

Bedbugs In Court.. Distracted Driving.. Frat Boys' Good Deeds

January 11, 2013

Bedbugs have been discovered in the provincial courthouse at 222 Main Street on Vancouver's Downtown Eastside, and those who work at the courthouse say the cleaning procedures may be to blame.

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Teens Charged In 'Disturbing' Sex Assault

Distracted Driver Hits Senior

WATCH: UBC Frat Boys' Good Deeds

What We Can Learn From Waldorf Hotel Affair?
Losing the Waldorf Hotel is a big setback for Vancouver's arts, music and culture scene, and many people are rightly disappointed about this. But it is just the latest of a long list of coveted cultural venues to wither away, and it will certainly not be the city's last. Continue reading...
B.C. Independent Officers Should Never Be Re-Appointed
B.C. taxpayers should be grateful to John Doyle for his persistent, hard-nosed work over the past six years. And perhaps six years is too short of a term, but renewal should not be an option. Now it's time for another watchdog to come in and give issues fresh eyes and a fresh voice, just as Doyle built on the work of previous auditors general. Continue reading...
Idle No More: First Nations Governance Coded To Fail
The Deloitte & Touche audit of Attawapiskat is a textbook outcome of the fatal weakness in Canada's current model of First Nations governance, which is coded to fail. There could be hundreds of Attawapiskats.
Does anyone know what the average First Nations chief's level of training and management experience is? Or the average training and experience of band councillors? How many building inspectors live within 50 miles of Attawapiskat? How about CAs, CGAs or project managers capable of supervising and maintaining records on multiple construction sites? Continue reading...
B.C. Fiscal Tsunami Comes From Creative Accounting
B.C.'s budgets are chalk full of household terms like "Notional Allocations to Contingencies." What they are not is an exercise in clarity or brevity. The B.C. government's 2012 budget came in at a mind-numbing 64,000 words — or one-third the length of the Old Testament. Continue reading...
B.C. Wolf Management Plan Scapegoats Carnivores
Despite rhetoric about conservation, the main thrust of B.C.'s wolf management plan is clearly killing predators with the goal of reducing predator impacts on huntable species like moose, elk and deer, plus contributing to a presumed reduction in livestock conflicts on public lands. Any rational review of the impact of wolves on B.C.'s hunting opportunities, as well as livestock industry, would demonstrate that there is no "problem" in need of solving. Rationality, however, long ago ceased to be the currency of wildlife management policy in B.C. Continue reading...

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