the major players won't be able to live without during the global mobile media gold rush of the months and years ahead... That's why we've just gone to considerable lengths to create this special report that gives you all the details. Including the ticker symbols, buy-under prices, how much you can expect to make, and much, much more --- AND IT'S FREE IF YOU CHOOSE! And that's just the beginning... We also want to send you... "David Gardner's #1 Stock for the Coming 'No Choice' Fuel Revolution" -- According to experts, just moving the country's big trucks to natural gas will cut our OPEC imports in half -- a huge first step toward energy independence... And this tectonic shift is already underway! Beginning with this little company's fuel injectors being retrofitted onto long-haul truck engines to create diesel and natural gas hybrids... Hundreds of orders are also pouring in for new engines that run on only natural gas, up from a few dozen last year. There are mobile natural gas refueling stations being deployed... The Nat Gas Act in front of Congress as we speak could incentivize gas stations on trucking routes to add more and more natural gas fuel pumps... Unlocking the economic potential of the huge amounts of natural gas we've recently discovered here in North America... lowering fuel prices for long-haul trucking, meaning lower downstream consumer prices. Which is the hallmark of the best innovations! This sort of investing scenario really gets to the core of David Gardner's unique stock-picking genius. He was one of the first investors on the planet to recognize America's shift toward an information-based economy... an economy where companies like Amazon, Apple, Netflix, and Marvel go up like moonshots. And generate considerable investment wealth for those with the right kind of vision, the right kind of network, and information... That's why we're offering this SPECIAL BUNDLE to only the first 10,000 folks who respond. So how long will it be available? There's no way to be sure. I can only direct your attention to a similar offer we made back in April of last year when 35,000 investors responded IN A SINGLE DAY. I realize this constraint can lead to a hasty decision or, worse, a missed opportunity. That's why I'd like to highlight the Motley Fool policy that guarantees this is a win-win for you and makes these reports FREE if you choose. Your special "keep everything" & "risk nothing" GUARANTEE Because we stand behind every piece of advice, insight, and recommendation you'll get from David and Tom Gardner, I'd like to offer you the opportunity to position yourself to make a pile of money and soak up all the recommendations that Motley Fool Stock Advisor has to offer -- WITHOUT ANY RISK WHATSOEVER. Here's how it'll work... You can tell me to send your money back, up to the last day of your first month. And I'll give you a FULL REFUND -- NO QUESTIONS ASKED. Yet... the full details of "3 Little-Known Companies Apple Can't Live Without" and "David Gardner's #1 Stock for the Coming 'No Choice' Fuel Revolution"... plus all the content you can access on the Stock Advisor members-only website: all the reports... all the recommendations of the past issues... all the articles full of proven investing lessons... plus a fast-action bonus detailed below (valued at $99) -- are ALL YOURS TO KEEP WITH MY COMPLIMENTS. And if you decide you'd like out at any point after your first month, I'll gladly send you the full dollar value of the remainder of your membership term. Of course, this kind of guarantee makes it possible to snap up everything we have to offer and pay nothing... That's OK. Because that's how confident I am in what we have to offer you! Now I'd like you to do something for me. And I'm pretty sure you're going to like this, too... Simply subscribe to Motley Fool Stock Advisor for a full year. Normally the rate is $199. But when you join through this special limited-time email invitation, you can knock $150 OFF the top! And pay just $49! Here's how we'll begin: You're provided all of David and Tom's easy-to-follow research. They run the numbers and give you detailed analysis of their top recommendations. We make all the hard decisions, naturally, so you don't have to. We track our results straight up against the S&P 500 -- right there on the scorecard. You can see everything we've EVER done, and what we're doing in every monthly issue or anytime on our members-only website... And remember the Motley Fool guarantee I just mentioned? Well, not only does it make it possible for you to snatch up our limited-run report for FREE... you can also download and print out David's and Tom's recommendation scorecards. Including their up-to-the-minute "best buys" and "core stocks." You can compare these to your current portfolio in case you're interested in seeing where you might have the same view of a stock as David or Tom. Or use it as a quick portfolio checkup. And again, it's FREE if you choose. Simply ask for your money back inside of 30 days. And we'll happily refund every cent. That's how confident we are in all of this... Look at everything your Stock Advisor membership includes: - Monthly issues: featuring our Top Picks of the Month; updates on past recommendations; in-depth interviews with power players from the world of finance and some of the top CEOs in the world; a clear discussion on the most important elements of successful investing in the "Fools Tools" segment; and plenty of competitive jousting in the Dueling Fools column -- two brothers... one venture capitalist -style investor, one dealmaker -type investor... locking horns and providing you uniquely profitable advice!
- Between-issue updates and alerts via email keep you abreast of changes in our advice and keep you squarely on track to build real and lasting wealth! At Stock Advisor, we leave nothing to chance...
- 24/7 website access for members only: You can read the current newsletter issue as soon as we write it; research back issues; browse our ongoing question & answer section -- anytime you want! Plus, access special reports, interviews, past picks, and latest performance data in the full catalog of Motley Fool Stock Advisor issues...
- Online discussion boards for members only, with access to the Stock Advisor team of experts...
After all, Motley Fool Stock Advisor is a lot like an investment university. It's an active community of smart investors. You can join David and Tom -- and your fellow members -- online in spirited discussions. Or you can sit back and simply follow the recommendations... The important thing is you'll be getting fully vetted growth stocks with rare and historic profit potential from two of the best stock-pickers on the planet. And you can get started profiting RIGHT AWAY with the "Apple's Core" stocks we've been talking about today... Plus, get these valuable bonus reports FREE: | 6 Danger Signs You Can Check in 15 Minutes -- (a $29 value -- YOURS FREE!) David and Tom show you the red flags you need to look out for. These easy-to-spot, often-overlooked factors can give you a window into the inner workings -- even the character -- of a company's leadership.
These quick and easy checks will help you sniff out "creative accounting," fictitious revenue, and other ways companies can seek to deceive their stockholders. These shortcuts will help you cut through balance-sheet chicanery like a laser. | | How to Know When to Sell -- (a $29 value -- YOURS FREE!) Far too many brokers and investment newsletters tell you to buy but never say a word about selling. But successful investing also includes knowing when to sell.
With these easy-to-use tips, you'll make decisions based on solid valuations rather than emotions or news of the day. You'll know when to take profits, how to balance your portfolio, when to trim the dogs, and when to trade in your lower-performing stocks to pursue greater opportunities. | | Investing the Stock Advisor Way -- (a $29 value -- YOURS FREE!) Discover the simple and straightforward tools David and Tom use to ferret out winners like Marvel Entertainment, later acquired by Disney (up 1,819%)... Activision Blizzard (up 513%)... and Quality Systems (up over 1,584%) to name just a few.
Inside this special report, we'll reveal our seven most important investment principles... and much more. Simply accept this Motley Fool Stock Advisor offer -- at no risk, of course -- and we'll send you all these reports to help you get started! | PLUS, we'll send you one of the most valuable special reports we've ever put together here at The Motley Fool -- ABSOLUTELY FREE... Getting in on the Ground Floor: 10 IPOs You'll Regret Missing Out On -- a $99 value -- yours absolutely FREEWith companies like Pandora, Groupon, and Facebook hitting the stock market, you might be thinking of buying some shares... But for every IPO that grabs the headlines -- and along with it, a frothy valuation -- there are countless others than emerge relatively unnoticed... signaling opportunity for savvy investors. Here at The Motley Fool we understand that, while IPOs can be lucrative, it's important for investors to find the right IPOs to invest in. That's why our top equity analysts just spent a great deal of time and resources writing our newest research report... Introducing Getting in on the Ground Floor: 10 IPOs You'll Regret Missing Out On... Featuring newly public (or soon-to-be public) companies poised to outperform the market over the long term. Take a look: - A Latin American fast-food chain growing like wildfire. Executives believe it can expand to over 35,000 restaurants from just 1,755 today. (See page 2.)
- A cutting-edge biotech transforming plant sugars into oil. It's already generating sales from its products, and has deals with industry giants Chevron and Dow Chemical. (See page 14.)
- An "early mover" in a niche market worth over $85 billion. The industry is fragmented and inefficient, but this emerging leader is on track to become the dominant player with 73% renewal rates and seed capital from Google. (See page 24.)
You'll discover these three companies, plus seven more powerful IPO opportunities, the instant you download your FREE copy of Getting in on the Ground Floor: 10 IPOs You'll Regret Missing Out On. This report, jam-packed with the absolute best opportunities to profit from recent (and forthcoming) IPOs carries a $99 value. But as a bonus for new members, this report can be yours completely free. Don't delay! Get your copy of Getting in on the Ground Floor: 10 IPOs You'll Regret Missing Out On right now -- ABSOLUTELY FREE! | As with any truly remarkable offer -- this package is available only for a limited time... until late summer 2011 OR we reach our 10,000 limit, whichever comes first. And because of the precedent we set back in April of 2010, when 35,000 folks took us up on an offer similar to this one IN A SINGLE DAY... I can only guarantee you copies of "Apple's Core: 3 Little-Known Companies Apple Can't Live Without" and the 5 additional FREE REPORTS, plus your FREE copy of Getting in on the Ground Floor: 10 IPOs You'll Regret Missing Out On -- if you join us right now AND you join through this email. Most important, I urge you to click the "START NOW" button to properly position yourself for potential windfall gains from one of the most discernable trend investments in modern history. Act now! Sincerely, Mark Brooks Executive Publisher, Motley Fool Stock Advisor P.S. You're covered by our special "keep everything" and "risk nothing" GUARANTEE. Your "Apple's Core: 3 Little-Known Companies Apple Can't Live Without " and "David Gardner's #1 Stock for the Coming 'No Choice' Fuel Revolution" reports... plus 5 more FREE reports (more than a $240 value)... are all yours to keep no matter how long you're with us. But just one final word of warning: Once the 10,000 "Apple's Core" reports are gone, they're gone. And remember, this is to deliver on our commitment to investors like you! P.P.S. We'd also like to send you ONE MORE special FREE report, "David Gardner's #1 Consumer Genomics Stock for 2011 and Beyond" -- consider it a gift for taking fast action and understanding the historic opportunity of this market! All official scorecard returns as of August 19, 2011. Unless otherwise noted, all other numbers as of August 9, 2011. |
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